T-shirt sale


Hayden Sidd Finch 17628.7 35.7 5.06 5.51 6937 1905 369 26 240 597 98 97 29 1495.2 89 59 1677 403 70 143
Providence Grays 16844.0 119.5 5.03 4.89 7037 1777 374 18 294 784 60 98 34 1503.0 91 43 1507 506 63 161
Taco Corp 16610.2 33.8 4.96 4.72 7300 1917 385 18 266 644 109 114 46 1506.1 58 58 1463 445 61 181
Being Me 15800.6 40.6 5.19 5.12 6028 1562 318 25 262 590 82 113 31 1448.0 69 37 1488 423 44 146
The Sniffing Accountants 15753.0 7.9 4.66 4.52 7301 1808 372 36 249 684 102 126 36 1507.0 74 44 1339 524 65 168
Top of the Clase 15373.5 48.8 4.75 5.13 6716 1642 371 22 237 687 84 151 50 1364.2 34 65 1520 435 76 135
I Hate Prospects 14895.3 111.9 5.20 5.16 6359 1628 333 22 278 707 111 81 23 1142.1 67 18 1135 354 50 99
Staggering Lack of Logic 14625.7 90.5 4.53 4.78 6221 1562 295 29 218 619 104 57 21 1426.0 73 15 1501 454 58 170
Shipyard wreckers 14589.6 131.5 4.72 4.78 5905 1457 289 28 261 588 73 110 43 1425.1 77 82 1412 475 59 173
Born 2 B Bad 14102.0 48.7 4.52 4.65 6206 1533 327 16 208 603 69 98 35 1423.2 18 42 1394 403 49 168
I Found Nimmo 13278.6 31.1 4.42 4.64 6585 1653 353 37 214 579 74 79 19 1142.1 55 44 1176 359 74 147
Meadows Blues 12666.3 3.5 4.48 5.12 5278 1303 268 24 187 563 63 63 15 1175.0 76 56 1159 335 49 125

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Top of the Clase 48.8 640.0 2,966.4
Staggering Lack of Logic 90.5 517.3 2,346.5
Providence Grays 119.5 623.9 2,859.4
Being Me 40.6 429.7 2,241.4
Taco Corp 33.8 609.8 2,542.7
Born 2 B Bad 48.7 364.0 1,934.7
Hayden Sidd Finch 35.7 528.4 2,846.1
I Found Nimmo 31.1 480.8 2,143.5
Shipyard wreckers 131.5 531.7 2,461.6
The Sniffing Accountants 7.9 510.2 2,461.9
Meadows Blues 3.5 412.0 1,700.3
I Hate Prospects 111.9 530.3 2,347.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase 162 150 145 161 156 125 710 151 1364.2
Staggering Lack of Logic 163 157 129 161 144 123 716 134 1426.0
Providence Grays 162 162 162 161 162 160 777 140 1503.0
Being Me 145 161 138 112 139 156 611 155 1448.0
Taco Corp 162 162 161 162 162 159 786 162 1506.1
Born 2 B Bad 134 136 140 135 133 150 692 135 1423.2
Hayden Sidd Finch 149 160 158 151 159 145 785 150 1495.2
I Found Nimmo 162 154 141 147 155 147 742 156 1142.1
Shipyard wreckers 162 161 97 146 124 156 660 141 1425.1
The Sniffing Accountants 161 161 160 159 159 162 795 162 1507.0
Meadows Blues 153 162 63 149 100 50 666 141 1175.0
I Hate Prospects 111 162 149 156 155 116 727 156 1142.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase Lineups 163 151 146 162 157 126 715 152 1373.2
Staggering Lack of Logic Lineups 164 158 130 162 145 124 721 135 1435.1
Providence Grays Lineups 163 163 163 162 163 161 782 141 1512.2
Being Me Lineups 146 162 139 113 140 157 615 156 1457.1
Taco Corp Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 160 791 163 1516.0
Born 2 B Bad Lineups 135 137 141 136 134 151 697 136 1433.0
Hayden Sidd Finch Lineups 150 161 159 152 160 146 790 151 1505.1
I Found Nimmo Lineups 163 155 142 148 156 148 747 157 1149.2
Shipyard wreckers Lineups 163 162 98 147 125 157 664 142 1434.2
The Sniffing Accountants Lineups 162 162 161 160 160 163 800 163 1516.2
Meadows Blues Lineups 154 163 63 150 101 50 670 142 1182.2
I Hate Prospects Lineups 112 163 150 157 156 117 732 157 1149.2

  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects


  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects
