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Team Name 18662.8 59.2 5.25 5.71 7084 1845 391 31 300 736 112 115 37 1509.1 122 17 1544 1192 414 74 142
Days of Batting Wild 17760.3 127 5.17 5.25 7282 1943 379 25 289 633 88 114 22 1502.1 109 30 1482 1335 417 57 160
Padres Padrone 16969.3 103.6 4.87 5.24 6801 1775 367 23 236 689 93 112 25 1512.2 48 109 1526 1337 462 71 156
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 16685.8 58.3 4.33 5.85 6731 1637 339 24 246 575 67 107 34 1501.2 74 66 1696 1174 507 65 129
Mulholland Line Drive 16416.6 103.9 4.66 5.18 6770 1729 322 25 264 631 85 72 33 1497.1 24 68 1583 1290 466 63 158
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 16205.5 47.2 4.84 5.18 6747 1663 383 27 231 741 111 66 32 1470.0 76 45 1522 1223 453 35 181
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 15869.2 65.7 5.02 5.10 5973 1531 345 21 226 679 71 88 29 1507.1 96 54 1497 1283 444 71 185
High and Loaisiga 15038.0 21.6 4.61 4.35 6729 1701 341 26 244 610 102 103 35 1510.2 50 45 1348 1426 442 74 201
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 14539.8 21.8 4.21 5.38 6558 1582 322 25 202 576 81 171 52 1323.1 90 22 1290 1128 399 68 119
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 13126.1 19 5.65 4.78 5917 1557 309 21 299 690 76 66 27 868.1 28 39 881 817 258 44 106
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 10885.1 82.1 4.20 4.23 6274 1498 316 20 200 617 87 99 38 867.2 14 37 810 824 256 40 127
Say Something Funny 7408.2 24.3 4.16 4.55 3838 969 177 10 114 385 39 41 22 635.0 15 31 572 603 200 33 72

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Say Something Funny 24.3 220.4 1,189.0
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 58.3 595.1 2,441.1
Days of Batting Wild 127.0 763.9 2,894.9
Team Name 59.2 431.3 2,631.4
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 47.2 483.6 2,305.3
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 82.1 428.6 1,630.6
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 21.8 481.2 2,101.4
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 65.7 397.6 2,431.3
Mulholland Line Drive 103.9 607.4 2,981.2
High and Loaisiga 21.6 603.0 2,370.3
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 19.0 453.2 2,174.9
Padres Padrone 103.6 488.6 2,804.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Say Something Funny 144 135 108 159 135 368 36 635.0
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 162 160 160 153 137 149 744 160 1501.2
Days of Batting Wild 162 162 159 159 157 158 798 155 1502.1
Team Name 156 162 162 158 161 160 791 162 1509.1
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 162 162 156 156 149 137 709 143 1470.0
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 162 131 144 143 146 154 695 144 867.2
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 162 132 119 149 115 140 786 161 1323.1
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 133 159 136 119 151 158 650 125 1507.1
Mulholland Line Drive 162 160 141 153 139 159 786 157 1497.1
High and Loaisiga 158 151 162 163 146 159 740 155 1510.2
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 141 159 90 78 144 153 670 153 868.1
Padres Padrone 146 161 148 151 161 154 776 160 1512.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Say Something Funny Lineups 145 136 109 160 136 0 370 36 639.0
One Swings, the Other Doesn't Lineups 163 161 161 154 138 150 749 161 1511.1
Days of Batting Wild Lineups 163 163 160 160 158 159 803 156 1512.0
Team Name Lineups 157 163 163 159 162 161 796 163 1519.1
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls Lineups 163 163 157 157 150 138 714 144 1479.2
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story Lineups 163 132 145 144 147 155 700 145 873.1
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt Lineups 163 133 120 150 116 141 791 162 1332.0
Out 3: Noli Me Tag Lineups 134 160 137 120 152 159 654 126 1517.0
Mulholland Line Drive Lineups 163 161 142 154 140 160 791 158 1507.0
High and Loaisiga Lineups 159 152 163 164 147 160 745 156 1520.2
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley Lineups 142 160 91 79 145 154 674 154 874.0
Padres Padrone Lineups 147 162 149 152 162 155 781 161 1522.2

  • Say Something Funny
  • One Swings, the Other Doesn't
  • Days of Batting Wild
  • Team Name
  • BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls
  • Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt
  • Out 3: Noli Me Tag
  • Mulholland Line Drive
  • High and Loaisiga
  • The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley
  • Padres Padrone


  • Say Something Funny
  • One Swings, the Other Doesn't
  • Days of Batting Wild
  • Team Name
  • BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls
  • Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt
  • Out 3: Noli Me Tag
  • Mulholland Line Drive
  • High and Loaisiga
  • The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley
  • Padres Padrone
