Enter 2025 OPL


🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 19286.4 1 5.38 5.89 7112 1808 382 37 314 910 117 88 33 1502.2 75 88 1759 1230 389 45 164
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 18138.2 14.4 5.41 5.36 7117 1894 404 36 299 732 69 103 31 1483.2 67 79 1580 1260 538 68 142
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 17840.4 -0.5 5.33 5.06 7275 1916 398 33 309 747 97 126 50 1485.0 65 83 1607 1340 462 69 185
Brighten the Hoerners 17808.9 24.7 5.38 5.40 6555 1790 400 40 293 677 79 107 45 1455.1 151 18 1486 1194 485 67 159
All Lowe Do Is Winn 17545.2 40.7 5.01 5.22 7476 2004 392 30 256 654 66 92 34 1503.2 72 102 1587 1316 486 64 175
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 17007.6 4.5 5.02 5.16 7049 1787 362 27 267 797 81 114 47 1477.0 62 99 1522 1299 489 63 165
Pitching Woo 16994.9 0 5.27 4.54 7148 1849 366 32 309 850 86 93 34 1486.1 115 39 1477 1403 485 62 215
Foul Pole Assassins 16535.9 0 4.97 5.02 7163 1826 352 41 269 753 82 171 61 1401.0 100 57 1417 1220 522 60 161
Manny in the Mountcastle 16420.4 1.9 5.02 5.17 6584 1709 356 27 285 693 83 71 29 1391.1 28 91 1500 1182 413 74 169
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 15251.6 25.1 5.46 4.51 6246 1696 378 35 251 706 76 93 43 1316.1 37 49 1312 1243 509 46 155
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 14811.0 1.6 4.54 4.80 6635 1697 361 28 220 637 74 87 25 1342.2 83 39 1301 1269 407 56 161
The Reinheimers 13303.1 3 4.90 4.57 6016 1590 300 27 232 657 60 115 30 1077.1 101 37 1068 979 430 52 150

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 1.6 528.4 2,151.4
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 1.0 280.5 2,423.9
Manny in the Mountcastle 1.9 359.9 2,097.8
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 25.1 341.7 2,108.4
Pitching Woo 0.0 327.4 2,393.6
All Lowe Do Is Winn 40.7 511.1 2,626.8
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 0.5 514.8 2,806.3
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 4.5 550.1 2,496.2
Foul Pole Assassins 0.0 413.8 2,601.8
The Reinheimers 3.0 336.8 1,678.5
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 14.4 670.4 2,884.4
Brighten the Hoerners 24.7 600.4 2,924.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 162 157 159 152 145 162 751 156 1342.2
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 162 161 162 162 162 162 809 162 1502.2
Manny in the Mountcastle 150 158 152 160 155 160 749 154 1391.1
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 119 73 158 159 156 139 747 153 1316.1
Pitching Woo 162 162 162 162 162 162 809 162 1486.1
All Lowe Do Is Winn 161 160 161 162 162 160 810 162 1503.2
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 162 161 162 162 162 162 805 162 1485.0
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 153 162 162 162 159 162 766 145 1477.0
Foul Pole Assassins 162 160 162 153 162 146 810 158 1401.0
The Reinheimers 129 161 144 159 132 130 703 151 1077.1
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 138 157 159 161 157 159 793 159 1483.2
Brighten the Hoerners 162 146 139 158 154 161 774 158 1455.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 Lineups 162 157 159 152 145 162 751 156 1343.0
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers Lineups 162 161 162 162 162 162 809 162 1503.0
Manny in the Mountcastle Lineups 150 158 152 160 155 160 749 154 1391.2
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang Lineups 119 73 158 159 156 139 747 153 1316.2
Pitching Woo Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 809 162 1486.2
All Lowe Do Is Winn Lineups 161 160 161 162 162 160 810 162 1504.0
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש Lineups 162 161 162 162 162 162 805 162 1485.1
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) Lineups 153 162 162 162 159 162 766 145 1477.1
Foul Pole Assassins Lineups 162 160 162 153 162 146 810 158 1401.1
The Reinheimers Lineups 129 161 144 159 132 130 703 151 1077.2
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 Lineups 138 157 159 161 157 159 793 159 1484.0
Brighten the Hoerners Lineups 162 146 139 158 154 161 774 158 1455.2

  • 🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖
  • 🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers
  • Manny in the Mountcastle
  • O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang
  • Pitching Woo
  • All Lowe Do Is Winn
  • 🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש
  • Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version)
  • Foul Pole Assassins
  • The Reinheimers
  • 🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛
  • Brighten the Hoerners


  • 🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖
  • 🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers
  • Manny in the Mountcastle
  • O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang
  • Pitching Woo
  • All Lowe Do Is Winn
  • 🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש
  • Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version)
  • Foul Pole Assassins
  • The Reinheimers
  • 🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛
  • Brighten the Hoerners
