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Team Name 18186.1 53.4 6.23 5.04 6274 1761 380 23 319 812 76 110 38 1507.0 113 28 1536 1382 495 52 168
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 17831.1 6.9 6.16 4.70 6556 1845 373 47 344 668 79 83 26 1519.2 33 92 1595 1443 510 72 189
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 14778.9 71.6 5.42 4.12 6186 1778 356 30 223 603 54 95 34 1372.2 36 57 1375 1296 471 46 223
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 14031.8 48.3 5.58 4.19 5830 1584 316 16 273 669 80 104 40 1214.0 8 60 1229 1209 415 36 174
Days of Batting Wild 13993.3 30.2 5.15 4.51 6227 1663 370 17 249 592 75 88 36 1183.0 77 43 1197 1053 463 69 166
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 13919.5 9.4 5.47 5.11 5777 1539 319 21 260 671 56 83 37 1048.1 66 48 1108 899 343 30 137
High and Loaisiga 12471.2 100.7 5.14 4.99 5576 1435 292 30 236 597 64 124 38 935.0 89 24 962 815 370 30 114
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 12374.8 48.1 5.15 5.07 4872 1328 265 21 182 542 57 56 22 1059.0 32 41 1159 998 302 36 122
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 12222.1 35.1 4.94 4.89 5247 1373 306 21 222 470 56 72 27 1031.2 51 50 1105 969 304 37 139
Padres Padrone 11813.7 64.7 4.81 4.86 5223 1358 283 28 193 486 74 82 30 1004.1 81 26 1065 894 299 52 147
Say Something Funny 11238.9 16.8 5.23 4.12 5643 1516 282 29 252 525 49 129 47 778.2 61 26 642 758 287 30 108
Mulholland Line Drive 9103.2 46.2 4.54 4.56 4151 1074 227 15 161 480 67 65 20 718.0 36 37 648 704 214 32 89

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Say Something Funny 16.8 317.6 1,691.6
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 35.1 401.1 2,073.8
Days of Batting Wild 30.2 707.5 2,922.1
Team Name 53.4 375.2 2,795.7
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 6.9 433.8 2,872.5
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 48.3 274.5 1,967.5
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 71.6 509.5 2,459.7
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 48.1 395.3 1,833.9
Mulholland Line Drive 46.2 263.5 1,396.8
High and Loaisiga 100.7 571.6 1,977.9
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 9.4 371.6 2,279.5
Padres Padrone 64.7 605.5 2,067.5

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Say Something Funny 162 134 134 124 134 132 590 126 778.2
One Swings, the Other Doesn't 143 135 94 92 90 132 641 125 1031.2
Days of Batting Wild 162 142 135 139 140 140 688 135 1183.0
Team Name 162 130 140 137 131 135 719 146 1507.0
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls 162 144 149 143 145 136 716 140 1519.2
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story 162 142 136 121 115 140 643 145 1214.0
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt 162 139 139 133 133 146 708 123 1372.2
Out 3: Noli Me Tag 162 138 80 126 129 130 452 142 1059.0
Mulholland Line Drive 162 129 114 141 113 112 442 70 718.0
High and Loaisiga 162 119 142 125 110 136 587 137 935.0
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley 162 138 135 125 138 129 648 91 1048.1
Padres Padrone 162 114 132 135 110 137 563 87 1004.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Say Something Funny Lineups 163 135 135 125 135 133 594 127 783.1
One Swings, the Other Doesn't Lineups 144 136 95 93 91 133 645 126 1038.0
Days of Batting Wild Lineups 163 143 136 140 141 141 692 136 1190.1
Team Name Lineups 163 131 141 138 132 136 723 147 1516.1
BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls Lineups 163 145 150 144 146 137 720 141 1529.0
Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story Lineups 163 143 137 122 116 141 647 146 1221.1
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt Lineups 163 140 140 134 134 147 712 124 1381.0
Out 3: Noli Me Tag Lineups 163 139 80 127 130 131 455 143 1065.1
Mulholland Line Drive Lineups 163 130 115 142 114 113 445 70 722.1
High and Loaisiga Lineups 163 120 143 126 111 137 591 138 940.2
The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley Lineups 163 139 136 126 139 130 652 92 1054.2
Padres Padrone Lineups 163 115 133 136 111 138 566 88 1010.1

  • Say Something Funny
  • One Swings, the Other Doesn't
  • Days of Batting Wild
  • Team Name
  • BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls
  • Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt
  • Out 3: Noli Me Tag
  • Mulholland Line Drive
  • High and Loaisiga
  • The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley
  • Padres Padrone


  • Say Something Funny
  • One Swings, the Other Doesn't
  • Days of Batting Wild
  • Team Name
  • BoonmeeWhoCanRecallHisPassedBalls
  • Honest Labor, Almost a Love Story
  • ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Bunt
  • Out 3: Noli Me Tag
  • Mulholland Line Drive
  • High and Loaisiga
  • The Good, the Vlad, and the Utley
  • Padres Padrone
