T-shirt sale


I Hate Prospects 17699.6 116.4 5.48 4.81 7356 1954 390 18 305 776 131 97 33 1497.1 73 50 1722 456 53 213
Providence Grays 17335.0 92.2 5.80 4.76 7031 1840 367 23 380 873 72 115 24 1326.2 79 57 1401 481 54 165
Top of the Clase 17298.1 69.7 5.60 4.68 7026 1843 383 37 329 748 107 132 38 1469.1 55 72 1672 527 73 198
I Found Nimmo 16819.0 48.3 5.31 4.78 6622 1766 335 33 288 778 108 111 30 1442.1 102 40 1501 426 70 192
Taco Corp 16498.7 58.2 5.11 5.09 6826 1733 349 19 273 755 101 126 38 1419.2 37 104 1652 473 56 168
The Sniffing Accountants 16312.4 98.1 5.24 4.18 7258 1965 392 40 270 648 105 106 31 1506.0 42 65 1432 510 57 221
Hayden Sidd Finch 16252.5 142.3 4.95 5.05 6293 1638 361 29 277 649 67 60 25 1457.1 39 60 1625 410 60 169
Born 2 B Bad 15582.6 33.7 4.75 4.71 6668 1653 346 25 255 679 66 101 25 1507.0 72 56 1583 434 66 207
Being Me 14143.4 50.3 5.20 4.65 6109 1541 304 29 295 588 70 91 30 1234.0 30 58 1306 468 71 139
Meadows Blues 12959.5 12.7 4.79 4.90 5988 1502 292 29 224 631 60 62 19 1078.0 106 37 1090 346 58 135
Staggering Lack of Logic 11905.7 89.8 4.50 4.73 4915 1222 234 12 192 511 74 54 22 1189.1 67 33 1262 410 47 149
Shipyard wreckers 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 - - - - - - - - - 0.0 - - - - - -

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Top of the Clase 69.7 600.9 2,669.0
Staggering Lack of Logic 89.8 456.4 1,529.5
Providence Grays 92.2 602.7 3,312.6
Being Me 50.3 531.6 2,446.1
Taco Corp 58.2 465.1 2,761.6
Born 2 B Bad 33.7 275.1 1,462.9
Hayden Sidd Finch 142.3 513.3 2,268.8
I Found Nimmo 48.3 470.2 2,699.0
Shipyard wreckers 0.0 0.0 0.0
The Sniffing Accountants 98.1 429.4 2,518.3
Meadows Blues 12.7 360.5 1,534.8
I Hate Prospects 116.4 699.1 2,820.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase 162 153 162 160 162 151 748 162 1469.1
Staggering Lack of Logic 162 153 129 114 86 61 598 93 1189.1
Providence Grays 162 162 162 162 162 162 767 162 1326.2
Being Me 147 134 146 138 114 140 664 134 1234.0
Taco Corp 149 156 153 159 157 154 734 152 1419.2
Born 2 B Bad 120 159 161 152 146 159 747 143 1507.0
Hayden Sidd Finch 162 153 144 147 132 156 757 146 1457.1
I Found Nimmo 151 162 154 152 144 159 786 160 1442.1
Shipyard wreckers 0.0
The Sniffing Accountants 160 157 159 160 158 158 805 157 1506.0
Meadows Blues 162 162 130 143 92 135 656 123 1078.0
I Hate Prospects 162 161 162 160 160 158 790 162 1497.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase Lineups 163 154 163 161 163 152 753 163 1478.1
Staggering Lack of Logic Lineups 163 154 130 115 87 61 602 94 1196.2
Providence Grays Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 772 163 1334.2
Being Me Lineups 148 135 147 139 115 141 668 135 1241.1
Taco Corp Lineups 150 157 154 160 158 155 739 153 1428.1
Born 2 B Bad Lineups 121 160 162 153 147 160 752 144 1516.1
Hayden Sidd Finch Lineups 163 154 145 148 133 157 762 147 1466.1
I Found Nimmo Lineups 152 163 155 153 145 160 791 161 1451.0
Shipyard wreckers Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
The Sniffing Accountants Lineups 161 158 160 161 159 159 810 158 1515.1
Meadows Blues Lineups 163 163 131 144 93 136 660 124 1084.2
I Hate Prospects Lineups 163 162 163 161 161 159 795 163 1506.1

  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects


  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects
