T-shirt sale


Top of the Clase 17893.0 162.3 5.77 4.53 7042 1929 403 34 363 751 60 71 30 1518.0 100 40 1517 551 61 198
I Found Nimmo 17798.9 17.8 5.96 4.37 7063 2039 396 42 300 755 90 127 47 1507.0 98 55 1483 553 64 213
Meadows Blues 17182.2 25.5 5.15 4.87 7178 1951 403 30 242 697 74 146 42 1508.2 122 4 1610 479 58 187
Staggering Lack of Logic 16901.0 64.7 5.97 4.57 6415 1723 328 35 379 877 63 80 36 1330.1 46 54 1378 504 64 159
Hayden Sidd Finch 16773.0 46.3 5.27 4.40 7020 1837 387 42 295 794 92 126 45 1500.1 79 63 1393 523 51 201
Born 2 B Bad 16473.0 30.5 4.79 5.18 6805 1706 375 15 278 725 63 99 44 1450.2 162 22 1477 426 49 167
Shipyard wreckers 16200.8 22.7 5.18 4.79 6996 1933 369 30 250 658 66 137 43 1350.0 42 85 1352 416 56 163
I Hate Prospects 15547.5 23.9 5.09 4.40 6537 1675 328 38 285 690 81 109 38 1464.0 31 86 1488 433 51 223
The Sniffing Accountants 15294.5 66.2 5.47 4.58 6609 1787 366 39 268 723 76 181 56 1203.2 96 42 1141 408 45 160
Being Me 15123.2 48.2 5.71 4.40 6556 1784 375 26 312 660 63 116 33 1186.2 31 63 1183 420 39 162
Providence Grays 14072.3 18.1 4.59 4.12 7035 1762 332 30 265 599 82 147 50 1318.0 28 67 1244 478 67 186
Taco Corp 13403.9 62.8 4.75 4.91 5754 1468 298 21 251 566 45 66 27 1163.0 49 81 1212 361 30 148

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Top of the Clase 162.3 716.7 3,136.3
Staggering Lack of Logic 64.7 720.1 3,017.4
Providence Grays 18.1 380.3 1,958.4
Being Me 48.2 588.9 2,281.9
Taco Corp 62.8 426.4 1,883.8
Born 2 B Bad 30.5 499.9 2,290.4
Hayden Sidd Finch 46.3 422.4 1,957.0
I Found Nimmo 17.8 356.4 2,448.2
Shipyard wreckers 22.7 381.3 2,262.9
The Sniffing Accountants 66.2 407.2 2,211.6
Meadows Blues 25.5 199.8 1,450.0
I Hate Prospects 23.9 488.5 2,418.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase 162 159 152 161 158 150 807 162 1518.0
Staggering Lack of Logic 125 147 154 144 155 155 776 155 1330.1
Providence Grays 162 151 162 154 161 158 776 158 1318.0
Being Me 153 152 148 156 159 147 672 148 1186.2
Taco Corp 139 147 128 145 143 156 600 161 1163.0
Born 2 B Bad 126 162 152 162 162 158 797 152 1450.2
Hayden Sidd Finch 162 158 162 161 158 161 807 162 1500.1
I Found Nimmo 150 156 159 157 141 157 810 150 1507.0
Shipyard wreckers 162 161 159 159 159 157 763 160 1350.0
The Sniffing Accountants 149 161 156 146 143 148 729 157 1203.2
Meadows Blues 162 162 144 160 158 162 800 160 1508.2
I Hate Prospects 150 158 143 147 124 161 747 157 1464.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase Lineups 163 160 153 162 159 151 812 163 1527.1
Staggering Lack of Logic Lineups 126 148 155 145 156 156 781 156 1338.1
Providence Grays Lineups 163 152 163 155 162 159 781 159 1326.0
Being Me Lineups 154 153 149 157 160 148 676 149 1194.0
Taco Corp Lineups 140 148 129 146 144 157 604 162 1170.0
Born 2 B Bad Lineups 127 163 153 163 163 159 802 153 1459.2
Hayden Sidd Finch Lineups 163 159 163 162 159 162 812 163 1509.1
I Found Nimmo Lineups 151 157 160 158 142 158 815 151 1516.1
Shipyard wreckers Lineups 163 162 160 160 160 158 768 161 1358.1
The Sniffing Accountants Lineups 150 162 157 147 144 149 734 158 1211.0
Meadows Blues Lineups 163 163 145 161 159 163 805 161 1518.0
I Hate Prospects Lineups 151 159 144 148 125 162 752 158 1473.0

  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects


  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects
