T-shirt sale


Infinite Improbability Driveline 18941.7 13.8 5.90 4.93 7404 2004 420 34 333 883 71 169 43 1526.0 33 109 1471 1382 430 65 182
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 18895.9 103.4 5.65 5.25 7312 1958 400 37 326 797 113 88 21 1518.1 121 52 1616 1359 434 75 183
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 18747.9 -2 5.65 5.16 7344 1899 401 29 366 774 70 210 47 1530.1 102 52 1589 1285 544 48 180
BatGPT 18227.1 65.6 5.21 5.61 7236 1861 376 25 335 708 93 82 24 1455.0 122 58 1679 1301 476 56 148
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 17725.0 53.8 5.42 5.10 7108 1895 354 37 282 764 111 232 41 1447.0 72 83 1599 1288 488 59 181
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 17458.5 46.4 5.32 5.00 7027 1858 358 45 282 743 77 134 28 1501.0 59 66 1652 1273 487 72 202
Tradeatron 👣 16955.0 78.3 5.66 4.56 7221 1909 352 38 350 716 90 217 61 1381.0 77 45 1391 1309 450 55 191
Double As 16868.0 67.5 4.74 5.48 7043 1723 400 28 268 682 114 154 31 1427.2 105 77 1556 1233 437 61 161
Salmon of Campusano 16057.5 26.8 4.94 4.47 6877 1761 356 26 262 729 93 145 29 1514.1 58 53 1536 1374 518 80 215
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 15508.2 55.1 4.94 4.31 7450 1965 409 34 231 686 70 170 36 1373.1 26 70 1321 1272 544 66 176
Homebrew Crew 🍺 13860.4 67.1 4.67 4.26 6533 1646 317 28 245 567 93 155 53 1331.1 31 105 1298 1275 483 56 197
Beer and Bats 🦇 13595.6 17.3 4.43 4.39 6168 1499 295 25 215 689 82 173 45 1329.1 74 64 1389 1270 482 58 202

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Infinite Improbability Driveline 13.8 550.7 2,945.6
Salmon of Campusano 26.8 252.0 2,169.3
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 2.0 442.1 2,598.7
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 46.4 500.9 2,255.9
Beer and Bats 🦇 17.3 397.6 2,117.7
Tradeatron 👣 78.3 484.6 2,381.8
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 55.1 352.6 2,273.3
BatGPT 65.6 620.3 3,204.9
Homebrew Crew 🍺 67.1 284.3 2,286.7
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 53.8 536.0 2,705.6
Double As 67.5 557.1 2,849.4
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 103.4 549.6 2,948.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Infinite Improbability Driveline 162 162 162 157 161 162 808 162 1526.0
Salmon of Campusano 162 157 160 159 148 160 779 157 1514.1
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 162 162 152 158 155 160 810 162 1530.1
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 162 156 151 161 162 162 761 158 1501.0
Beer and Bats 🦇 140 140 145 158 142 142 745 140 1329.1
Tradeatron 👣 158 162 137 162 154 162 787 162 1381.0
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 162 162 162 162 162 161 809 162 1373.1
BatGPT 162 162 152 162 160 162 808 162 1455.0
Homebrew Crew 🍺 129 128 126 147 159 160 754 152 1331.1
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 162 155 157 162 162 162 796 153 1447.0
Double As 152 155 162 158 157 159 805 160 1427.2
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 162 159 161 162 162 159 810 159 1518.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Infinite Improbability Driveline Lineups 163 163 163 158 162 163 813 163 1535.1
Salmon of Campusano Lineups 163 158 161 160 149 161 784 158 1523.2
Snell’s like Veen Spirit Lineups 163 163 153 159 156 161 815 163 1539.2
Kirby Your Enthusiasm Lineups 163 157 152 162 163 163 766 159 1510.0
Beer and Bats 🦇 Lineups 141 141 146 159 143 143 750 141 1337.1
Tradeatron 👣 Lineups 159 163 138 163 155 163 792 163 1389.1
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 162 814 163 1381.2
BatGPT Lineups 163 163 153 163 161 163 813 163 1464.0
Homebrew Crew 🍺 Lineups 130 129 127 148 160 161 759 153 1339.1
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 Lineups 163 156 158 163 163 163 801 154 1455.2
Double As Lineups 153 156 163 159 158 160 810 161 1436.1
Seager and the Silver Medals Band Lineups 163 160 162 163 163 160 815 160 1527.2

  • Infinite Improbability Driveline
  • Salmon of Campusano
  • Snell’s like Veen Spirit
  • Kirby Your Enthusiasm
  • Beer and Bats 🦇
  • Tradeatron 👣
  • Mikey's Marauders ☠️
  • BatGPT
  • Homebrew Crew 🍺
  • Taco Corp 2.0 🌮
  • Double As
  • Seager and the Silver Medals Band


  • Infinite Improbability Driveline
  • Salmon of Campusano
  • Snell’s like Veen Spirit
  • Kirby Your Enthusiasm
  • Beer and Bats 🦇
  • Tradeatron 👣
  • Mikey's Marauders ☠️
  • BatGPT
  • Homebrew Crew 🍺
  • Taco Corp 2.0 🌮
  • Double As
  • Seager and the Silver Medals Band
