T-shirt sale


The Cruz Missiles 20074.9 -2.6 6.19 5.33 7314 1998 401 27 437 798 76 117 36 1506.1 121 23 1720 1305 441 54 193
What About Bob? 19579.8 122 6.38 4.82 7553 2103 445 49 375 894 67 151 43 1495.0 69 68 1702 1284 543 54 223
Wacha Me Win ツ 18981.9 154.6 5.68 5.26 7472 2016 393 40 359 674 122 73 24 1515.0 59 70 1709 1325 411 55 195
West Richfield Street Turkeys 18713.3 44.9 6.20 4.67 7157 1898 406 33 389 1021 94 125 30 1438.1 110 49 1583 1278 449 71 240
Murphy's Law 16956.0 22.4 5.32 4.50 7179 1906 399 37 312 690 91 119 46 1492.2 58 57 1495 1427 514 65 194
All Arraez 16836.1 47.5 5.19 4.96 6347 1622 343 18 303 805 85 42 16 1502.2 29 63 1630 1292 460 55 197
Sale's Throwbacks 16700.2 12.1 5.40 4.38 7374 1962 415 46 313 653 117 124 50 1431.0 59 78 1494 1291 510 61 231
Coliseum Commuters 16368.2 57.1 5.15 4.74 6913 1757 352 42 323 618 99 148 47 1445.1 93 77 1539 1357 470 56 211
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 15481.1 92 5.38 4.81 6340 1735 343 36 299 605 54 97 39 1255.1 93 46 1363 1205 419 47 170
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 14977.3 117.5 5.52 4.78 5994 1598 336 29 290 696 88 87 20 1190.2 44 70 1318 1047 403 60 174
Sultans of Statcast 14516.4 41.1 5.44 4.47 5896 1553 318 22 305 671 75 75 21 1225.2 45 84 1272 1120 385 48 202
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 13006.7 33.1 4.97 4.36 6263 1671 353 35 264 530 44 85 34 1014.0 32 82 1000 974 341 41 154

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
West Richfield Street Turkeys 44.9 445.5 2,873.0
Sultans of Statcast 41.1 352.9 2,266.4
Murphy's Law 22.4 452.6 2,127.8
What About Bob? 122.0 641.6 3,326.3
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 117.5 600.2 2,708.5
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 92.0 578.1 2,460.9
Coliseum Commuters 57.1 489.2 2,434.6
Wacha Me Win ツ 154.6 683.6 3,164.3
The Cruz Missiles 2.6 132.1 2,534.8
All Arraez 47.5 350.8 2,171.3
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 33.1 252.8 1,953.3
Sale's Throwbacks 12.1 338.8 2,357.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
West Richfield Street Turkeys 162 162 162 161 161 162 810 155 1438.1
Sultans of Statcast 162 151 144 155 87 152 704 106 1225.2
Murphy's Law 162 162 162 162 162 159 794 162 1492.2
What About Bob? 161 162 162 160 162 162 807 162 1495.0
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 100 142 126 143 149 147 719 157 1190.2
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 158 160 149 154 125 158 717 135 1255.1
Coliseum Commuters 143 161 162 162 151 154 753 162 1445.1
Wacha Me Win ツ 162 162 162 162 162 162 807 162 1515.0
The Cruz Missiles 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1506.1
All Arraez 157 137 149 145 142 158 777 145 1502.2
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 137 160 149 125 158 152 712 134 1014.0
Sale's Throwbacks 162 159 161 162 162 161 802 162 1431.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
West Richfield Street Turkeys Lineups 163 163 163 162 162 163 815 156 1447.2
Sultans of Statcast Lineups 163 152 145 156 88 153 709 107 1233.2
Murphy's Law Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 160 799 163 1502.1
What About Bob? Lineups 162 163 163 161 163 163 812 163 1504.2
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat Lineups 101 143 127 144 150 148 724 158 1198.1
The 2025 Chicago White Sox Lineups 159 161 150 155 126 159 722 136 1263.1
Coliseum Commuters Lineups 144 162 163 163 152 155 758 163 1454.2
Wacha Me Win ツ Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 812 163 1525.0
The Cruz Missiles Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1516.0
All Arraez Lineups 158 138 150 146 143 159 782 146 1512.1
A Holliday Christmas Carroll Lineups 138 161 150 126 159 153 717 135 1020.2
Sale's Throwbacks Lineups 163 160 162 163 163 162 807 163 1440.1

  • West Richfield Street Turkeys
  • Sultans of Statcast
  • Murphy's Law
  • What About Bob?
  • Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat
  • The 2025 Chicago White Sox
  • Coliseum Commuters
  • Wacha Me Win ツ
  • The Cruz Missiles
  • All Arraez
  • A Holliday Christmas Carroll
  • Sale's Throwbacks


  • West Richfield Street Turkeys
  • Sultans of Statcast
  • Murphy's Law
  • What About Bob?
  • Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat
  • The 2025 Chicago White Sox
  • Coliseum Commuters
  • Wacha Me Win ツ
  • The Cruz Missiles
  • All Arraez
  • A Holliday Christmas Carroll
  • Sale's Throwbacks
