Enter 2025 OPL


All Lowe Do Is Winn 6858.3 77.4 5.66 5.00 2701 716 127 11 135 297 41 38 7 557.0 54 13 600 526 158 24 77
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 6714.2 107.4 5.61 4.84 2665 725 165 17 101 317 46 31 9 552.0 16 28 617 505 177 16 77
Pitching Woo 6680.9 7.6 5.18 5.14 2604 644 114 9 119 358 35 41 7 572.0 11 28 694 476 207 22 75
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 6674.3 -16 5.12 5.28 2639 679 128 10 120 280 31 39 14 565.2 42 11 678 496 225 15 65
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 6256.9 8.9 4.86 5.33 2528 659 136 4 101 250 28 44 14 534.2 33 25 617 439 207 27 62
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 5996.3 2.9 5.16 4.47 2619 650 124 12 124 301 33 43 8 519.2 24 19 531 480 206 31 67
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 5810.7 0 4.87 4.16 2556 642 125 7 100 304 50 33 13 562.2 14 27 529 521 163 32 91
Manny in the Mountcastle 5773.9 1.9 4.68 4.71 2481 595 115 5 120 305 36 17 10 511.0 21 25 507 443 177 17 70
Brighten the Hoerners 5311.6 73 5.43 4.54 2107 514 107 11 118 266 17 42 13 476.2 13 9 541 407 165 23 75
Foul Pole Assassins 4908.2 111.1 4.41 3.81 2371 602 122 12 78 158 24 63 21 563.0 1 16 548 530 181 32 95
The Reinheimers 4458.7 66.7 4.65 4.41 1926 470 91 11 85 245 38 30 12 398.0 16 9 380 356 145 18 53
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 4358.1 55.6 4.50 4.01 2125 487 100 12 103 240 42 32 14 389.2 3 19 402 362 151 20 62

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 16.0 628.5 2,913.7
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 8.9 646.0 2,969.6
Manny in the Mountcastle 1.9 311.2 2,533.2
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 0.0 350.6 2,414.7
Pitching Woo 7.6 529.7 2,923.5
All Lowe Do Is Winn 77.4 676.9 3,334.7
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 2.9 388.3 2,843.9
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 107.4 720.1 3,115.1
Foul Pole Assassins 111.1 623.2 2,637.0
The Reinheimers 66.7 327.3 1,973.7
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 55.6 553.0 1,902.2
Brighten the Hoerners 73.0 383.2 2,084.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 60 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 565.2
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 43 60 59 60 60 59 300 60 534.2
Manny in the Mountcastle 60 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 511.0
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 60 54 60 60 60 60 301 58 562.2
Pitching Woo 60 61 60 60 61 60 300 60 572.0
All Lowe Do Is Winn 60 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 557.0
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 60 60 60 58 60 60 295 60 519.2
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 60 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 552.0
Foul Pole Assassins 60 56 54 57 58 52 232 57 563.0
The Reinheimers 60 60 56 29 43 51 258 25 398.0
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 60 53 43 59 47 54 258 47 389.2
Brighten the Hoerners 45 45 48 59 59 36 235 52 476.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 826 165 1556.2
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers Lineups 118 165 162 165 165 162 826 165 1471.1
Manny in the Mountcastle Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 826 165 1406.0
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang Lineups 165 149 165 165 165 165 828 160 1548.1
Pitching Woo Lineups 165 168 165 165 168 165 826 165 1574.0
All Lowe Do Is Winn Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 826 165 1532.2
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש Lineups 165 165 165 160 165 165 812 165 1430.0
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 826 165 1519.0
Foul Pole Assassins Lineups 165 154 149 157 160 143 638 157 1549.1
The Reinheimers Lineups 165 165 154 80 118 140 710 69 1095.0
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 Lineups 165 146 118 162 129 149 710 129 1072.1
Brighten the Hoerners Lineups 124 124 132 162 162 99 647 143 1311.2

  • 🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖
  • 🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers
  • Manny in the Mountcastle
  • O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang
  • Pitching Woo
  • All Lowe Do Is Winn
  • 🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש
  • Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version)
  • Foul Pole Assassins
  • The Reinheimers
  • 🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛
  • Brighten the Hoerners


  • 🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖
  • 🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers
  • Manny in the Mountcastle
  • O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang
  • Pitching Woo
  • All Lowe Do Is Winn
  • 🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש
  • Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version)
  • Foul Pole Assassins
  • The Reinheimers
  • 🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛
  • Brighten the Hoerners
