Enter 2025 OPL


Bulls on Paredes 18982.9 15.1 5.82 5.34 6828 1766 340 23 372 866 116 190 37 1516.2 69 79 1709 1316 538 69 159
Votto's OBP 🍁 18086.0 56.2 5.50 5.20 7123 1837 362 21 335 766 117 115 38 1507.2 116 58 1596 1308 536 77 169
Cat's Meow 17955.1 19 5.43 4.95 7232 1915 420 23 297 803 102 126 33 1508.1 43 84 1562 1349 469 54 187
Sideburns by Brady Anderson 17247.4 84 5.46 4.79 7307 1985 368 41 270 697 92 256 59 1444.0 71 67 1464 1321 501 62 179
Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets 16577.9 -30.9 5.06 4.81 7158 1818 370 26 250 804 91 129 26 1482.1 37 78 1639 1349 477 69 201
Sonoma County Crushers 🍇 16425.9 9.2 5.03 5.09 6946 1798 360 38 268 593 85 160 26 1425.1 95 32 1481 1245 451 66 168
Posthype sweepers 15707.8 43.2 5.01 5.11 6846 1786 336 41 249 577 82 156 36 1336.2 65 66 1403 1164 392 54 170
Tecumseh Cubs 15211.7 41.2 5.05 4.37 6700 1745 343 33 257 602 90 207 43 1418.1 100 33 1438 1373 523 75 199
Tatooine Banthas 14963.3 162.2 5.30 4.61 6281 1610 321 52 282 711 58 166 43 1268.1 30 93 1296 1171 436 57 173
Brooklyn Bridegrooms 13710.5 29.7 4.84 4.81 6108 1543 312 21 232 613 80 71 15 1206.2 107 25 1246 1120 379 55 166
Sumo Slugger 12569.7 47.8 4.70 4.80 6024 1514 316 22 202 575 64 119 35 1069.0 72 47 1142 987 345 31 156
Big Papi memories 12319.9 69.8 4.48 4.46 5773 1416 286 19 231 522 51 119 40 1171.1 37 28 1123 1119 383 37 148

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Sonoma County Crushers 🍇 9.2 294.8 2,072.5
Votto's OBP 🍁 56.2 458.8 2,527.9
Sideburns by Brady Anderson 84.0 503.3 2,680.2
Tecumseh Cubs 41.2 397.7 2,665.8
Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets 30.9 426.9 2,427.3
Posthype sweepers 43.2 432.7 2,267.4
Cat's Meow 19.0 351.9 2,532.0
Bulls on Paredes 15.1 317.1 2,856.7
Big Papi memories 69.8 467.6 1,782.0
Brooklyn Bridegrooms 29.7 402.2 1,935.2
Sumo Slugger 47.8 280.9 1,318.8
Tatooine Banthas 162.2 570.6 2,432.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Sonoma County Crushers 🍇 162 140 148 147 149 162 758 155 1425.1
Votto's OBP 🍁 154 150 155 156 157 162 783 146 1507.2
Sideburns by Brady Anderson 159 154 161 157 156 157 787 162 1444.0
Tecumseh Cubs 128 128 154 153 150 152 780 141 1418.1
Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets 162 157 161 158 154 153 767 157 1482.1
Posthype sweepers 154 131 145 159 160 161 713 148 1336.2
Cat's Meow 162 162 162 157 162 162 802 162 1508.1
Bulls on Paredes 108 162 149 162 160 157 810 162 1516.2
Big Papi memories 162 103 138 130 149 103 644 157 1171.1
Brooklyn Bridegrooms 159 162 106 142 89 162 651 162 1206.2
Sumo Slugger 162 152 71 93 146 151 672 136 1069.0
Tatooine Banthas 162 162 140 157 150 147 639 162 1268.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Sonoma County Crushers 🍇 Lineups 163 141 149 148 150 163 763 156 1434.0
Votto's OBP 🍁 Lineups 155 151 156 157 158 163 788 147 1517.0
Sideburns by Brady Anderson Lineups 160 155 162 158 157 158 792 163 1452.2
Tecumseh Cubs Lineups 129 129 155 154 151 153 785 142 1427.0
Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets Lineups 163 158 162 159 155 154 772 158 1491.1
Posthype sweepers Lineups 155 132 146 160 161 162 717 149 1344.2
Cat's Meow Lineups 163 163 163 158 163 163 807 163 1517.2
Bulls on Paredes Lineups 109 163 150 163 161 158 815 163 1526.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 104 139 131 150 104 648 158 1178.1
Brooklyn Bridegrooms Lineups 160 163 107 143 90 163 655 163 1214.0
Sumo Slugger Lineups 163 153 71 94 147 152 676 137 1075.1
Tatooine Banthas Lineups 163 163 141 158 151 148 643 163 1276.0

  • Sonoma County Crushers 🍇
  • Votto's OBP 🍁
  • Sideburns by Brady Anderson
  • Tecumseh Cubs
  • Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets
  • Posthype sweepers
  • Cat's Meow
  • Bulls on Paredes
  • Big Papi memories
  • Brooklyn Bridegrooms
  • Sumo Slugger
  • Tatooine Banthas


  • Sonoma County Crushers 🍇
  • Votto's OBP 🍁
  • Sideburns by Brady Anderson
  • Tecumseh Cubs
  • Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets
  • Posthype sweepers
  • Cat's Meow
  • Bulls on Paredes
  • Big Papi memories
  • Brooklyn Bridegrooms
  • Sumo Slugger
  • Tatooine Banthas
