T-shirt sale


Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 17280.1 171.6 4.90 5.16 7480 1987 407 43 233 636 68 151 52 1506.0 33 50 1370 1389 385 40 130
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 17267.4 47.4 5.06 5.12 6964 1925 410 32 240 636 55 84 31 1501.0 63 106 1361 1397 467 45 140
BatGPT 17256.1 164.3 4.88 5.20 7310 1943 361 25 229 691 63 219 72 1513.1 92 37 1487 1394 457 45 145
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 17197.0 21.8 4.64 5.62 7006 1900 369 38 177 628 67 97 35 1500.2 50 95 1435 1237 393 36 135
Beer and Bats 🦇 16738.1 5.5 4.55 5.34 7223 1860 370 31 219 663 71 110 47 1489.1 49 52 1373 1339 443 70 101
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 16592.9 72.2 4.62 5.13 7171 1825 380 39 207 731 78 151 53 1503.2 38 102 1267 1383 445 48 120
Double As 16543.9 32.7 4.45 5.39 7239 1903 401 50 159 592 51 162 54 1503.1 133 24 1247 1371 372 54 117
Homebrew Crew 🍺 16235.7 108.3 4.67 5.28 6748 1789 340 34 187 669 91 131 51 1447.0 112 31 1469 1335 439 43 144
Tradeatron 👣 15477.4 3.6 4.94 4.76 6463 1735 379 20 212 712 73 87 34 1386.1 90 6 1265 1255 488 53 145
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 15198.3 34.4 4.31 5.45 6767 1754 345 41 182 542 77 92 46 1338.0 138 59 1250 1198 385 34 135
Infinite Improbability Driveline 15184.1 100.6 4.42 5.27 6190 1504 297 33 252 554 69 98 39 1439.2 64 45 1288 1322 380 46 116
Salmon of Campusano 14326.7 63.1 4.39 5.22 5780 1492 284 31 177 565 68 61 34 1372.0 99 38 1306 1198 490 57 121

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Infinite Improbability Driveline 100.6 597.0 2,551.9
Salmon of Campusano 63.1 419.1 2,025.2
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 21.8 414.8 2,774.1
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 47.4 700.1 2,804.7
Beer and Bats 🦇 5.5 411.3 2,428.5
Tradeatron 👣 3.6 356.5 2,147.3
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 171.6 632.2 2,927.0
BatGPT 164.3 573.8 2,636.9
Homebrew Crew 🍺 108.3 567.1 2,116.4
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 34.4 266.4 1,753.8
Double As 32.7 666.2 2,798.7
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 72.2 694.5 2,986.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Infinite Improbability Driveline 162 143 153 153 130 159 686 133 1439.2
Salmon of Campusano 162 152 134 126 131 145 661 119 1372.0
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 162 162 160 154 155 162 772 159 1500.2
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 161 156 153 156 153 162 795 160 1501.0
Beer and Bats 🦇 163 158 163 158 162 163 801 160 1489.1
Tradeatron 👣 164 154 158 137 149 161 729 148 1386.1
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 163 162 162 161 162 162 811 161 1506.0
BatGPT 161 161 162 161 162 161 799 158 1513.1
Homebrew Crew 🍺 162 144 159 161 153 126 779 155 1447.0
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 163 163 163 151 137 163 734 159 1338.0
Double As 160 163 163 162 154 159 775 162 1503.2
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 160 157 160 159 154 162 812 161 1503.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Infinite Improbability Driveline Lineups 163 144 154 154 131 160 690 134 1448.1
Salmon of Campusano Lineups 163 153 135 127 132 146 665 120 1380.1
Snell’s like Veen Spirit Lineups 163 163 161 155 156 163 777 160 1509.2
Kirby Your Enthusiasm Lineups 162 157 154 157 154 163 800 161 1510.0
Beer and Bats 🦇 Lineups 164 159 164 159 163 164 806 161 1498.1
Tradeatron 👣 Lineups 165 155 159 138 150 162 734 149 1394.2
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ Lineups 164 163 163 162 163 163 816 162 1515.1
BatGPT Lineups 162 162 163 162 163 162 804 159 1522.2
Homebrew Crew 🍺 Lineups 163 145 160 162 154 127 784 156 1455.2
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 Lineups 164 164 164 152 138 164 739 160 1346.0
Double As Lineups 161 164 164 163 155 160 780 163 1513.0
Seager and the Silver Medals Band Lineups 161 158 161 160 155 163 817 162 1513.0

  • Infinite Improbability Driveline
  • Salmon of Campusano
  • Snell’s like Veen Spirit
  • Kirby Your Enthusiasm
  • Beer and Bats 🦇
  • Tradeatron 👣
  • Mikey's Marauders ☠️
  • BatGPT
  • Homebrew Crew 🍺
  • Taco Corp 2.0 🌮
  • Double As
  • Seager and the Silver Medals Band


  • Infinite Improbability Driveline
  • Salmon of Campusano
  • Snell’s like Veen Spirit
  • Kirby Your Enthusiasm
  • Beer and Bats 🦇
  • Tradeatron 👣
  • Mikey's Marauders ☠️
  • BatGPT
  • Homebrew Crew 🍺
  • Taco Corp 2.0 🌮
  • Double As
  • Seager and the Silver Medals Band
