Paydala FAQ


The Greg Olson Twins 6927.3 137.7 5.54 5.11 2634 648 141 13 136 346 43 48 14 577.1 14 35 621 499 203 18 66
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park 6536.1 44 5.26 5.13 2642 717 134 11 97 268 50 49 7 540.1 33 25 496 488 136 31 58
Yellow Hammers 6371.9 28.2 4.92 5.08 2607 657 119 11 114 281 39 17 7 561.0 19 25 619 460 182 20 76
FreeFall 6338.0 36 5.35 5.00 2427 611 117 12 120 315 33 40 10 543.1 38 16 610 476 179 15 78
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 6004.7 12.5 5.34 4.58 2518 635 121 11 130 292 43 29 10 501.2 26 16 542 444 187 26 73
Funky Cold Molina 5953.5 129 5.02 4.97 2506 649 117 7 111 268 20 24 10 507.0 26 23 545 425 157 23 73
Gin and Juice 5635.9 49.1 5.66 4.73 2303 603 119 10 111 295 40 36 12 439.1 6 7 486 397 137 20 57
Roger Dorn Night 5471.4 18 4.76 4.43 2355 573 104 7 122 247 25 25 8 516.1 17 25 564 490 174 26 79
Smoked Old Fashioned 5314.9 22.7 4.93 5.00 2226 536 115 7 95 278 36 41 13 458.0 15 10 516 395 158 19 56
The Todd Van Poppel Project 5062.7 -7 3.94 4.05 2410 578 112 4 80 231 34 27 16 576.0 21 12 564 539 222 36 84
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 4910.9 94.5 4.82 3.32 2237 563 106 12 103 249 39 34 14 530.2 11 11 476 517 229 26 90
Nooner 4459.5 53.8 4.64 4.68 2228 547 102 9 90 228 14 46 13 353.1 22 26 380 341 121 11 53

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
FreeFall 36.0 697.6 3,129.9
The Todd Van Poppel Project 7.0 283.6 2,301.5
The Greg Olson Twins 137.7 732.5 3,368.3
Nooner 53.8 426.6 2,201.8
Funky Cold Molina 129.0 622.1 2,722.2
Yellow Hammers 28.2 359.2 2,902.1
Gin and Juice 49.1 469.7 2,290.0
Smoked Old Fashioned 22.7 298.0 2,005.1
Roger Dorn Night 18.0 626.3 2,431.5
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park 44.0 762.4 3,122.6
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 12.5 416.7 2,798.9
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 94.5 481.9 2,347.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
FreeFall 60 59 56 55 49 59 282 57 543.1
The Todd Van Poppel Project 60 60 56 60 60 57 280 60 576.0
The Greg Olson Twins 58 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 577.1
Nooner 60 57 30 51 60 48 239 60 353.1
Funky Cold Molina 60 50 55 50 58 57 298 56 507.0
Yellow Hammers 60 60 59 60 58 60 299 60 561.0
Gin and Juice 60 58 54 54 48 49 247 59 439.1
Smoked Old Fashioned 58 42 40 56 57 58 254 49 458.0
Roger Dorn Night 60 53 52 60 60 60 265 59 516.1
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park 60 60 60 58 59 60 298 60 540.1
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 49 60 60 60 60 58 290 57 501.2
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 50 60 60 60 46 60 262 55 530.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
FreeFall Lineups 165 162 154 151 135 162 776 157 1495.0
The Todd Van Poppel Project Lineups 165 165 154 165 165 157 771 165 1585.0
The Greg Olson Twins Lineups 160 165 165 165 165 165 826 165 1588.2
Nooner Lineups 165 157 83 140 165 132 658 165 972.1
Funky Cold Molina Lineups 165 138 151 138 160 157 820 154 1395.0
Yellow Hammers Lineups 165 165 162 165 160 165 823 165 1543.2
Gin and Juice Lineups 165 160 149 149 132 135 680 162 1209.0
Smoked Old Fashioned Lineups 160 116 110 154 157 160 699 135 1260.1
Roger Dorn Night Lineups 165 146 143 165 165 165 729 162 1420.2
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park Lineups 165 165 165 160 162 165 820 165 1486.2
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove Lineups 135 165 165 165 165 160 798 157 1380.1
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena Lineups 138 165 165 165 127 165 721 151 1460.1

  • FreeFall
  • The Todd Van Poppel Project
  • The Greg Olson Twins
  • Nooner
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Yellow Hammers
  • Gin and Juice
  • Smoked Old Fashioned
  • Roger Dorn Night
  • Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park
  • The Big Unit's Mourning Dove
  • Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena


  • FreeFall
  • The Todd Van Poppel Project
  • The Greg Olson Twins
  • Nooner
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Yellow Hammers
  • Gin and Juice
  • Smoked Old Fashioned
  • Roger Dorn Night
  • Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park
  • The Big Unit's Mourning Dove
  • Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena
