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Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 18270.3 74.4 5.38 5.97 6822 1899 392 32 216 699 88 148 43 1438.1 55 75 1506 1191 387 44 102
The Todd Van Poppel Project 17665.1 24.6 4.97 5.59 7045 1895 353 54 238 625 75 160 57 1483.1 153 24 1430 1345 392 51 129
Boggs's Beer Braggs 17536.8 165 5.02 5.27 7152 1883 413 47 243 718 96 71 30 1498.1 95 57 1426 1367 425 47 144
Smoked Old Fashioned 17324.8 21 4.88 5.41 7211 1928 412 27 204 707 57 89 39 1501.1 85 48 1479 1376 402 40 135
Nooner 16465.5 129.9 4.77 5.10 6994 1861 387 23 204 634 75 149 54 1490.2 54 114 1400 1389 461 57 145
The Greg Olson Twins 15843.4 104.7 4.34 5.24 6892 1793 366 27 169 610 84 95 35 1474.1 180 14 1296 1408 415 47 137
Funky Cold Molina 15768.9 63.6 4.79 5.51 6517 1731 334 40 203 629 63 198 73 1314.2 81 53 1167 1168 352 39 100
Yellow Hammers 15670.3 48 4.18 5.21 6893 1726 350 31 194 574 71 133 50 1503.0 66 41 1264 1369 433 45 107
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 15349.4 51.8 5.09 5.02 6176 1657 355 28 209 708 48 98 39 1343.0 70 88 1269 1255 443 43 139
FreeFall 14804.7 110.5 4.49 5.00 6426 1733 341 41 182 428 60 114 39 1403.2 40 51 1183 1274 371 29 132
Roger Dorn Night 14591.2 37.9 4.38 5.38 6103 1519 297 26 199 585 83 108 32 1336.2 87 46 1298 1205 345 34 134
Gin and Juice 10188.6 -3 4.04 4.92 5582 1473 240 19 136 522 56 68 29 743.1 49 60 615 714 262 43 64

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
FreeFall 110.5 339.4 1,906.2
The Todd Van Poppel Project 24.6 686.5 3,197.7
The Greg Olson Twins 104.7 657.5 2,715.5
Nooner 129.9 539.3 2,497.5
Funky Cold Molina 63.6 387.6 2,116.1
Yellow Hammers 48.0 234.3 1,967.7
Gin and Juice 3.0 254.0 1,495.4
Smoked Old Fashioned 21.0 473.6 2,507.4
Roger Dorn Night 37.9 467.8 2,208.1
Boggs's Beer Braggs 165.0 448.1 2,553.1
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 51.8 585.4 2,208.5
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 74.4 650.7 3,086.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
FreeFall 164 161 140 147 142 102 722 154 1404.0
The Todd Van Poppel Project 162 162 152 159 148 157 791 155 1483.1
The Greg Olson Twins 154 135 160 154 162 162 781 162 1474.1
Nooner 163 144 158 163 162 145 763 159 1490.2
Funky Cold Molina 143 124 158 143 156 161 743 151 1314.2
Yellow Hammers 162 159 163 150 162 150 768 160 1503.0
Gin and Juice 137 131 120 128 143 122 679 157 743.1
Smoked Old Fashioned 160 163 163 163 161 163 749 163 1501.1
Roger Dorn Night 132 130 156 150 121 135 716 151 1336.2
Boggs's Beer Braggs 163 163 160 151 159 163 802 157 1498.1
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 164 121 156 93 160 129 713 155 1343.0
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 148 143 154 152 162 160 725 155 1438.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
FreeFall Lineups 165 162 141 148 143 103 726 155 1412.2
The Todd Van Poppel Project Lineups 163 163 153 160 149 158 796 156 1492.1
The Greg Olson Twins Lineups 155 136 161 155 163 163 786 163 1483.1
Nooner Lineups 164 145 159 164 163 146 768 160 1499.2
Funky Cold Molina Lineups 144 125 159 144 157 162 748 152 1322.2
Yellow Hammers Lineups 163 160 164 151 163 151 773 161 1512.1
Gin and Juice Lineups 138 132 121 129 144 123 683 158 747.2
Smoked Old Fashioned Lineups 161 164 164 164 162 164 754 164 1510.1
Roger Dorn Night Lineups 133 131 157 151 122 136 720 152 1344.2
Boggs's Beer Braggs Lineups 164 164 161 152 160 164 807 158 1507.1
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove Lineups 165 122 157 94 161 130 717 156 1351.1
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena Lineups 149 144 155 153 163 161 730 156 1447.0

  • FreeFall
  • The Todd Van Poppel Project
  • The Greg Olson Twins
  • Nooner
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Yellow Hammers
  • Gin and Juice
  • Smoked Old Fashioned
  • Roger Dorn Night
  • Boggs's Beer Braggs
  • The Big Unit's Mourning Dove
  • Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena


  • FreeFall
  • The Todd Van Poppel Project
  • The Greg Olson Twins
  • Nooner
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Yellow Hammers
  • Gin and Juice
  • Smoked Old Fashioned
  • Roger Dorn Night
  • Boggs's Beer Braggs
  • The Big Unit's Mourning Dove
  • Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena
