Enter 2025 OPL


🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 19169.6 124.2 5.38 5.76 7162 1931 400 23 275 884 82 70 35 1512.2 171 7 1488 1350 388 40 126
Pitching Woo 17735.7 94.7 4.69 5.70 7459 1983 410 34 210 629 63 106 45 1505.2 167 27 1493 1369 386 33 136
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 17545.7 52.1 4.89 5.40 7215 1866 373 34 233 815 78 122 47 1495.0 80 89 1448 1321 424 57 144
The Reinheimers 17411.0 76.2 5.27 5.05 7058 1996 409 34 230 606 69 146 47 1501.2 36 77 1333 1374 437 52 134
All Lowe Do Is Winn 17093.6 14.6 5.13 5.02 6952 1935 376 49 199 676 87 161 56 1501.0 129 40 1385 1373 498 48 158
Foul Pole Assassins 17014.4 53.4 4.73 5.20 7280 1920 374 45 230 621 69 172 62 1504.1 43 113 1363 1379 501 40 122
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 16868.5 46.6 4.65 5.30 7092 1863 380 46 229 579 59 124 39 1503.2 77 84 1347 1406 413 67 120
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 16606.2 36.5 4.27 5.73 7071 1785 366 29 204 531 79 127 57 1504.1 114 50 1480 1342 411 58 109
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 16083.1 46.6 4.65 4.91 6957 1788 339 38 240 653 77 136 49 1477.2 39 63 1392 1378 462 51 145
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 15890.9 15.1 4.88 5.04 6486 1716 345 34 212 678 78 120 38 1427.2 83 66 1233 1385 353 58 137
Manny in the Mountcastle 15768.9 90.3 4.12 5.44 6697 1676 345 27 178 601 77 74 21 1494.2 75 62 1416 1236 422 59 140
Brighten the Hoerners 15252.7 93.4 4.33 4.99 6681 1739 351 50 163 545 55 126 48 1487.1 16 67 1348 1306 476 37 135

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 124.2 724.8 2,963.8
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 52.1 565.9 2,639.7
Manny in the Mountcastle 90.3 600.5 2,453.5
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 15.1 531.2 2,306.8
Pitching Woo 94.7 389.1 2,526.4
All Lowe Do Is Winn 14.6 238.2 2,813.5
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 46.6 523.0 2,182.7
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 46.6 586.0 3,033.6
Foul Pole Assassins 53.4 442.2 2,507.1
The Reinheimers 76.2 455.2 2,889.0
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 36.5 296.4 2,249.4
Brighten the Hoerners 93.4 502.8 2,913.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 163 162 163 162 162 162 810 162 1512.2
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers 162 162 156 162 160 163 814 161 1495.0
Manny in the Mountcastle 163 159 160 162 157 157 739 154 1494.2
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang 163 150 160 154 145 152 706 153 1427.2
Pitching Woo 163 163 163 162 162 163 814 162 1505.2
All Lowe Do Is Winn 161 155 162 161 158 162 752 153 1501.0
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש 163 156 158 153 158 158 793 160 1477.2
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) 162 155 160 150 162 162 804 158 1503.2
Foul Pole Assassins 163 163 162 162 158 162 812 162 1504.1
The Reinheimers 160 162 156 159 156 161 749 162 1501.2
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 159 141 162 159 158 163 774 152 1504.1
Brighten the Hoerners 162 160 151 140 152 147 736 154 1493.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖 Lineups 164 163 164 163 163 163 815 163 1522.0
🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers Lineups 163 163 157 163 161 164 819 162 1504.0
Manny in the Mountcastle Lineups 164 160 161 163 158 158 744 155 1503.2
O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang Lineups 164 151 161 155 146 153 710 154 1436.1
Pitching Woo Lineups 164 164 164 163 163 164 819 163 1515.0
All Lowe Do Is Winn Lineups 162 156 163 162 159 163 757 154 1510.0
🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש Lineups 164 157 159 154 159 159 798 161 1486.2
Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version) Lineups 163 156 161 151 163 163 809 159 1513.0
Foul Pole Assassins Lineups 164 164 163 163 159 163 817 163 1513.2
The Reinheimers Lineups 161 163 157 160 157 162 754 163 1510.2
🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛 Lineups 160 142 163 160 159 164 779 153 1513.2
Brighten the Hoerners Lineups 163 161 152 141 153 148 741 155 1502.0

  • 🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖
  • 🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers
  • Manny in the Mountcastle
  • O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang
  • Pitching Woo
  • All Lowe Do Is Winn
  • 🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש
  • Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version)
  • Foul Pole Assassins
  • The Reinheimers
  • 🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛
  • Brighten the Hoerners


  • 🖖 Tarnok and Jhoan at Tanaka 🖖
  • 🐻 While You WHIP For The Obers
  • Manny in the Mountcastle
  • O’Hoppe Tu-rang on that thang
  • Pitching Woo
  • All Lowe Do Is Winn
  • 🌪️ A Sirious Manaea ש
  • Contreras Tour (Naylor's Version)
  • Foul Pole Assassins
  • The Reinheimers
  • 🌜Ozzie A. Bad Moon Arraez'n🌛
  • Brighten the Hoerners
