T-shirt sale


Team Name 19844.6 32.7 6.14 5.30 7186 1997 426 36 367 846 134 100 48 1503.0 96 46 1783 1260 468 59 206
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 19581.3 68.5 6.19 5.14 7385 1986 418 32 412 839 107 137 33 1472.0 77 97 1773 1287 421 51 234
Padres Padrone 18373.4 71.2 5.71 4.91 7611 2062 438 49 353 611 72 141 35 1496.1 78 45 1688 1290 471 61 221
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 17882.7 121 6.00 4.45 7263 1981 428 33 376 751 82 115 45 1458.2 71 45 1481 1429 452 63 206
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 17807.9 40.6 5.28 5.14 7127 1934 376 37 283 729 55 80 26 1501.1 114 56 1629 1354 487 48 189
Days of Batting Wild 16050.4 58 5.28 4.18 6808 1777 349 30 327 660 91 102 33 1504.2 119 38 1495 1493 544 53 236
Mulholland Line Drive 15289.0 14.5 5.19 4.76 5811 1519 282 26 279 682 95 73 30 1390.1 45 46 1464 1233 443 53 188
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 15150.9 93.1 4.88 4.59 6365 1605 334 20 295 590 94 76 29 1429.2 15 104 1546 1256 528 74 206
High and Loaisiga 14676.0 96.8 5.46 4.59 6294 1677 353 34 306 675 69 70 30 1134.2 40 44 1194 1034 450 49 144
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 13308.9 38.7 5.06 5.05 5266 1362 270 18 236 613 75 64 16 1130.0 117 27 1256 1029 281 48 179
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 11856.0 26.3 5.85 4.88 5248 1394 294 36 252 613 61 81 22 769.2 9 15 835 668 211 38 100
Say Something Funny 10050.5 106.8 5.27 3.59 4763 1289 254 29 230 493 41 72 29 801.1 1 14 843 795 321 54 131

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Say Something Funny 106.8 304.7 1,240.1
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 93.1 471.8 2,272.4
Days of Batting Wild 58.0 226.7 2,122.0
Team Name 32.7 647.5 3,101.1
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 68.5 532.3 3,034.4
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 26.3 272.7 1,752.8
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 40.6 239.6 2,204.3
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 121.0 688.0 3,128.3
Mulholland Line Drive 14.5 473.0 2,023.7
High and Loaisiga 96.8 364.9 1,937.3
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 38.7 458.8 1,924.5
Padres Padrone 71.2 526.4 3,013.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Say Something Funny 84 157 129 154 74 137 495 131 801.1
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 138 159 153 153 151 148 728 131 1429.2
Days of Batting Wild 162 155 150 153 156 145 776 150 1504.2
Team Name 162 158 159 162 162 162 807 162 1503.0
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 162 162 162 162 162 160 808 161 1472.0
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 152 107 161 17 151 39 604 154 769.2
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 162 162 159 160 157 162 787 162 1501.1
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 162 162 159 162 156 158 780 158 1458.2
Mulholland Line Drive 162 130 138 143 112 137 700 147 1390.1
High and Loaisiga 145 160 152 137 161 157 660 162 1134.2
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 155 143 50 145 130 125 624 130 1130.0
Padres Padrone 162 162 160 162 162 162 800 160 1496.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Say Something Funny Lineups 85 158 130 155 74 138 498 132 806.1
One Swings, the Other Doesn't Lineups 139 160 154 154 152 149 733 132 1439.0
Days of Batting Wild Lineups 163 156 151 154 157 146 781 151 1514.1
Team Name Lineups 163 159 160 163 163 163 812 163 1512.2
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 161 813 162 1481.2
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story Lineups 153 108 162 17 152 39 608 155 774.2
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt Lineups 163 163 160 161 158 163 792 163 1511.0
Out 3: Noli Me Tag Lineups 163 163 160 163 157 159 785 159 1468.1
Mulholland Line Drive Lineups 163 131 139 144 113 138 705 148 1399.1
High and Loaisiga Lineups 146 161 153 138 162 158 664 163 1142.0
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley Lineups 156 144 50 146 131 126 628 131 1137.1
Padres Padrone Lineups 163 163 161 163 163 163 805 161 1506.0

  • Say Something Funny
  • One Swings, the Other Doesn't
  • Days of Batting Wild
  • Team Name
  • BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls
  • Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt
  • Out 3: Noli Me Tag
  • Mulholland Line Drive
  • High and Loaisiga
  • The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley
  • Padres Padrone


  • Say Something Funny
  • One Swings, the Other Doesn't
  • Days of Batting Wild
  • Team Name
  • BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls
  • Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt
  • Out 3: Noli Me Tag
  • Mulholland Line Drive
  • High and Loaisiga
  • The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley
  • Padres Padrone
