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Lego Master 17933.9 30.7 5.22 5.32 7073 1753 352 21 347 809 84 134 44 1500.1 58 85 1628 1250 501 68 167
台北土狗 17658.3 54.9 4.94 5.72 6988 1770 371 26 289 624 76 90 24 1502.0 48 86 1598 1210 427 52 140
Thumbs down 17654.8 47.7 5.23 5.34 6958 1867 378 29 234 747 114 68 21 1505.2 79 40 1574 1258 432 89 160
Clubhouse Chemistry 17553.3 52.6 4.68 5.61 7338 1862 390 41 255 634 84 85 37 1514.0 87 41 1613 1171 451 37 165
The Tallahassee Night Trains 17420.9 37.3 5.18 5.17 7034 1853 404 25 269 668 90 139 31 1506.0 110 31 1436 1326 446 55 159
杀手 16552.0 107.5 4.30 5.71 6823 1623 354 12 239 684 77 78 30 1506.0 83 68 1671 1239 440 55 152
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 16485.1 98.5 4.92 5.14 6843 1799 365 31 236 724 93 106 28 1406.0 33 82 1462 1226 391 52 169
Texas Never Whispers 16428.6 9.8 4.72 5.37 6809 1739 367 26 249 592 91 122 40 1448.2 72 46 1514 1206 426 69 154
Go Go Swallows 16301.0 40.1 5.11 4.78 6797 1759 373 28 261 639 108 139 54 1507.1 37 49 1376 1339 490 85 153
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 15011.1 144.3 4.62 5.26 6489 1634 319 27 261 601 82 77 33 1276.1 86 58 1318 1113 400 75 139
Han Soto 14958.7 30.5 4.92 4.64 6000 1482 317 21 238 698 79 89 29 1500.0 46 59 1426 1382 442 74 188
The Hopsmackers 12975.6 32.1 3.99 4.46 5890 1462 289 24 155 512 68 121 28 1426.1 56 48 1253 1346 460 65 171

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 98.5 472.4 2,395.6
杀手 107.5 446.3 2,222.2
The Hopsmackers 32.1 467.2 1,821.6
Go Go Swallows 40.1 476.1 2,432.7
台北土狗 54.9 673.1 2,885.2
Lego Master 30.7 453.2 2,825.6
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 144.3 449.2 2,490.4
Texas Never Whispers 9.8 301.1 1,999.0
The Tallahassee Night Trains 37.3 303.4 2,452.6
Han Soto 30.5 355.6 1,928.4
Clubhouse Chemistry 52.6 629.3 2,693.3
Thumbs down 47.7 695.0 2,858.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 162 160 158 162 159 161 787 133 1406.0
杀手 146 162 157 144 135 160 786 158 1506.0
The Hopsmackers 162 139 143 148 134 110 691 133 1426.1
Go Go Swallows 162 151 130 158 122 159 751 149 1507.1
台北土狗 151 162 155 162 154 159 732 162 1502.0
Lego Master 162 162 146 156 162 158 798 162 1500.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 151 160 157 147 146 162 730 144 1276.1
Texas Never Whispers 162 162 140 160 142 162 752 153 1448.2
The Tallahassee Night Trains 162 157 162 158 162 158 741 162 1506.0
Han Soto 162 138 133 139 125 138 663 127 1500.0
Clubhouse Chemistry 162 161 161 161 160 160 810 161 1514.0
Thumbs down 159 162 155 154 144 153 754 157 1505.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball Lineups 163 161 159 163 160 162 792 134 1415.0
杀手 Lineups 147 163 158 145 136 161 791 159 1515.2
The Hopsmackers Lineups 163 140 144 149 135 111 696 134 1435.2
Go Go Swallows Lineups 163 152 131 159 123 160 756 150 1517.0
台北土狗 Lineups 152 163 156 163 155 160 737 163 1511.2
Lego Master Lineups 163 163 147 157 163 159 803 163 1510.0
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 152 161 158 148 147 163 735 145 1284.2
Texas Never Whispers Lineups 163 163 141 161 143 163 757 154 1458.0
The Tallahassee Night Trains Lineups 163 158 163 159 163 159 746 163 1515.2
Han Soto Lineups 163 139 134 140 126 139 667 128 1509.2
Clubhouse Chemistry Lineups 163 162 162 162 161 161 815 162 1524.0
Thumbs down Lineups 160 163 156 155 145 154 759 158 1515.1

  • Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball
  • 杀手
  • The Hopsmackers
  • Go Go Swallows
  • 台北土狗
  • Lego Master
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Texas Never Whispers
  • The Tallahassee Night Trains
  • Han Soto
  • Clubhouse Chemistry
  • Thumbs down


  • Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball
  • 杀手
  • The Hopsmackers
  • Go Go Swallows
  • 台北土狗
  • Lego Master
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Texas Never Whispers
  • The Tallahassee Night Trains
  • Han Soto
  • Clubhouse Chemistry
  • Thumbs down
