T-shirt sale


West Richfield Street Turkeys 18873.6 51.3 5.65 5.57 7289 1905 379 31 348 916 69 129 46 1415.0 76 72 1497 1171 448 61 137
What About Bob? 18535.7 20 5.13 5.75 7339 1874 400 32 286 808 87 107 52 1497.0 82 64 1641 1207 459 77 136
Coliseum Commuters 17762.0 -13.4 4.70 5.87 7073 1760 366 28 256 662 124 93 39 1520.1 120 69 1703 1268 401 79 152
The Cruz Missiles 17394.1 91 5.12 5.07 7374 1928 438 27 295 620 89 142 42 1479.1 42 83 1498 1298 488 57 161
All Arraez 16589.4 91.9 4.84 5.13 6557 1744 355 25 220 666 97 83 28 1515.2 64 52 1449 1396 375 41 162
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 16220.7 20.8 4.93 4.66 7094 1831 392 28 256 660 91 102 39 1505.0 61 44 1455 1346 498 63 189
Wacha Me Win ツ 16199.1 36.8 4.54 5.08 6815 1661 339 20 250 748 97 43 18 1516.0 65 55 1527 1303 423 62 185
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 16015.2 -0.8 4.67 5.23 6496 1627 357 30 227 623 62 111 22 1503.1 37 53 1605 1187 466 88 173
Sultans of Statcast 15354.6 47.1 4.32 4.83 6810 1698 362 31 214 623 71 98 24 1494.0 31 65 1544 1353 505 44 177
Sale's Throwbacks 15062.1 91.1 4.27 4.69 6843 1654 341 25 243 593 110 107 34 1494.0 62 66 1257 1354 477 55 164
Murphy's Law 14379.2 54.3 4.32 5.20 6443 1580 315 39 190 611 91 135 32 1302.2 45 93 1353 1089 404 67 156
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 11210.4 68.7 4.59 5.19 5234 1349 275 23 171 454 73 76 22 903.1 70 41 984 829 300 35 107

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
West Richfield Street Turkeys 51.3 801.3 3,173.8
Sultans of Statcast 47.1 479.9 1,803.0
Murphy's Law 54.3 383.2 2,096.6
What About Bob? 20.0 724.1 3,114.8
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 68.7 305.4 1,376.4
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 20.8 137.7 2,195.8
Coliseum Commuters 13.4 532.6 3,010.5
Wacha Me Win ツ 36.8 613.7 2,417.8
The Cruz Missiles 91.0 487.7 2,771.0
All Arraez 91.9 428.1 2,086.6
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 0.8 454.5 2,451.0
Sale's Throwbacks 91.1 461.6 1,802.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
West Richfield Street Turkeys 162 162 162 162 162 162 812 162 1415.0
Sultans of Statcast 162 161 161 149 156 160 787 146 1494.0
Murphy's Law 161 143 139 162 149 153 713 141 1302.2
What About Bob? 162 162 162 160 162 155 810 162 1497.0
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 47 153 113 153 98 156 566 134 903.1
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 162 162 144 162 160 157 760 161 1505.0
Coliseum Commuters 160 162 156 157 156 150 784 156 1520.1
Wacha Me Win ツ 162 161 153 162 158 158 767 153 1516.0
The Cruz Missiles 162 162 155 162 161 161 807 162 1479.1
All Arraez 162 162 156 139 150 144 754 155 1515.2
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 162 152 147 154 149 155 681 146 1503.1
Sale's Throwbacks 144 142 160 162 162 161 791 162 1494.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
West Richfield Street Turkeys Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 817 163 1424.1
Sultans of Statcast Lineups 163 162 162 150 157 161 792 147 1503.2
Murphy's Law Lineups 162 144 140 163 150 154 718 142 1311.0
What About Bob? Lineups 163 163 163 161 163 156 815 163 1506.2
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat Lineups 47 154 114 154 99 157 570 135 909.0
The 2025 Chicago White Sox Lineups 163 163 145 163 161 158 765 162 1514.2
Coliseum Commuters Lineups 161 163 157 158 157 151 789 157 1530.1
Wacha Me Win ツ Lineups 163 162 154 163 159 159 772 154 1526.0
The Cruz Missiles Lineups 163 163 156 163 162 162 812 163 1489.0
All Arraez Lineups 163 163 157 140 151 145 759 156 1525.2
A Holliday Christmas Carroll Lineups 163 153 148 155 150 156 686 147 1513.0
Sale's Throwbacks Lineups 145 143 161 163 163 162 796 163 1503.2

  • West Richfield Street Turkeys
  • Sultans of Statcast
  • Murphy's Law
  • What About Bob?
  • Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat
  • The 2025 Chicago White Sox
  • Coliseum Commuters
  • Wacha Me Win ツ
  • The Cruz Missiles
  • All Arraez
  • A Holliday Christmas Carroll
  • Sale's Throwbacks


  • West Richfield Street Turkeys
  • Sultans of Statcast
  • Murphy's Law
  • What About Bob?
  • Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat
  • The 2025 Chicago White Sox
  • Coliseum Commuters
  • Wacha Me Win ツ
  • The Cruz Missiles
  • All Arraez
  • A Holliday Christmas Carroll
  • Sale's Throwbacks
