T-shirt sale


Schwell's Bells 19818.5 68.2 6.14 5.21 7595 2081 426 54 379 796 88 136 49 1513.2 41 121 1622 1337 422 58 190
Lowe Expectations 18494.0 102.9 5.54 5.36 7051 1884 366 27 367 701 85 73 27 1474.1 134 33 1772 1223 457 59 213
4 Baggers 18409.5 28.5 5.98 4.67 7146 1944 395 32 372 839 55 112 32 1508.2 40 52 1636 1361 459 57 221
Mount Rose Muskies 18315.8 6.7 5.59 4.90 7447 1987 398 46 353 668 115 104 36 1521.0 106 62 1598 1389 485 58 206
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 18210.6 11.1 5.65 4.86 6938 1858 399 36 318 848 103 87 24 1531.0 110 34 1717 1380 485 70 224
The Lōgunate 17964.9 60 5.87 4.71 6774 1824 373 38 363 778 95 103 33 1504.2 28 36 1671 1420 463 59 196
Framber Comes Alive 17445.4 56.8 5.45 4.55 7336 1898 405 40 337 787 89 110 35 1505.1 62 79 1583 1360 506 52 234
Kas House Gang 17302.0 69.1 5.84 4.47 7147 1940 429 45 339 713 93 151 47 1416.1 119 20 1387 1364 472 61 200
Acuna & All That Jazz 16834.0 122.3 5.46 4.52 6751 1789 392 35 323 709 94 126 40 1474.1 31 55 1603 1376 518 56 206
The WAR of 18.12 16710.8 32.3 5.09 4.63 6922 1658 364 20 357 832 96 79 37 1509.2 66 67 1614 1384 545 63 210
Harmon's Killer Brew 16261.4 44.7 4.98 4.89 6834 1774 365 31 304 578 67 108 35 1437.0 65 89 1654 1258 465 75 220
Philly Special 14606.8 54.4 5.10 3.79 6520 1729 350 25 277 610 79 87 31 1459.1 50 40 1359 1452 485 65 241

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Lowe Expectations 102.9 666.9 2,907.1
Mount Rose Muskies 6.7 481.5 2,824.9
The WAR of 18.12 32.3 418.8 2,673.4
4 Baggers 28.5 162.6 2,498.2
The Lōgunate 60.0 477.3 2,608.2
Philly Special 54.4 376.9 1,849.1
Harmon's Killer Brew 44.7 383.5 2,017.3
Framber Comes Alive 56.8 552.6 2,798.2
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 11.1 270.5 2,205.0
Kas House Gang 69.1 554.2 2,855.8
Acuna & All That Jazz 122.3 640.2 3,032.6
Schwell's Bells 68.2 767.1 3,535.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations 162 161 161 159 157 160 788 162 1474.1
Mount Rose Muskies 162 162 162 162 162 162 808 162 1521.0
The WAR of 18.12 162 162 162 162 162 155 784 162 1509.2
4 Baggers 135 162 162 156 159 161 805 162 1508.2
The Lōgunate 148 162 156 162 155 162 747 159 1504.2
Philly Special 162 156 147 126 146 142 740 161 1459.1
Harmon's Killer Brew 162 149 162 162 159 155 752 153 1437.0
Framber Comes Alive 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1505.1
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 162 155 156 160 162 162 793 155 1531.0
Kas House Gang 111 157 162 162 158 162 810 158 1416.1
Acuna & All That Jazz 162 157 155 159 150 150 788 144 1474.1
Schwell's Bells 161 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1513.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations Lineups 163 162 162 160 158 161 793 163 1484.0
Mount Rose Muskies Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 813 163 1531.0
The WAR of 18.12 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 156 789 163 1519.2
4 Baggers Lineups 136 163 163 157 160 162 810 163 1518.1
The Lōgunate Lineups 149 163 157 163 156 163 752 160 1514.1
Philly Special Lineups 163 157 148 127 147 143 745 162 1469.0
Harmon's Killer Brew Lineups 163 150 163 163 160 156 757 154 1446.1
Framber Comes Alive Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1515.0
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ Lineups 163 156 157 161 163 163 798 156 1541.0
Kas House Gang Lineups 112 158 163 163 159 163 815 159 1425.2
Acuna & All That Jazz Lineups 163 158 156 160 151 151 793 145 1484.0
Schwell's Bells Lineups 162 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1523.2

  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells


  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells
