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Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 19668.4 103.6 6.34 4.86 7377 2024 449 22 408 894 111 79 26 1512.2 59 77 1698 1343 469 65 223
杀手 19432.4 36.3 5.97 5.31 7215 1925 381 24 397 843 81 93 17 1505.2 106 52 1748 1340 433 59 197
Thumbs down 18739.1 52.4 5.85 5.11 7354 1956 363 40 377 823 95 140 39 1448.0 99 54 1745 1182 451 61 236
The Tallahassee Night Trains 17344.9 0.2 5.87 3.94 7321 1957 383 42 382 820 89 106 34 1505.1 58 35 1495 1553 546 53 227
Lego Master 17286.8 13.2 5.40 4.80 7333 1915 367 45 329 772 86 128 46 1416.1 119 53 1469 1314 422 76 205
台北土狗 17038.9 83.9 5.66 5.21 6924 1847 422 49 311 709 84 129 37 1279.2 117 39 1490 1092 436 44 182
Go Go Swallows 16984.1 35.2 5.55 4.41 6988 1880 386 56 299 675 118 146 42 1508.0 23 25 1568 1403 473 64 211
Clubhouse Chemistry 16398.2 168.3 5.26 4.78 6384 1717 352 33 288 640 60 87 26 1476.1 60 97 1572 1285 460 70 225
Texas Never Whispers 16038.5 42.2 5.95 4.62 6651 1812 401 29 371 604 78 109 41 1208.1 73 71 1263 1125 449 51 171
The Hopsmackers 15766.3 111 4.80 4.59 6859 1795 331 26 264 667 60 116 49 1465.0 60 62 1403 1369 462 48 194
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 15475.3 7.4 5.35 4.83 6494 1748 376 26 308 575 81 30 18 1258.0 8 68 1286 1105 397 42 157
Han Soto 14575.9 25.2 5.16 4.36 6337 1629 351 32 290 687 83 79 34 1261.1 48 56 1350 1189 412 54 204

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 103.6 534.5 3,082.6
杀手 36.3 621.4 2,759.1
The Hopsmackers 111.0 536.3 2,504.7
Go Go Swallows 35.2 322.2 1,970.1
台北土狗 83.9 579.1 2,472.4
Lego Master 13.2 460.2 2,680.9
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 7.4 304.2 1,860.7
Texas Never Whispers 42.2 252.0 1,790.3
The Tallahassee Night Trains 0.2 478.8 3,158.9
Han Soto 25.2 305.3 2,063.9
Clubhouse Chemistry 168.3 540.9 2,442.3
Thumbs down 52.4 431.4 2,549.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 162 162 162 162 161 162 810 162 1512.2
杀手 162 162 160 162 160 160 802 147 1505.2
The Hopsmackers 162 152 154 160 162 157 789 150 1465.0
Go Go Swallows 144 161 161 158 162 152 762 162 1508.0
台北土狗 129 150 142 162 159 160 768 160 1279.2
Lego Master 161 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1416.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 152 151 149 157 143 157 691 159 1258.0
Texas Never Whispers 151 156 154 136 151 152 700 156 1208.1
The Tallahassee Night Trains 162 162 162 162 162 162 809 162 1505.1
Han Soto 104 158 137 144 131 153 775 156 1261.1
Clubhouse Chemistry 162 143 151 160 144 123 743 148 1476.1
Thumbs down 162 162 162 162 161 158 810 162 1448.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball Lineups 163 163 163 163 162 163 815 163 1522.2
杀手 Lineups 163 163 161 163 161 161 807 148 1515.1
The Hopsmackers Lineups 163 153 155 161 163 158 794 151 1474.2
Go Go Swallows Lineups 145 162 162 159 163 153 767 163 1517.2
台北土狗 Lineups 130 151 143 163 160 161 773 161 1288.0
Lego Master Lineups 162 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1425.2
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 153 152 150 158 144 158 696 160 1266.1
Texas Never Whispers Lineups 152 157 155 137 152 153 705 157 1216.1
The Tallahassee Night Trains Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 814 163 1515.0
Han Soto Lineups 105 159 138 145 132 154 780 157 1269.2
Clubhouse Chemistry Lineups 163 144 152 161 145 124 748 149 1486.0
Thumbs down Lineups 163 163 163 163 162 159 815 163 1457.1

  • Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball
  • 杀手
  • The Hopsmackers
  • Go Go Swallows
  • 台北土狗
  • Lego Master
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Texas Never Whispers
  • The Tallahassee Night Trains
  • Han Soto
  • Clubhouse Chemistry
  • Thumbs down


  • Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball
  • 杀手
  • The Hopsmackers
  • Go Go Swallows
  • 台北土狗
  • Lego Master
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Texas Never Whispers
  • The Tallahassee Night Trains
  • Han Soto
  • Clubhouse Chemistry
  • Thumbs down
