T-shirt sale


West Richfield Street Turkeys 19886.7 110.4 6.21 5.61 7195 1948 394 30 409 892 84 120 32 1418.0 103 55 1583 1163 423 74 157
Coliseum Commuters 18384.8 28.2 5.32 5.39 7325 1906 394 27 310 742 105 160 37 1501.0 137 26 1705 1210 489 62 197
Wacha Me Win ツ 18280.9 45.7 5.43 5.14 7286 1926 380 24 339 734 99 53 28 1525.2 72 82 1596 1281 478 41 199
Sultans of Statcast 17592.1 40.8 5.26 5.06 6952 1865 387 31 296 687 95 97 27 1495.1 48 73 1521 1287 456 45 181
What About Bob? 17106.3 68.2 5.53 4.65 7004 1834 397 30 315 828 87 135 43 1435.1 23 71 1502 1318 530 105 164
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 16693.7 34.3 5.22 4.62 6994 1865 349 16 287 701 90 110 41 1508.2 105 16 1542 1333 528 64 213
The Cruz Missiles 16633.0 64.5 5.12 4.71 6939 1799 328 26 301 706 81 109 31 1503.1 31 45 1642 1327 544 79 190
Sale's Throwbacks 15682.7 110.8 4.59 4.57 7005 1725 345 19 293 658 104 91 34 1489.1 66 75 1452 1332 464 52 223
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 15063.4 0.9 4.75 4.89 6711 1699 337 36 277 683 86 86 24 1241.0 51 59 1437 1092 412 67 179
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 14113.4 95 4.74 4.58 6161 1560 334 26 245 668 78 63 18 1268.2 7 18 1361 1117 375 46 182
Murphy's Law 14053.4 38.1 4.50 4.32 6175 1493 327 40 210 586 118 116 38 1501.0 19 84 1538 1368 514 61 231
All Arraez 13841.4 71.4 4.73 5.47 5168 1313 260 22 206 642 87 87 30 1202.0 77 66 1346 1051 400 48 129

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
West Richfield Street Turkeys 110.4 657.0 2,924.2
Sultans of Statcast 40.8 225.8 2,142.7
Murphy's Law 38.1 319.2 1,862.4
What About Bob? 68.2 635.0 2,918.3
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 0.9 219.2 1,646.9
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 34.3 335.3 2,197.0
Coliseum Commuters 28.2 466.8 2,925.0
Wacha Me Win ツ 45.7 723.6 3,342.7
The Cruz Missiles 64.5 264.0 2,374.2
All Arraez 71.4 331.4 1,956.8
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 95.0 543.2 2,812.8
Sale's Throwbacks 110.8 533.2 2,542.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
West Richfield Street Turkeys 162 162 162 155 156 162 803 160 1418.0
Sultans of Statcast 162 162 161 162 147 161 800 152 1495.1
Murphy's Law 162 139 145 157 128 150 682 116 1501.0
What About Bob? 153 161 158 145 152 158 802 157 1435.1
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat 162 153 162 162 162 160 778 153 1241.0
The 2025 Chicago White Sox 162 162 156 162 157 154 751 159 1508.2
Coliseum Commuters 162 157 162 158 162 162 810 162 1501.0
Wacha Me Win ツ 156 162 159 159 161 156 810 162 1525.2
The Cruz Missiles 162 162 162 162 162 162 732 161 1503.1
All Arraez 141 132 138 85 79 135 682 144 1202.0
A Holliday Christmas Carroll 84 162 146 126 138 155 779 162 1268.2
Sale's Throwbacks 161 161 157 162 161 162 808 162 1489.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
West Richfield Street Turkeys Lineups 163 163 163 156 157 163 808 161 1426.2
Sultans of Statcast Lineups 163 163 162 163 148 162 805 153 1504.1
Murphy's Law Lineups 163 140 146 158 129 151 686 117 1510.0
What About Bob? Lineups 154 162 159 146 153 159 807 158 1444.0
Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat Lineups 163 154 163 163 163 161 783 154 1248.2
The 2025 Chicago White Sox Lineups 163 163 157 163 158 155 756 160 1518.0
Coliseum Commuters Lineups 163 158 163 159 163 163 815 163 1510.0
Wacha Me Win ツ Lineups 157 163 160 160 162 157 815 163 1535.0
The Cruz Missiles Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 737 162 1512.2
All Arraez Lineups 142 133 139 86 79 136 686 145 1209.1
A Holliday Christmas Carroll Lineups 85 163 147 127 139 156 784 163 1276.1
Sale's Throwbacks Lineups 162 162 158 163 162 163 813 163 1498.1

  • West Richfield Street Turkeys
  • Sultans of Statcast
  • Murphy's Law
  • What About Bob?
  • Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat
  • The 2025 Chicago White Sox
  • Coliseum Commuters
  • Wacha Me Win ツ
  • The Cruz Missiles
  • All Arraez
  • A Holliday Christmas Carroll
  • Sale's Throwbacks


  • West Richfield Street Turkeys
  • Sultans of Statcast
  • Murphy's Law
  • What About Bob?
  • Señor Smoke’s Trench Coat
  • The 2025 Chicago White Sox
  • Coliseum Commuters
  • Wacha Me Win ツ
  • The Cruz Missiles
  • All Arraez
  • A Holliday Christmas Carroll
  • Sale's Throwbacks
