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The Tallahassee Night Trains 18749.0 0 5.57 5.27 7541 2014 409 33 301 784 92 168 23 1505.0 77 69 1646 1348 469 54 170
Clubhouse Chemistry 18634.5 5.6 5.40 5.35 7503 1975 420 40 314 657 101 199 40 1522.2 127 54 1783 1285 549 61 193
台北土狗 17643.4 51 5.70 4.75 7037 1880 394 33 348 745 72 127 37 1467.0 72 69 1457 1316 504 66 188
杀手 17034.2 126.8 5.11 5.05 7193 1803 391 34 319 753 78 98 23 1424.1 98 81 1470 1255 508 51 176
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 16780.6 31.1 4.81 5.05 6828 1739 380 29 243 717 110 153 39 1515.0 113 51 1594 1367 479 53 192
Thumbs down 16727.8 -5.5 5.03 4.91 7202 1862 343 25 264 776 112 92 32 1453.0 65 54 1473 1323 405 54 186
Go Go Swallows 16580.5 26.2 4.95 5.01 6934 1755 347 18 274 684 90 128 29 1501.0 50 49 1553 1291 442 57 186
Han Soto 16355.8 33.1 5.51 4.14 6775 1766 348 31 298 811 82 250 61 1516.1 12 85 1416 1490 535 81 200
Lego Master 15911.0 17.9 5.45 4.68 6797 1674 296 32 349 802 107 161 35 1299.1 68 61 1349 1150 478 77 176
The Hopsmackers 15650.0 58.5 4.77 4.62 6843 1790 364 32 203 669 59 164 44 1503.0 33 87 1592 1334 573 82 198
Texas Never Whispers 14950.1 66.7 5.11 4.49 6676 1740 363 38 266 677 87 172 41 1249.2 65 28 1240 1186 432 49 165
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 13126.1 20.4 4.78 4.94 5813 1532 325 35 196 507 59 149 43 1117.0 70 47 1141 1008 375 59 134

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 31.1 435.2 2,499.7
杀手 126.8 503.6 2,185.2
The Hopsmackers 58.5 238.7 1,396.8
Go Go Swallows 26.2 320.8 1,851.6
台北土狗 51.0 586.8 2,938.8
Lego Master 17.9 393.7 2,156.9
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 20.4 353.1 1,812.6
Texas Never Whispers 66.7 332.7 1,794.5
The Tallahassee Night Trains 0.0 126.6 2,468.3
Han Soto 33.1 295.9 2,436.8
Clubhouse Chemistry 5.6 468.2 2,613.5
Thumbs down 5.5 376.8 2,408.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 162 156 158 157 155 162 797 150 1515.0
杀手 162 162 162 157 162 162 801 159 1424.1
The Hopsmackers 162 150 144 149 147 157 764 150 1503.0
Go Go Swallows 162 149 157 162 155 159 737 151 1501.0
台北土狗 162 150 153 153 158 162 773 162 1467.0
Lego Master 123 162 152 160 153 149 761 145 1299.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 162 157 119 136 94 143 664 117 1117.0
Texas Never Whispers 162 151 143 157 157 155 751 152 1249.2
The Tallahassee Night Trains 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1505.0
Han Soto 162 162 137 137 133 163 786 149 1516.1
Clubhouse Chemistry 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1522.2
Thumbs down 162 162 162 161 160 156 781 162 1453.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball Lineups 163 157 159 158 156 163 802 151 1524.1
杀手 Lineups 163 163 163 158 163 163 806 160 1433.0
The Hopsmackers Lineups 163 151 145 150 148 158 769 151 1512.1
Go Go Swallows Lineups 163 150 158 163 156 160 742 152 1510.0
台北土狗 Lineups 163 151 154 154 159 163 778 163 1476.0
Lego Master Lineups 124 163 153 161 154 150 766 146 1307.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 163 158 120 137 95 144 668 118 1123.2
Texas Never Whispers Lineups 163 152 144 158 158 156 756 153 1257.1
The Tallahassee Night Trains Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1514.1
Han Soto Lineups 163 163 138 138 134 164 791 150 1525.2
Clubhouse Chemistry Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1532.0
Thumbs down Lineups 163 163 163 162 161 157 786 163 1462.0

  • Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball
  • 杀手
  • The Hopsmackers
  • Go Go Swallows
  • 台北土狗
  • Lego Master
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Texas Never Whispers
  • The Tallahassee Night Trains
  • Han Soto
  • Clubhouse Chemistry
  • Thumbs down


  • Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball
  • 杀手
  • The Hopsmackers
  • Go Go Swallows
  • 台北土狗
  • Lego Master
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Texas Never Whispers
  • The Tallahassee Night Trains
  • Han Soto
  • Clubhouse Chemistry
  • Thumbs down
