Enter 2025 OPL


🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 19419.1 13.4 5.56 5.70 7257 1921 379 31 344 796 95 101 28 1514.0 67 60 1735 1264 448 42 152
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 18505.7 16.6 5.22 5.55 7241 1890 349 32 304 821 63 60 17 1512.0 122 47 1792 1180 481 61 202
Pitching Woo 18483.4 -2 5.67 4.96 7256 1914 347 29 362 861 93 123 41 1504.0 46 99 1496 1317 496 56 179
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 17902.6 119 5.49 4.82 7197 1886 423 41 315 804 110 108 40 1512.0 65 65 1569 1306 498 69 206
Brighten the Hoerners 17782.8 9.9 5.36 5.63 6331 1639 315 20 297 786 73 99 35 1500.0 106 25 1785 1192 429 100 176
All Lowe Do Is Winn 17475.1 55.5 5.21 5.00 7181 1847 362 27 314 753 100 92 26 1500.0 96 46 1509 1285 457 46 198
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 17055.4 26.7 5.01 5.07 7082 1792 360 22 313 725 88 101 30 1467.0 80 84 1439 1280 484 64 167
Foul Pole Assassins 16697.4 99.1 5.53 4.72 6756 1805 381 32 320 575 66 157 35 1467.0 36 71 1606 1296 519 81 198
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 14934.6 89.2 4.88 4.45 6603 1702 342 25 259 606 95 76 13 1398.2 40 38 1453 1280 455 68 202
The Reinheimers 13596.3 81.2 4.77 4.78 5874 1522 325 29 216 599 85 96 31 1185.1 65 23 1281 1067 383 66 160
Manny in the Mountcastle 11759.7 42.4 4.92 4.09 5761 1449 279 22 259 631 74 86 21 933.2 37 59 891 896 348 54 143
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 11696.7 113.7 4.61 4.57 5838 1434 288 18 204 630 114 93 33 947.1 38 61 1002 830 409 48 129

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 16.6 608.0 2,797.5
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 13.4 316.3 2,738.4
Manny in the Mountcastle 42.4 361.0 1,900.9
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 26.7 384.9 2,662.3
Pitching Woo 2.0 425.9 2,648.5
All Lowe Do Is Winn 55.5 567.1 2,668.6
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 119.0 630.0 3,018.9
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 89.2 618.9 2,518.8
Foul Pole Assassins 99.1 493.1 2,661.9
The Reinheimers 81.2 539.4 2,318.0
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 113.7 339.3 1,695.2
Brighten the Hoerners 9.9 271.4 2,421.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 162 162 161 162 162 162 806 162 1512.0
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 162 162 162 159 162 162 810 162 1514.0
Manny in the Mountcastle 124 143 156 140 135 162 607 148 933.2
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 150 162 154 158 161 162 810 162 1467.0
Pitching Woo 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1504.0
All Lowe Do Is Winn 162 163 158 162 160 160 796 154 1500.0
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 162 162 161 161 162 162 804 159 1512.0
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 146 127 148 159 156 152 759 137 1398.2
Foul Pole Assassins 162 148 153 138 117 162 739 147 1467.0
The Reinheimers 162 159 141 147 125 92 683 156 1185.1
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 151 137 122 137 98 131 689 132 947.1
Brighten the Hoerners 162 150 134 153 140 161 702 141 1500.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 163 811 163 1521.1
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers Lineups 163 163 163 160 163 163 815 163 1523.1
Manny in the Mountcastle Lineups 125 144 157 141 136 163 611 149 939.1
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang Lineups 151 163 155 159 162 163 815 163 1476.0
Pitching Woo Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1513.1
All Lowe Do Is Winn Lineups 163 164 159 163 161 161 801 155 1509.0
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש Lineups 163 163 162 162 163 163 809 160 1521.1
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) Lineups 147 128 149 160 157 153 764 138 1407.1
Foul Pole Assassins Lineups 163 149 154 139 118 163 744 148 1476.0
The Reinheimers Lineups 163 160 142 148 126 93 687 157 1192.2
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 Lineups 152 138 123 138 99 132 693 133 953.0
Brighten the Hoerners Lineups 163 151 135 154 141 162 706 142 1509.0

  • 🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖
  • 🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers
  • Manny in the Mountcastle
  • O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang
  • Pitching Woo
  • All Lowe Do Is Winn
  • 🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש
  • Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version)
  • Foul Pole Assassins
  • The Reinheimers
  • 🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛
  • Brighten the Hoerners


  • 🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖
  • 🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers
  • Manny in the Mountcastle
  • O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang
  • Pitching Woo
  • All Lowe Do Is Winn
  • 🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש
  • Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version)
  • Foul Pole Assassins
  • The Reinheimers
  • 🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛
  • Brighten the Hoerners
