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Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 20004.6 78 5.97 5.58 7288 2028 423 22 331 865 88 142 30 1509.0 86 75 1737 1258 479 85 161
Framber Comes Alive 18507.8 83 5.54 5.18 7333 1997 399 31 308 793 65 101 41 1502.1 111 52 1520 1337 431 45 182
Lowe Expectations 18221.9 -5.5 5.61 5.25 7036 1930 413 34 277 742 96 145 53 1487.1 75 71 1621 1296 405 41 194
The Lōgunate 17938.2 38 5.65 4.86 7061 1892 366 49 327 799 75 158 60 1487.2 69 54 1537 1315 508 51 188
Mount Rose Muskies 17058.9 98.3 5.86 4.01 7003 1870 354 26 378 847 67 126 43 1498.0 49 79 1397 1464 558 72 223
Schwell's Bells 17032.6 78.7 5.11 4.77 6835 1753 357 24 327 756 81 90 36 1514.0 79 45 1605 1416 516 62 191
Philly Special 16782.2 16.6 5.14 4.65 7252 1969 376 29 261 690 75 128 54 1485.0 62 91 1405 1370 431 37 211
Harmon's Killer Brew 16590.6 50.7 5.01 4.81 7007 1850 377 43 265 675 71 143 38 1457.2 119 52 1439 1380 436 52 196
Acuna & All That Jazz 16035.6 34.1 5.31 4.74 6569 1746 348 26 294 695 85 92 31 1366.0 112 42 1483 1300 530 55 178
4 Baggers 15261.3 132.5 5.38 4.53 6919 1869 392 23 316 684 82 100 43 1128.1 60 30 1138 1115 408 35 139
The WAR of 18.12 15243.6 72.5 5.37 4.41 6526 1728 345 40 327 622 78 97 41 1273.1 107 40 1244 1187 488 53 185
Kas House Gang 12948.7 51.5 4.88 4.08 6149 1659 344 37 251 594 29 85 30 1051.0 3 66 931 961 405 51 143

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Lowe Expectations 5.5 538.9 3,095.7
Mount Rose Muskies 98.3 535.6 2,731.9
The WAR of 18.12 72.5 501.2 2,233.6
4 Baggers 132.5 476.3 2,556.5
The Lōgunate 38.0 461.8 2,804.5
Philly Special 16.6 447.4 2,566.4
Harmon's Killer Brew 50.7 306.0 2,634.8
Framber Comes Alive 83.0 747.5 2,827.4
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 78.0 830.7 3,451.4
Kas House Gang 51.5 230.7 2,286.6
Acuna & All That Jazz 34.1 503.7 2,347.3
Schwell's Bells 78.7 784.9 2,990.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations 162 151 151 148 158 160 770 156 1487.1
Mount Rose Muskies 162 162 151 153 139 158 806 157 1498.0
The WAR of 18.12 135 158 161 159 157 158 722 141 1273.1
4 Baggers 120 160 162 162 162 160 798 162 1128.1
The Lōgunate 151 157 159 159 159 160 793 155 1487.2
Philly Special 162 160 158 162 162 156 805 156 1485.0
Harmon's Killer Brew 162 162 158 155 160 162 801 155 1457.2
Framber Comes Alive 162 162 158 162 161 161 809 162 1502.1
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ 162 162 161 161 160 162 808 162 1509.0
Kas House Gang 151 149 147 144 157 148 725 152 1051.0
Acuna & All That Jazz 162 159 160 144 137 144 753 142 1366.0
Schwell's Bells 162 161 158 154 155 162 804 162 1514.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Lowe Expectations Lineups 163 152 152 149 159 161 775 157 1496.1
Mount Rose Muskies Lineups 163 163 152 154 140 159 811 158 1507.0
The WAR of 18.12 Lineups 136 159 162 160 158 159 726 142 1281.0
4 Baggers Lineups 121 161 163 163 163 161 803 163 1135.1
The Lōgunate Lineups 152 158 160 160 160 161 798 156 1496.2
Philly Special Lineups 163 161 159 163 163 157 810 157 1494.0
Harmon's Killer Brew Lineups 163 163 159 156 161 163 806 156 1466.2
Framber Comes Alive Lineups 163 163 159 163 162 162 814 163 1511.1
Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️ Lineups 163 163 162 162 161 163 813 163 1518.1
Kas House Gang Lineups 152 150 148 145 158 149 730 153 1057.1
Acuna & All That Jazz Lineups 163 160 161 145 138 145 758 143 1374.1
Schwell's Bells Lineups 163 162 159 155 156 163 809 163 1523.1

  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells


  • Lowe Expectations
  • Mount Rose Muskies
  • The WAR of 18.12
  • 4 Baggers
  • The Lōgunate
  • Philly Special
  • Harmon's Killer Brew
  • Framber Comes Alive
  • Breakfast at Calraliegh’s 🥞☕️
  • Kas House Gang
  • Acuna & All That Jazz
  • Schwell's Bells
