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FreeFall 5858.7 100.8 4.37 5.56 2327 568 110 19 63 225 28 79 16 561.1 25 18 568 432 180 21 52
Nooner 5780.9 92.2 5.45 5.16 2228 619 123 11 69 263 29 78 16 483.1 31 22 500 409 179 20 54
Smoked Old Fashioned 5686.0 41.7 4.46 5.02 2403 594 113 12 79 233 23 35 14 563.1 1 3 561 484 185 21 49
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 5601.1 33.9 5.97 4.01 2246 592 114 8 112 312 36 35 9 502.2 9 3 452 474 177 17 69
Funky Cold Molina 5570.3 119.7 4.72 5.54 2166 529 119 3 90 224 18 32 18 510.2 36 16 573 430 162 32 52
Yellow Hammers 5556.1 44.1 4.11 5.77 2257 547 104 7 58 201 30 46 12 540.1 39 21 567 449 146 29 49
The Todd Van Poppel Project 5067.6 51.7 4.44 5.14 2134 534 99 7 82 176 22 46 14 480.1 37 2 503 415 131 20 61
Roger Dorn Night 4903.1 55 4.64 5.47 2141 532 118 14 66 206 21 68 14 411.1 14 25 429 345 138 14 38
Boggs's Beer Braggs 4774.8 74.7 4.64 4.51 2217 542 97 10 87 219 24 39 5 446.0 28 20 449 419 170 15 62
The Greg Olson Twins 4625.8 67.5 5.00 4.85 2263 568 110 8 92 246 26 50 13 330.2 17 19 314 316 92 10 41
Gin and Juice 4546.8 40.4 4.31 5.14 2285 539 104 22 71 212 36 49 22 378.0 21 10 377 335 119 15 39
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 4277.6 22.2 4.30 4.39 2065 505 102 5 75 182 17 44 14 420.0 0 0 391 347 154 10 53

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
FreeFall 100.8 938.6 2,985.7
The Todd Van Poppel Project 51.7 696.8 2,616.1
The Greg Olson Twins 67.5 675.9 2,473.8
Nooner 92.2 663.0 2,799.4
Funky Cold Molina 119.7 794.2 3,059.4
Yellow Hammers 44.1 625.6 2,601.3
Gin and Juice 40.4 531.4 2,308.5
Smoked Old Fashioned 41.7 656.9 3,013.3
Roger Dorn Night 55.0 766.7 2,484.5
Boggs's Beer Braggs 74.7 385.1 2,341.3
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 33.9 720.6 3,223.7
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 22.2 418.7 2,077.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
FreeFall 46 53 54 51 56 54 261 52 561.1
The Todd Van Poppel Project 51 52 47 51 46 51 236 51 480.1
The Greg Olson Twins 54 54 50 52 51 49 244 50 330.2
Nooner 58 52 51 50 51 46 243 52 483.1
Funky Cold Molina 53 48 46 48 44 45 251 46 510.2
Yellow Hammers 50 48 48 49 50 49 251 48 540.1
Gin and Juice 83 52 47 46 51 46 231 48 378.0
Smoked Old Fashioned 81 51 55 53 53 50 248 50 563.1
Roger Dorn Night 44 44 51 51 43 50 241 48 411.1
Boggs's Beer Braggs 68 50 49 48 47 48 237 48 446.0
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 37 51 50 51 51 51 258 51 502.2
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 48 49 50 44 43 52 232 48 420.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
FreeFall Lineups 150 173 176 166 183 176 851 170 1830.2
The Todd Van Poppel Project Lineups 166 170 153 166 150 166 770 166 1566.2
The Greg Olson Twins Lineups 176 176 163 170 166 160 796 163 1078.1
Nooner Lineups 189 170 166 163 166 150 793 170 1576.1
Funky Cold Molina Lineups 173 157 150 157 144 147 819 150 1665.1
Yellow Hammers Lineups 163 157 157 160 163 160 819 157 1762.1
Gin and Juice Lineups 271 170 153 150 166 150 753 157 1232.2
Smoked Old Fashioned Lineups 264 166 179 173 173 163 809 163 1837.1
Roger Dorn Night Lineups 144 144 166 166 140 163 786 157 1341.1
Boggs's Beer Braggs Lineups 222 163 160 157 153 157 773 157 1454.2
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove Lineups 121 166 163 166 166 166 842 166 1639.1
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena Lineups 157 160 163 144 140 170 757 157 1369.2

  • FreeFall
  • The Todd Van Poppel Project
  • The Greg Olson Twins
  • Nooner
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Yellow Hammers
  • Gin and Juice
  • Smoked Old Fashioned
  • Roger Dorn Night
  • Boggs's Beer Braggs
  • The Big Unit's Mourning Dove
  • Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena


  • FreeFall
  • The Todd Van Poppel Project
  • The Greg Olson Twins
  • Nooner
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Yellow Hammers
  • Gin and Juice
  • Smoked Old Fashioned
  • Roger Dorn Night
  • Boggs's Beer Braggs
  • The Big Unit's Mourning Dove
  • Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena
