T-shirt sale


Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 20466.3 21.5 6.25 5.51 7510 2024 442 43 415 835 100 90 37 1515.0 122 33 1741 1279 461 57 180
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 19020.6 113.1 5.76 5.22 7373 1978 429 36 346 796 101 83 36 1508.0 114 35 1661 1313 439 69 194
Infinite Improbability Driveline 18775.5 56.5 5.87 4.96 7239 1961 383 42 377 750 70 106 30 1525.0 60 86 1643 1307 481 60 214
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 18357.8 122.7 5.62 4.90 7421 1965 407 44 339 724 91 205 40 1517.0 16 83 1612 1340 472 47 194
Homebrew Crew 🍺 17624.3 71.9 5.49 4.97 7166 1849 377 37 380 717 103 118 43 1406.2 68 80 1579 1237 518 66 184
Double As 17377.7 93.7 5.68 4.63 7296 1931 374 30 362 796 107 79 29 1388.2 110 42 1537 1317 489 69 207
Beer and Bats 🦇 17377.0 65.2 5.78 4.57 6939 1959 401 31 341 627 84 119 43 1435.1 49 84 1504 1340 491 69 202
BatGPT 15858.4 86 5.77 4.21 6447 1750 343 39 301 723 89 141 37 1390.1 56 39 1422 1352 475 54 212
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 15829.4 74.3 4.89 4.57 6955 1741 361 30 295 704 96 80 21 1432.2 64 79 1644 1298 511 63 234
Salmon of Campusano 15607.8 25.2 5.15 4.66 6237 1658 396 24 269 623 50 50 19 1435.0 78 52 1567 1293 495 54 216
Tradeatron 👣 15380.5 16.4 5.89 4.34 6725 1819 363 43 355 738 80 92 37 1096.0 78 35 1044 1063 403 30 155
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 15010.3 21.7 5.23 4.59 6051 1590 327 36 262 675 70 91 39 1361.0 22 80 1396 1279 411 56 189

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Infinite Improbability Driveline 56.5 482.0 2,741.2
Salmon of Campusano 25.2 336.7 1,741.1
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 21.7 455.0 2,328.3
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 113.1 282.5 2,011.6
Beer and Bats 🦇 65.2 529.3 2,619.8
Tradeatron 👣 16.4 359.7 2,459.6
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 122.7 748.7 2,929.4
BatGPT 86.0 409.2 2,563.5
Homebrew Crew 🍺 71.9 541.1 2,682.1
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 21.5 461.1 2,902.6
Double As 93.7 541.2 2,439.6
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 74.3 657.8 2,690.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Infinite Improbability Driveline 162 162 151 158 160 156 803 159 1525.0
Salmon of Campusano 150 136 130 155 151 154 729 129 1435.0
Snell’s like Veen Spirit 98 134 157 159 157 150 676 146 1361.0
Kirby Your Enthusiasm 162 160 162 162 162 162 803 162 1508.0
Beer and Bats 🦇 162 162 154 148 162 162 760 162 1435.1
Tradeatron 👣 162 162 148 145 145 130 750 162 1096.0
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ 162 162 162 162 161 162 810 162 1517.0
BatGPT 162 143 140 150 132 132 731 142 1390.1
Homebrew Crew 🍺 162 162 162 162 161 158 807 162 1406.2
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 162 162 162 162 162 162 806 161 1515.0
Double As 162 162 160 160 160 162 804 160 1388.2
Seager and the Silver Medals Band 162 162 162 148 162 160 789 154 1432.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Infinite Improbability Driveline Lineups 163 163 152 159 161 157 808 160 1535.0
Salmon of Campusano Lineups 151 137 131 156 152 155 734 130 1444.1
Snell’s like Veen Spirit Lineups 99 135 158 160 158 151 680 147 1370.0
Kirby Your Enthusiasm Lineups 163 161 163 163 163 163 808 163 1517.2
Beer and Bats 🦇 Lineups 163 163 155 149 163 163 765 163 1444.2
Tradeatron 👣 Lineups 163 163 149 146 146 131 755 163 1103.0
Mikey's Marauders ☠️ Lineups 163 163 163 163 162 163 815 163 1527.0
BatGPT Lineups 163 144 141 151 133 133 736 143 1399.1
Homebrew Crew 🍺 Lineups 163 163 163 163 162 159 812 163 1415.2
Taco Corp 2.0 🌮 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 811 162 1525.0
Double As Lineups 163 163 161 161 161 163 809 161 1397.2
Seager and the Silver Medals Band Lineups 163 163 163 149 163 161 794 155 1442.0

  • Infinite Improbability Driveline
  • Salmon of Campusano
  • Snell’s like Veen Spirit
  • Kirby Your Enthusiasm
  • Beer and Bats 🦇
  • Tradeatron 👣
  • Mikey's Marauders ☠️
  • BatGPT
  • Homebrew Crew 🍺
  • Taco Corp 2.0 🌮
  • Double As
  • Seager and the Silver Medals Band


  • Infinite Improbability Driveline
  • Salmon of Campusano
  • Snell’s like Veen Spirit
  • Kirby Your Enthusiasm
  • Beer and Bats 🦇
  • Tradeatron 👣
  • Mikey's Marauders ☠️
  • BatGPT
  • Homebrew Crew 🍺
  • Taco Corp 2.0 🌮
  • Double As
  • Seager and the Silver Medals Band
