T-shirt sale


杀手 17984.7 95.4 5.40 5.12 7075 1848 400 26 320 793 109 74 33 1493.0 71 76 1681 1322 511 61 185
Texas Never Whispers 17913.4 73.3 5.29 5.30 6960 1853 373 35 281 711 110 134 29 1498.0 113 35 1677 1209 542 58 184
The Tallahassee Night Trains 17793.6 91.4 5.63 5.04 6808 1849 366 25 318 684 102 138 43 1500.0 80 40 1508 1341 501 67 157
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 17565.5 17.1 5.47 4.97 7015 1907 402 27 304 758 78 96 28 1430.0 17 99 1558 1276 446 74 178
Thumbs down 17135.8 192.7 5.23 5.23 6651 1697 318 25 302 809 82 79 25 1459.2 59 54 1553 1202 458 63 171
台北土狗 16209.1 57.6 5.31 4.76 6612 1659 356 19 327 703 93 69 19 1439.2 81 62 1485 1263 478 50 208
Lego Master 16080.3 67.5 4.62 5.26 6536 1622 347 28 261 660 97 88 31 1437.1 71 61 1656 1200 467 71 183
Han Soto 15972.4 51.7 5.02 5.20 6407 1688 330 25 271 758 58 89 28 1297.1 78 76 1329 1109 392 49 163
Clubhouse Chemistry 15961.7 57.2 5.20 4.12 7048 1871 360 43 285 669 98 92 21 1492.0 33 54 1477 1400 498 64 236
The Hopsmackers 15540.4 0.5 4.80 4.13 7243 1840 365 21 264 745 70 123 37 1512.2 52 47 1541 1395 484 51 264
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 15502.0 29.9 5.21 5.63 5952 1470 291 30 311 642 76 83 31 1254.0 68 46 1444 966 421 70 134
Go Go Swallows 14042.2 110.4 5.21 4.62 5752 1507 297 30 241 556 76 146 45 1302.0 72 37 1314 1157 455 62 179

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 17.1 557.6 2,274.9
杀手 95.4 627.8 3,143.7
The Hopsmackers 0.5 367.6 2,375.1
Go Go Swallows 110.4 547.5 2,251.6
台北土狗 57.6 615.9 2,569.7
Lego Master 67.5 378.6 1,889.9
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 29.9 448.4 2,213.2
Texas Never Whispers 73.3 598.9 2,807.2
The Tallahassee Night Trains 91.4 327.6 1,991.1
Han Soto 51.7 444.6 2,380.6
Clubhouse Chemistry 57.2 567.2 3,192.1
Thumbs down 192.7 673.6 2,596.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball 162 162 155 162 158 160 791 162 1430.0
杀手 149 160 159 162 155 162 810 159 1493.0
The Hopsmackers 162 162 162 157 162 162 810 159 1512.2
Go Go Swallows 162 135 157 129 106 86 621 147 1302.0
台北土狗 163 162 160 147 157 131 708 133 1439.2
Lego Master 162 147 159 161 157 151 753 152 1437.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 139 127 117 139 126 160 662 150 1254.0
Texas Never Whispers 162 161 161 152 157 154 790 148 1498.0
The Tallahassee Night Trains 162 159 150 162 154 159 712 160 1500.0
Han Soto 162 146 149 153 156 148 776 150 1297.1
Clubhouse Chemistry 154 162 160 150 161 155 783 161 1492.0
Thumbs down 162 160 156 159 155 162 718 146 1459.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball Lineups 163 163 156 163 159 161 796 163 1438.2
杀手 Lineups 150 161 160 163 156 163 815 160 1502.0
The Hopsmackers Lineups 163 163 163 158 163 163 815 160 1522.0
Go Go Swallows Lineups 163 136 158 130 107 87 625 148 1310.0
台北土狗 Lineups 164 163 161 148 158 132 712 134 1448.1
Lego Master Lineups 163 148 160 162 158 152 758 153 1446.0
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 140 128 118 140 127 161 666 151 1261.2
Texas Never Whispers Lineups 163 162 162 153 158 155 795 149 1507.0
The Tallahassee Night Trains Lineups 163 160 151 163 155 160 716 161 1509.0
Han Soto Lineups 163 147 150 154 157 149 781 151 1305.1
Clubhouse Chemistry Lineups 155 163 161 151 162 156 788 162 1501.0
Thumbs down Lineups 163 161 157 160 156 163 722 147 1468.2

  • Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball
  • 杀手
  • The Hopsmackers
  • Go Go Swallows
  • 台北土狗
  • Lego Master
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Texas Never Whispers
  • The Tallahassee Night Trains
  • Han Soto
  • Clubhouse Chemistry
  • Thumbs down


  • Springfield Nuclear Plant Softball
  • 杀手
  • The Hopsmackers
  • Go Go Swallows
  • 台北土狗
  • Lego Master
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Texas Never Whispers
  • The Tallahassee Night Trains
  • Han Soto
  • Clubhouse Chemistry
  • Thumbs down
