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Infinite Improbability Driveline 18244.7 10.3 5.49 5.16 7127 1962 393 33 291 687 82 140 50 1527.1 76 65 1442 1384 431 59 152
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 17982.4 134.4 5.47 4.93 6998 1882 365 23 322 809 94 69 35 1518.0 122 48 1441 1456 456 51 173
Homebrew Crew 🍺 17885.4 22.5 4.93 5.47 7186 1918 383 54 211 741 97 129 68 1528.0 60 95 1427 1353 461 43 118
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 17366.9 37.1 4.87 5.38 7009 1868 368 32 252 590 101 88 42 1518.2 99 43 1506 1336 377 65 158
BatGPT 17288.4 122.2 4.85 5.38 7131 1868 368 41 258 627 64 157 57 1491.2 148 38 1423 1316 432 52 153
Beer and Bats 🦇 17084.4 55.1 4.95 5.23 6753 1772 351 28 270 651 74 110 43 1518.1 89 74 1400 1364 429 38 154
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 17056.7 213.4 5.12 5.69 6149 1669 340 35 235 582 73 110 44 1479.2 94 69 1558 1245 414 45 145
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 16659.4 48.9 4.92 4.94 6869 1843 361 46 254 605 67 101 48 1506.0 107 44 1423 1421 486 56 158
Tradeatron 👣 16610.8 -6.2 4.78 5.13 7032 1872 351 36 236 594 51 89 36 1503.1 146 21 1428 1387 462 44 159
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 16462.6 102.6 4.72 4.88 7494 1983 412 42 212 602 69 120 48 1499.0 35 56 1400 1396 381 53 166
Salmon of Campusano 14820.6 61.1 4.72 4.51 6597 1764 346 38 203 697 50 91 28 1345.2 13 26 1240 1316 432 47 136
Double As 13568.1 74 4.64 4.42 6466 1697 323 42 187 598 67 173 61 1231.1 37 42 1053 1195 391 58 136

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Infinite Improbability Driveline 10.3 690.7 2,660.1
Salmon of Campusano 61.1 443.4 2,462.7
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 213.4 907.4 3,038.7
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 134.4 749.9 3,032.4
Beer and Bats 🦇 55.1 384.9 2,456.6
Tradeatron 👣 6.2 156.7 1,883.4
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 102.6 757.2 2,584.0
BatGPT 122.2 619.8 2,777.2
Homebrew Crew 🍺 22.5 706.8 2,952.9
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 37.1 693.5 2,708.8
Double As 74.0 461.2 2,007.8
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 48.9 561.7 2,873.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Infinite Improbability Driveline 162 162 160 147 159 160 776 162 1527.1
Salmon of Campusano 163 152 148 145 140 160 784 160 1345.2
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 163 140 133 138 131 146 698 140 1479.2
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 163 160 159 156 156 162 804 161 1518.0
Beer and Bats 🦇 162 162 156 154 155 157 763 139 1518.1
Tradeatron 👣 156 154 163 163 155 154 755 163 1503.1
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 162 160 162 162 162 162 806 162 1499.0
BatGPT 162 155 162 157 162 162 788 162 1491.2
Homebrew Crew 🍺 162 162 161 162 162 162 799 162 1528.0
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 158 162 150 151 151 162 792 162 1518.2
Double As 163 111 154 137 146 158 719 161 1231.1
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 144 162 153 157 154 162 782 162 1506.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Infinite Improbability Driveline Lineups 163 163 161 148 160 161 781 163 1538.0
Salmon of Campusano Lineups 164 153 149 146 141 161 790 161 1355.0
Snell’s like Veen Spirit Lineups 164 141 134 139 132 147 703 141 1490.0
Kirby Your Enthusiasm Lineups 164 161 160 157 157 163 810 162 1528.2
Beer and Bats 🦇 Lineups 163 163 157 155 156 158 768 140 1529.0
Tradeatron 👣 Lineups 157 155 164 164 156 155 760 164 1513.2
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ Lineups 163 161 163 163 163 163 812 163 1509.1
BatGPT Lineups 163 156 163 158 163 163 794 163 1502.0
Homebrew Crew 🍺 Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 163 805 163 1538.2
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 Lineups 159 163 151 152 152 163 798 163 1529.1
Double As Lineups 164 112 155 138 147 159 724 162 1240.0
Seager and the Silver Medals Band Lineups 145 163 154 158 155 163 788 163 1516.1

  • Infinite Improbability Driveline
  • Salmon of Campusano
  • Snell’s like Veen Spirit
  • Kirby Your Enthusiasm
  • Beer and Bats 🦇
  • Tradeatron 👣
  • Mikey's Marauders ☠️
  • BatGPT
  • Homebrew Crew 🍺
  • Taco Corp 2.0 🌮
  • Double As
  • Seager and the Silver Medals Band


  • Infinite Improbability Driveline
  • Salmon of Campusano
  • Snell’s like Veen Spirit
  • Kirby Your Enthusiasm
  • Beer and Bats 🦇
  • Tradeatron 👣
  • Mikey's Marauders ☠️
  • BatGPT
  • Homebrew Crew 🍺
  • Taco Corp 2.0 🌮
  • Double As
  • Seager and the Silver Medals Band
