Paydala FAQ


The Greg Olson Twins 18475.9 44.9 5.39 5.52 7237 1823 357 31 347 845 79 131 33 1468.1 42 94 1674 1247 477 64 149
Nooner 17859.1 78.5 5.17 5.20 7489 1939 391 28 274 746 92 179 29 1508.1 90 72 1495 1331 449 56 168
Roger Dorn Night 17272.8 24.1 5.04 5.32 6637 1700 322 28 293 622 95 272 63 1514.1 83 56 1682 1260 543 50 171
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 17155.5 48.5 5.52 4.49 7068 1808 359 39 310 897 120 126 33 1496.0 5 36 1486 1400 422 53 197
Yellow Hammers 17086.8 -1 5.10 4.76 7356 1896 395 29 291 695 95 205 54 1506.2 90 50 1638 1345 530 70 212
Gin and Juice 16917.4 62.2 5.69 4.64 6960 1896 380 38 309 678 88 169 27 1400.1 47 37 1318 1307 406 44 174
FreeFall 16889.2 35.2 5.04 4.76 7212 1885 343 47 264 706 104 180 52 1506.0 87 42 1542 1312 487 59 212
Funky Cold Molina 16401.2 92.2 5.17 4.82 6598 1699 362 12 304 710 65 87 23 1470.2 94 55 1625 1316 529 74 204
The Todd Van Poppel Project 16374.7 86.4 4.93 4.80 6915 1760 368 36 286 645 103 151 40 1469.2 118 16 1446 1343 477 81 179
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park 15512.2 3.7 4.89 4.48 6829 1731 332 28 254 768 102 88 28 1436.2 124 42 1439 1401 538 76 193
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 14610.6 128.8 4.88 4.06 6938 1783 368 20 262 663 101 147 36 1343.2 4 19 1336 1299 456 68 188
Smoked Old Fashioned 14231.2 11.4 4.80 4.25 6117 1551 325 32 214 567 56 184 28 1501.2 34 69 1530 1436 507 66 226

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
FreeFall 35.2 296.8 2,534.7
The Todd Van Poppel Project 86.4 571.6 2,478.8
The Greg Olson Twins 44.9 479.3 2,783.3
Nooner 78.5 345.1 2,260.1
Funky Cold Molina 92.2 333.3 2,074.3
Yellow Hammers 1.0 399.1 2,725.7
Gin and Juice 62.2 540.4 2,558.5
Smoked Old Fashioned 11.4 286.7 2,068.1
Roger Dorn Night 24.1 493.1 2,557.1
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park 3.7 402.2 2,612.4
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 48.5 493.5 2,732.6
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 128.8 586.7 2,554.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
FreeFall 161 160 161 161 160 162 801 162 1506.0
The Todd Van Poppel Project 158 161 162 162 162 145 782 159 1469.2
The Greg Olson Twins 162 154 158 160 158 162 810 162 1468.1
Nooner 162 162 162 162 162 162 803 160 1508.1
Funky Cold Molina 162 152 150 156 146 162 724 149 1470.2
Yellow Hammers 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1506.2
Gin and Juice 162 162 137 158 162 146 742 162 1400.1
Smoked Old Fashioned 162 117 162 155 98 161 636 145 1501.2
Roger Dorn Night 162 162 137 160 138 162 758 151 1514.1
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park 162 158 160 159 157 160 745 155 1436.2
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove 129 161 157 161 157 160 804 162 1496.0
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena 162 163 143 153 155 155 794 152 1343.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
FreeFall Lineups 162 161 162 162 161 163 806 163 1515.1
The Todd Van Poppel Project Lineups 159 162 163 163 163 146 787 160 1478.2
The Greg Olson Twins Lineups 163 155 159 161 159 163 815 163 1477.1
Nooner Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 808 161 1517.2
Funky Cold Molina Lineups 163 153 151 157 147 163 728 150 1479.2
Yellow Hammers Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1516.0
Gin and Juice Lineups 163 163 138 159 163 147 747 163 1409.0
Smoked Old Fashioned Lineups 163 118 163 156 99 162 640 146 1510.2
Roger Dorn Night Lineups 163 163 138 161 139 163 763 152 1523.2
Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park Lineups 163 159 161 160 158 161 750 156 1445.1
The Big Unit's Mourning Dove Lineups 130 162 158 162 158 161 809 163 1505.0
Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena Lineups 163 164 144 154 156 156 799 153 1352.0

  • FreeFall
  • The Todd Van Poppel Project
  • The Greg Olson Twins
  • Nooner
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Yellow Hammers
  • Gin and Juice
  • Smoked Old Fashioned
  • Roger Dorn Night
  • Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park
  • The Big Unit's Mourning Dove
  • Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena


  • FreeFall
  • The Todd Van Poppel Project
  • The Greg Olson Twins
  • Nooner
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Yellow Hammers
  • Gin and Juice
  • Smoked Old Fashioned
  • Roger Dorn Night
  • Gator Mike’s Family Fun Park
  • The Big Unit's Mourning Dove
  • Every Arozarena Has Its Athornarena
