T-shirt sale


The WAR of 18.12 18668.9 40.2 5.82 4.93 7277 1962 438 24 355 812 106 75 22 1496.1 33 80 1653 1269 508 71 199
Framber Comes Alive 18575.9 23.6 5.33 5.40 7349 1873 356 38 348 807 63 97 33 1522.0 89 49 1658 1222 502 69 172
Mount Rose Muskies 18300.3 111.5 5.17 5.45 7335 1879 374 31 305 783 90 97 27 1515.1 97 44 1623 1267 454 88 158
The Lōgunate 18245.4 43.6 5.50 5.08 7011 1782 356 22 344 914 100 131 34 1513.0 33 90 1626 1296 438 67 195
Lowe Expectations 17904.2 71 5.01 5.53 7006 1758 324 20 333 756 70 70 22 1506.0 100 53 1692 1226 513 63 162
Schwell's Bells 17846.3 154.4 5.44 4.88 7323 1982 381 33 297 779 90 90 32 1495.1 81 72 1664 1331 516 66 210
4 Baggers 17524.1 49.8 5.13 5.04 7225 1911 416 21 272 677 108 177 41 1504.1 87 57 1639 1272 477 71 206
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 16355.0 13.1 4.63 4.94 6902 1753 327 38 256 718 62 81 27 1508.0 16 65 1578 1256 500 75 180
Acuna & All That Jazz 16316.5 13.8 5.34 5.10 6714 1803 355 28 301 697 89 112 36 1263.2 78 23 1431 1101 472 38 151
Kas House Gang 15933.1 177.2 5.38 4.78 6583 1708 346 27 311 675 114 88 30 1343.0 50 61 1363 1184 383 66 188
Philly Special 14598.9 5.6 4.44 4.56 5911 1471 271 27 258 523 100 124 27 1508.0 65 77 1455 1405 525 74 193
Harmon's Killer Brew 14400.7 41.7 4.59 4.35 6358 1559 328 27 249 669 113 108 37 1411.0 87 67 1396 1393 473 51 212

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Lowe Expectations 71.0 786.6 3,100.0
Mount Rose Muskies 111.5 574.3 2,764.0
The WAR of 18.12 40.2 472.5 2,700.1
4 Baggers 49.8 543.2 2,702.8
The Lōgunate 43.6 468.6 2,798.0
Philly Special 5.6 466.6 2,804.2
Harmon's Killer Brew 41.7 252.7 1,921.5
Framber Comes Alive 23.6 361.1 2,367.6
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 13.1 242.1 1,470.9
Kas House Gang 177.2 795.7 2,799.8
Acuna & All That Jazz 13.8 454.0 2,738.6
Schwell's Bells 154.4 784.6 2,886.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations 162 162 161 162 157 162 786 159 1506.0
Mount Rose Muskies 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1515.1
The WAR of 18.12 162 162 162 162 162 162 807 162 1496.1
4 Baggers 162 162 162 157 162 162 810 159 1504.1
The Lōgunate 163 162 160 159 160 162 792 162 1513.0
Philly Special 162 159 149 140 141 137 717 132 1508.0
Harmon's Killer Brew 162 143 158 147 157 160 731 143 1411.0
Framber Comes Alive 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1522.0
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 162 161 157 158 159 155 810 160 1508.0
Kas House Gang 162 155 156 146 152 157 717 123 1343.0
Acuna & All That Jazz 157 161 154 156 152 155 776 138 1263.2
Schwell's Bells 160 162 161 162 162 162 809 161 1495.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations Lineups 163 163 162 163 158 163 791 160 1515.1
Mount Rose Muskies Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1524.2
The WAR of 18.12 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 812 163 1505.1
4 Baggers Lineups 163 163 163 158 163 163 815 160 1513.2
The Lōgunate Lineups 164 163 161 160 161 163 797 163 1522.1
Philly Special Lineups 163 160 150 141 142 138 721 133 1517.1
Harmon's Killer Brew Lineups 163 144 159 148 158 161 736 144 1419.2
Framber Comes Alive Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1531.1
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ Lineups 163 162 158 159 160 156 815 161 1517.1
Kas House Gang Lineups 163 156 157 147 153 158 721 124 1351.1
Acuna & All That Jazz Lineups 158 162 155 157 153 156 781 139 1271.1
Schwell's Bells Lineups 161 163 162 163 163 163 814 162 1504.1

  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells


  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells
