T-shirt sale


Acuna & All That Jazz 18624.7 25.9 5.43 5.45 7158 1998 369 42 271 707 78 162 64 1513.1 108 40 1567 1339 454 59 143
Schwell's Bells 18261.5 102.9 5.05 6.10 6681 1743 367 40 255 656 93 97 44 1505.1 152 30 1570 1238 398 37 118
Kas House Gang 17976.6 47.1 5.42 5.18 7443 2100 409 39 255 645 75 169 59 1454.2 75 63 1322 1283 376 30 158
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 17655.0 157 5.34 5.12 7168 1946 404 35 263 771 65 99 32 1459.1 108 43 1441 1367 416 45 161
Philly Special 16979.8 119.3 4.75 5.26 7245 1935 349 41 224 617 62 158 49 1490.2 121 70 1328 1343 414 56 149
The Lōgunate 15765.2 9 4.54 4.69 6907 1780 344 30 240 602 81 113 42 1521.2 49 44 1378 1440 480 67 156
Mount Rose Muskies 14904.2 62.9 4.80 5.03 6359 1707 346 30 195 618 41 116 38 1312.1 76 42 1168 1189 432 38 121
Lowe Expectations 14655.5 30.8 5.00 5.15 6066 1608 311 35 259 619 58 72 47 1192.2 8 97 1187 1097 335 50 120
Harmon's Killer Brew 14563.7 45.7 4.74 5.04 6606 1767 325 34 226 516 52 81 41 1245.0 50 66 1191 1140 363 58 131
Framber Comes Alive 14487.2 66.1 4.69 4.59 6613 1702 340 38 227 684 65 71 39 1298.1 66 57 1149 1262 333 36 172
4 Baggers 14096.2 107.5 4.52 5.16 6137 1562 319 34 226 552 78 113 48 1214.2 105 30 1105 1094 331 49 129
The WAR of 18.12 13912.4 13.7 4.38 4.96 5904 1550 307 44 182 439 66 135 50 1341.0 102 29 1238 1262 419 62 134

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Lowe Expectations 30.8 431.9 2,036.9
Mount Rose Muskies 62.9 481.2 2,156.0
The WAR of 18.12 13.7 412.9 2,062.8
4 Baggers 107.5 512.7 2,060.2
The Lōgunate 9.0 316.3 2,125.2
Philly Special 119.3 574.9 2,767.0
Harmon's Killer Brew 45.7 397.6 2,018.0
Framber Comes Alive 66.1 336.8 2,115.1
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 157.0 569.4 2,626.7
Kas House Gang 47.1 527.4 2,559.7
Acuna & All That Jazz 25.9 852.7 3,310.2
Schwell's Bells 102.9 605.4 3,066.5

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations 125 135 149 142 160 157 670 163 1192.2
Mount Rose Muskies 154 162 140 143 109 154 718 149 1312.1
The WAR of 18.12 163 156 142 142 160 160 581 153 1341.0
4 Baggers 164 155 150 137 138 154 680 153 1214.2
The Lōgunate 162 162 157 161 162 162 785 149 1521.2
Philly Special 161 162 161 161 159 151 806 163 1490.2
Harmon's Killer Brew 164 147 154 142 143 144 705 149 1245.0
Framber Comes Alive 164 160 139 153 155 161 729 156 1298.1
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 156 154 157 158 159 158 809 157 1459.1
Kas House Gang 162 161 159 159 158 163 802 163 1454.2
Acuna & All That Jazz 162 161 150 161 158 162 806 151 1513.1
Schwell's Bells 163 162 159 135 150 159 713 156 1505.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations Lineups 126 136 150 143 161 158 675 164 1201.0
Mount Rose Muskies Lineups 155 163 141 144 110 155 723 150 1321.1
The WAR of 18.12 Lineups 164 157 143 143 161 161 585 154 1350.1
4 Baggers Lineups 165 156 151 138 139 155 685 154 1223.0
The Lōgunate Lineups 163 163 158 162 163 163 791 150 1532.1
Philly Special Lineups 162 163 162 162 160 152 812 164 1501.0
Harmon's Killer Brew Lineups 165 148 155 143 144 145 710 150 1253.2
Framber Comes Alive Lineups 165 161 140 154 156 162 734 157 1307.1
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ Lineups 157 155 158 159 160 159 815 158 1469.1
Kas House Gang Lineups 163 162 160 160 159 164 808 164 1464.2
Acuna & All That Jazz Lineups 163 162 151 162 159 163 812 152 1523.2
Schwell's Bells Lineups 164 163 160 136 151 160 718 157 1515.2

  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells


  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells
