T-shirt sale


Top of the Clase 6646.0 45.9 5.53 4.81 2657 681 137 9 126 321 39 49 13 565.1 7 31 683 192 27 75
Meadows Blues 6613.6 -4 5.23 5.01 2602 670 126 14 117 312 34 24 5 569.0 24 17 680 181 26 71
Taco Corp 6413.5 44 5.43 4.61 2592 677 118 8 123 312 37 45 19 562.0 23 22 598 178 19 79
I Found Nimmo 5937.1 60.7 4.63 4.95 2482 611 117 11 105 249 42 48 18 544.1 37 8 539 170 15 59
I Hate Prospects 5736.7 8.6 4.57 4.43 2611 640 125 8 92 273 62 28 8 554.0 14 31 591 173 18 86
Providence Grays 5639.4 103.4 5.49 4.37 2532 633 123 14 142 284 36 42 14 424.1 26 8 417 150 24 57
The Sniffing Accountants 5535.9 67.1 5.18 4.10 2551 660 133 17 108 314 23 28 11 453.1 10 34 433 183 26 64
Shipyard wreckers 5459.1 26.2 5.16 3.74 2486 664 136 10 101 225 43 31 10 533.0 17 13 534 217 28 88
Born 2 B Bad 5323.3 81.6 4.68 4.85 2379 587 105 10 98 269 34 49 10 444.2 25 14 482 137 15 58
Hayden Sidd Finch 5292.2 150.9 4.74 4.78 2243 542 111 8 98 287 24 40 10 466.2 20 10 571 173 20 62
Staggering Lack of Logic 4990.6 59.8 5.48 4.24 2127 552 112 3 121 230 27 18 8 415.2 42 13 427 166 16 68
Being Me 4580.2 58.3 4.71 4.20 2235 563 109 6 97 223 39 33 13 378.0 3 21 341 121 19 51

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Top of the Clase 45.9 344.1 2,733.7
Staggering Lack of Logic 59.8 603.2 2,307.0
Providence Grays 103.4 724.3 2,574.7
Being Me 58.3 437.5 1,943.2
Taco Corp 44.0 722.9 3,217.7
Born 2 B Bad 81.6 627.1 2,603.8
Hayden Sidd Finch 150.9 643.5 2,717.6
I Found Nimmo 60.7 435.2 2,471.6
Shipyard wreckers 26.2 467.6 2,885.0
The Sniffing Accountants 67.1 495.9 2,428.1
Meadows Blues 4.0 471.4 2,807.9
I Hate Prospects 8.6 399.1 2,240.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase 57 59 58 60 59 60 300 57 565.1
Staggering Lack of Logic 60 60 47 60 46 43 231 42 415.2
Providence Grays 60 56 60 59 59 61 285 50 424.1
Being Me 56 58 48 49 48 57 267 52 378.0
Taco Corp 60 57 59 57 60 60 297 54 562.0
Born 2 B Bad 54 57 50 58 57 60 283 58 444.2
Hayden Sidd Finch 60 57 55 51 59 55 266 43 466.2
I Found Nimmo 53 60 61 56 60 58 296 57 544.1
Shipyard wreckers 60 60 58 60 55 61 258 60 533.0
The Sniffing Accountants 60 60 60 60 60 60 290 60 453.1
Meadows Blues 60 60 59 60 61 60 300 60 569.0
I Hate Prospects 60 60 58 60 60 60 300 60 554.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Top of the Clase Lineups 157 162 160 165 162 165 826 157 1555.2
Staggering Lack of Logic Lineups 165 165 129 165 127 118 636 116 1143.2
Providence Grays Lineups 165 154 165 162 162 168 784 138 1167.2
Being Me Lineups 154 160 132 135 132 157 735 143 1040.0
Taco Corp Lineups 165 157 162 157 165 165 817 149 1546.1
Born 2 B Bad Lineups 149 157 138 160 157 165 779 160 1223.2
Hayden Sidd Finch Lineups 165 157 151 140 162 151 732 118 1284.0
I Found Nimmo Lineups 146 165 168 154 165 160 815 157 1497.2
Shipyard wreckers Lineups 165 165 160 165 151 168 710 165 1466.2
The Sniffing Accountants Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 798 165 1247.1
Meadows Blues Lineups 165 165 162 165 168 165 826 165 1565.2
I Hate Prospects Lineups 165 165 160 165 165 165 826 165 1524.1

  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects


  • Top of the Clase
  • Staggering Lack of Logic
  • Providence Grays
  • Being Me
  • Taco Corp
  • Born 2 B Bad
  • Hayden Sidd Finch
  • I Found Nimmo
  • Shipyard wreckers
  • The Sniffing Accountants
  • Meadows Blues
  • I Hate Prospects
