T-shirt sale


Schwell's Bells 19208.9 37.1 5.26 6.16 7339 1996 376 49 252 762 69 133 54 1467.2 146 47 1443 1173 394 47 102
Harmon's Killer Brew 18725.7 156 5.17 6.06 7118 1925 397 30 269 663 84 106 43 1467.1 92 69 1558 1232 370 47 111
Kas House Gang 17744.4 87.9 5.16 5.13 7460 2108 420 38 207 649 60 171 57 1507.1 113 40 1351 1434 418 50 140
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 16099.9 35.2 4.92 5.07 6733 1773 340 29 216 751 67 128 38 1407.1 103 33 1275 1341 393 43 137
Framber Comes Alive 15747.9 44.5 4.70 4.99 7204 1861 373 25 233 676 96 80 25 1344.0 16 69 1207 1316 368 52 107
Acuna & All That Jazz 15662.0 108.3 4.51 5.25 6368 1656 304 29 204 547 80 152 38 1473.0 63 78 1376 1324 452 47 131
4 Baggers 15541.7 48.1 4.11 5.69 6603 1642 300 41 180 594 59 116 52 1427.0 51 92 1361 1180 380 50 116
The Lōgunate 15050.0 53.8 4.36 4.70 6709 1740 371 34 202 505 56 134 56 1502.0 34 68 1385 1420 497 49 157
Philly Special 14948.1 79.5 4.50 5.24 6233 1651 322 47 144 524 68 138 50 1427.1 115 41 1230 1320 369 43 131
Lowe Expectations 14697.4 112.8 4.64 5.28 6096 1598 338 36 187 593 72 68 36 1303.0 65 69 1163 1201 332 24 122
Mount Rose Muskies 13863.3 118.5 5.04 4.74 5502 1454 316 27 199 602 52 96 22 1309.0 72 20 1146 1250 384 40 138
The WAR of 18.12 9925.5 103.9 4.04 5.68 4267 1088 221 11 129 327 47 84 27 875.2 126 32 918 817 355 40 64

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Lowe Expectations 112.8 584.0 2,334.6
Mount Rose Muskies 118.5 470.8 2,003.4
The WAR of 18.12 103.9 403.2 1,545.4
4 Baggers 48.1 299.0 2,154.3
The Lōgunate 53.8 301.9 2,325.1
Philly Special 79.5 562.7 2,094.4
Harmon's Killer Brew 156.0 729.5 2,998.3
Framber Comes Alive 44.5 426.6 1,930.3
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 35.2 473.8 2,095.4
Kas House Gang 87.9 512.8 2,798.6
Acuna & All That Jazz 108.3 589.8 2,630.1
Schwell's Bells 37.1 726.5 3,397.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations 153 157 137 150 144 100 714 129 1303.0
Mount Rose Muskies 122 109 134 91 147 129 673 117 1309.0
The WAR of 18.12 163 159 130 158 121 495 875.2
4 Baggers 162 161 139 158 156 162 727 139 1427.0
The Lōgunate 163 156 156 152 151 143 765 144 1502.0
Philly Special 157 163 157 137 152 162 588 144 1427.1
Harmon's Killer Brew 163 147 160 146 163 163 805 155 1467.1
Framber Comes Alive 163 159 163 151 147 163 813 162 1346.0
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 162 149 140 163 151 158 746 153 1407.2
Kas House Gang 162 162 162 160 157 162 814 162 1507.1
Acuna & All That Jazz 158 131 145 155 152 138 741 140 1473.0
Schwell's Bells 159 159 160 161 158 162 812 162 1467.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations Lineups 154 158 138 151 145 101 718 130 1311.0
Mount Rose Muskies Lineups 123 110 135 92 148 130 677 118 1317.0
The WAR of 18.12 Lineups 164 160 131 159 122 0 498 0 881.0
4 Baggers Lineups 163 162 140 159 157 163 732 140 1435.2
The Lōgunate Lineups 164 157 157 153 152 144 770 145 1511.0
Philly Special Lineups 158 164 158 138 153 163 592 145 1436.0
Harmon's Killer Brew Lineups 164 148 161 147 164 164 810 156 1476.1
Framber Comes Alive Lineups 164 160 164 152 148 164 818 163 1354.1
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ Lineups 163 150 141 164 152 159 751 154 1416.1
Kas House Gang Lineups 163 163 163 161 158 163 819 163 1516.2
Acuna & All That Jazz Lineups 159 132 146 156 153 139 746 141 1482.0
Schwell's Bells Lineups 160 160 161 162 159 163 817 163 1476.2

  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells


  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells
