T-shirt sale


West Richfield Street Turkeys 19647.2 0 6.08 5.20 7296 1909 392 47 395 992 63 128 37 1505.1 124 51 1584 1291 469 75 188
What About Bob? 18922.1 41.2 5.86 5.12 7338 1960 386 42 344 819 109 281 60 1473.0 111 44 1670 1315 497 69 188
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 18377.5 12.2 5.49 5.18 7405 1944 384 29 333 747 64 159 21 1508.1 85 64 1546 1309 435 59 182
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 17063.2 11.9 5.12 4.76 7277 1876 367 26 283 764 109 150 38 1506.0 73 63 1579 1340 549 67 197
The Cruz Missiles 16891.3 40.1 5.36 4.40 7359 1939 387 35 316 683 87 158 47 1504.1 42 54 1548 1420 593 75 190
Coliseum Commuters 16647.8 57.6 4.94 4.96 7080 1765 349 27 289 632 119 135 25 1516.0 84 80 1552 1354 461 55 201
All Arraez 16464.5 16 5.14 4.93 6555 1731 320 26 235 715 120 106 22 1500.2 58 59 1511 1416 447 56 168
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 16105.6 113.8 4.99 4.89 6849 1748 351 35 235 666 64 233 46 1479.2 45 44 1609 1295 522 62 180
Wacha Me Win ツ 15866.1 44.7 4.80 4.92 6493 1636 347 23 259 683 85 99 32 1467.2 48 84 1578 1315 522 61 179
Sultans of Statcast 15498.4 48.2 4.79 4.89 6794 1708 358 20 276 682 96 144 27 1320.0 93 54 1381 1158 421 75 184
Sale's Throwbacks 15451.0 9.7 4.68 4.33 7102 1772 362 34 267 663 74 144 46 1506.0 53 69 1424 1403 535 59 210
Murphy's Law 14580.2 103.4 4.49 4.80 6558 1645 328 35 210 579 82 124 29 1389.1 46 51 1440 1271 459 61 168

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
West Richfield Street Turkeys 0.0 437.5 3,166.0
Sultans of Statcast 48.2 240.5 2,175.0
Murphy's Law 103.4 546.9 2,367.8
What About Bob? 41.2 442.1 2,942.7
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 12.2 107.4 2,436.7
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 11.9 611.4 2,468.4
Coliseum Commuters 57.6 494.4 2,419.0
Wacha Me Win ツ 44.7 413.2 2,450.0
The Cruz Missiles 40.1 234.9 2,255.1
All Arraez 16.0 183.5 1,820.6
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 113.8 729.7 3,315.8
Sale's Throwbacks 9.7 141.4 2,059.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
West Richfield Street Turkeys 162 163 162 162 162 162 810 162 1505.1
Sultans of Statcast 162 152 151 154 138 162 810 159 1320.0
Murphy's Law 162 141 140 134 147 157 735 146 1389.1
What About Bob? 162 162 162 162 162 162 809 161 1473.0
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 162 162 158 162 162 162 796 159 1508.1
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 162 162 162 163 162 161 800 162 1506.0
Coliseum Commuters 162 160 150 160 142 157 766 152 1516.0
Wacha Me Win ツ 162 149 162 152 133 155 742 146 1467.2
The Cruz Missiles 162 160 162 162 162 162 785 162 1504.1
All Arraez 162 162 146 150 138 145 713 148 1500.2
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 106 159 130 146 145 148 789 156 1479.2
Sale's Throwbacks 148 145 159 162 160 162 809 162 1506.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
West Richfield Street Turkeys Lineups 163 164 163 163 163 163 815 163 1514.2
Sultans of Statcast Lineups 163 153 152 155 139 163 815 160 1328.0
Murphy's Law Lineups 163 142 141 135 148 158 740 147 1397.2
What About Bob? Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 814 162 1482.0
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat Lineups 163 163 159 163 163 163 801 160 1517.2
The 2025 Chicago White Sox Lineups 163 163 163 164 163 162 805 163 1515.1
Coliseum Commuters Lineups 163 161 151 161 143 158 771 153 1525.1
Wacha Me Win ツ Lineups 163 150 163 153 134 156 747 147 1476.2
The Cruz Missiles Lineups 163 161 163 163 163 163 790 163 1513.2
All Arraez Lineups 163 163 147 151 139 146 717 149 1509.2
A Holliday Christmas Carroll Lineups 107 160 131 147 146 149 794 157 1488.2
Sale's Throwbacks Lineups 149 146 160 163 161 163 814 163 1515.1

  • West Richfield Street Turkeys
  • Sultans of Statcast
  • Murphy's Law
  • What About Bob?
  • Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat
  • The 2025 Chicago White Sox
  • Coliseum Commuters
  • Wacha Me Win ツ
  • The Cruz Missiles
  • All Arraez
  • A Holliday Christmas Carroll
  • Sale's Throwbacks


  • West Richfield Street Turkeys
  • Sultans of Statcast
  • Murphy's Law
  • What About Bob?
  • Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat
  • The 2025 Chicago White Sox
  • Coliseum Commuters
  • Wacha Me Win ツ
  • The Cruz Missiles
  • All Arraez
  • A Holliday Christmas Carroll
  • Sale's Throwbacks
