T-shirt sale


I Hate Prospects 18379.9 9.6 5.68 4.97 7341 1976 391 34 317 806 101 171 38 1491.2 83 69 1584 440 44 189
Hayden Sidd Finch 18086.8 64.7 5.51 5.01 7200 1923 392 43 303 722 107 224 48 1498.1 94 53 1626 431 64 187
Top of the Clase 17249.5 130.5 5.60 5.00 7171 1854 332 30 351 745 89 255 67 1362.0 125 60 1475 428 65 180
The Sniffing Accountants 16707.3 24.9 5.09 4.66 7251 1891 391 29 273 685 87 152 36 1500.2 64 87 1360 485 67 172
Providence Grays 16030.7 45.2 5.76 4.42 6799 1799 379 31 327 762 82 150 35 1287.1 4 35 1320 415 49 166
Meadows Blues 15519.0 11.2 5.06 4.57 6274 1613 345 20 230 731 85 112 21 1506.1 75 48 1485 462 67 200
Shipyard wreckers 15167.6 25.9 4.98 4.62 5985 1594 307 31 234 546 51 163 41 1509.1 77 40 1630 519 65 202
Taco Corp 15011.6 9.6 4.84 4.71 6935 1717 344 22 275 678 83 94 24 1322.0 86 48 1323 458 65 160
Being Me 14279.5 97.6 4.97 4.57 6454 1621 337 39 255 697 81 132 31 1216.2 57 52 1293 447 60 160
Born 2 B Bad 14041.8 18.6 4.50 5.03 6201 1528 308 21 202 591 59 96 38 1342.2 58 56 1469 447 42 150
I Found Nimmo 13112.9 54.9 5.10 4.12 6767 1773 334 43 260 651 115 177 32 909.1 10 41 931 342 44 132
Staggering Lack of Logic 12411.8 102.6 4.66 4.39 5909 1464 316 30 228 546 67 121 28 1116.2 70 30 1175 449 51 154

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Top of the Clase 130.5 713.1 2,594.8
Staggering Lack of Logic 102.6 452.9 2,011.8
Providence Grays 45.2 495.0 2,517.1
Being Me 97.6 381.9 2,110.7
Taco Corp 9.6 357.9 1,901.7
Born 2 B Bad 18.6 514.9 2,058.8
Hayden Sidd Finch 64.7 542.7 2,777.9
I Found Nimmo 54.9 368.6 1,919.4
Shipyard wreckers 25.9 215.1 1,243.9
The Sniffing Accountants 24.9 275.0 1,984.8
Meadows Blues 11.2 269.0 2,136.2
I Hate Prospects 9.6 522.5 3,374.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase 162 121 162 162 162 155 787 155 1362.0
Staggering Lack of Logic 162 161 128 105 131 137 635 154 1116.2
Providence Grays 162 157 143 155 153 139 749 139 1287.1
Being Me 162 137 151 158 151 149 683 162 1216.2
Taco Corp 162 162 155 156 162 159 708 149 1322.0
Born 2 B Bad 82 155 135 149 118 143 691 148 1342.2
Hayden Sidd Finch 162 160 157 161 161 158 804 156 1498.1
I Found Nimmo 156 146 152 151 153 140 784 153 909.1
Shipyard wreckers 162 158 111 142 115 156 674 126 1509.1
The Sniffing Accountants 162 152 153 155 154 162 807 162 1500.2
Meadows Blues 147 158 119 155 110 153 716 149 1506.1
I Hate Prospects 162 162 162 162 162 159 801 162 1491.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase Lineups 163 122 163 163 163 156 792 156 1370.1
Staggering Lack of Logic Lineups 163 162 129 106 132 138 639 155 1123.1
Providence Grays Lineups 163 158 144 156 154 140 754 140 1295.0
Being Me Lineups 163 138 152 159 152 150 687 163 1224.0
Taco Corp Lineups 163 163 156 157 163 160 712 150 1330.0
Born 2 B Bad Lineups 83 156 136 150 119 144 695 149 1351.0
Hayden Sidd Finch Lineups 163 161 158 162 162 159 809 157 1507.1
I Found Nimmo Lineups 157 147 153 152 154 141 789 154 914.2
Shipyard wreckers Lineups 163 159 112 143 116 157 678 127 1518.2
The Sniffing Accountants Lineups 163 153 154 156 155 163 812 163 1509.2
Meadows Blues Lineups 148 159 120 156 111 154 720 150 1515.2
I Hate Prospects Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 160 806 163 1500.2

  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects


  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects
