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Team Name 18221.5 61.1 5.37 5.28 7101 1875 401 31 298 737 87 187 34 1505.2 121 9 1697 1293 522 49 175
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 18196.9 119 5.63 5.04 7145 1915 413 39 297 752 89 235 46 1501.0 82 50 1586 1319 452 59 192
Mulholland Line Drive 17442.5 77.8 5.38 4.74 7247 1908 372 38 310 724 97 195 39 1491.0 52 47 1616 1375 470 74 198
Days of Batting Wild 17319.1 61.1 5.08 5.28 7550 1978 376 26 273 643 122 190 40 1409.0 118 45 1439 1237 416 54 163
Padres Padrone 17059.6 94.9 4.90 5.10 7075 1774 345 22 286 754 90 160 46 1506.2 81 65 1540 1389 473 56 164
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 16444.2 80.4 5.15 4.94 6806 1716 348 29 305 714 95 167 25 1402.1 82 70 1552 1275 487 65 185
High and Loaisiga 15904.6 86.1 4.87 4.51 7161 1780 364 43 284 703 89 164 42 1455.0 80 41 1457 1363 546 85 183
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 15708.4 87.4 4.77 4.68 6968 1747 361 22 266 689 78 122 38 1451.1 72 70 1460 1352 480 63 192
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 12281.2 32.4 5.76 4.09 5978 1530 294 42 297 721 86 109 26 795.0 0 11 810 677 279 37 129
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 12037.5 11.3 4.93 3.66 5832 1520 306 30 226 598 55 119 38 1119.0 0 8 1080 1136 407 37 170
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 10818.7 24.7 5.24 5.13 5384 1374 287 28 228 612 64 59 22 642.0 42 23 696 557 175 11 93
Say Something Funny 9395.7 13.1 4.27 5.18 4336 1104 233 13 134 408 57 80 23 783.1 44 25 786 655 294 29 78

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Say Something Funny 13.1 284.2 1,144.7
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 80.4 452.3 2,332.8
Days of Batting Wild 61.1 443.1 2,606.5
Team Name 61.1 325.9 2,687.6
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 24.7 317.2 1,447.5
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 11.3 299.8 2,218.0
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 87.4 487.7 2,183.5
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 119.0 769.2 3,233.1
Mulholland Line Drive 77.8 377.1 2,670.1
High and Loaisiga 86.1 450.6 2,760.7
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 32.4 194.4 1,381.0
Padres Padrone 94.9 591.6 2,697.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Say Something Funny 162 79 145 160 108 560 37 783.1
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 162 151 156 162 150 155 768 146 1402.1
Days of Batting Wild 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1409.0
Team Name 160 162 158 162 161 157 790 162 1505.2
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 162 162 124 132 105 139 551 60 642.0
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 129 143 150 157 144 136 618 135 1119.0
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 162 158 153 156 156 152 779 154 1451.1
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 162 162 152 159 151 159 789 153 1501.0
Mulholland Line Drive 162 155 162 162 162 162 808 155 1491.0
High and Loaisiga 162 160 160 162 158 162 799 158 1455.0
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 71 154 144 109 111 161 689 129 795.0
Padres Padrone 162 162 155 162 157 158 802 155 1506.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Say Something Funny Lineups 163 79 146 161 0 109 563 37 788.0
One Swings, the Other Doesn't Lineups 163 152 157 163 151 156 773 147 1411.0
Days of Batting Wild Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1417.2
Team Name Lineups 161 163 159 163 162 158 795 163 1515.0
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls Lineups 163 163 125 133 106 140 554 60 645.2
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story Lineups 130 144 151 158 145 137 622 136 1125.2
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt Lineups 163 159 154 157 157 153 784 155 1460.1
Out 3: Noli Me Tag Lineups 163 163 153 160 152 160 794 154 1510.0
Mulholland Line Drive Lineups 163 156 163 163 163 163 813 156 1500.0
High and Loaisiga Lineups 163 161 161 163 159 163 804 159 1464.0
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley Lineups 71 155 145 110 112 162 693 130 799.2
Padres Padrone Lineups 163 163 156 163 158 159 807 156 1516.0

  • Say Something Funny
  • One Swings, the Other Doesn't
  • Days of Batting Wild
  • Team Name
  • BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls
  • Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt
  • Out 3: Noli Me Tag
  • Mulholland Line Drive
  • High and Loaisiga
  • The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley
  • Padres Padrone


  • Say Something Funny
  • One Swings, the Other Doesn't
  • Days of Batting Wild
  • Team Name
  • BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls
  • Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt
  • Out 3: Noli Me Tag
  • Mulholland Line Drive
  • High and Loaisiga
  • The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley
  • Padres Padrone
