Enter 2025 OPL


Sonoma County Crushers 🍇 18768.1 206.6 5.78 5.03 7224 2015 455 28 296 816 65 131 41 1524.0 105 44 1631 1365 485 48 197
Votto's OBP 🍁 18670.1 26.6 5.83 4.91 7160 1971 415 45 327 834 87 112 48 1511.2 106 43 1518 1328 501 55 194
GMI Bulldogs 18531.8 34.8 5.60 5.04 7336 1986 400 27 334 798 55 82 29 1520.1 114 64 1578 1399 483 50 190
Big Papi memories 17913.5 139.2 5.25 5.11 7474 1979 400 42 293 722 79 111 58 1506.2 55 86 1597 1384 466 46 173
Sideburns by Brady Anderson 17705.2 38.7 5.67 4.43 7310 2026 389 36 314 727 92 189 46 1513.1 34 80 1513 1451 467 50 219
Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets 16921.2 67.7 5.42 4.51 7050 1857 380 43 320 732 81 128 42 1476.1 107 37 1483 1424 505 65 204
Cat's Meow 16651.0 17.8 5.71 4.42 7133 1939 398 46 353 658 84 109 45 1331.2 63 57 1413 1222 487 64 204
Tatooine Banthas 16546.0 47 5.26 4.76 6968 1801 336 25 324 775 77 77 29 1394.2 115 60 1319 1223 467 58 193
Bulls on Paredes 15108.2 35.5 5.17 4.76 6508 1725 332 19 278 721 67 125 52 1220.2 65 63 1281 1157 468 37 149
Posthype sweepers 14815.4 51.7 5.28 4.76 6247 1685 364 25 242 761 75 94 32 1168.1 43 72 1176 1032 426 46 150
Brooklyn Bridegrooms 13599.2 36.4 5.19 4.75 5699 1527 304 23 260 592 51 74 22 1112.1 27 52 1121 976 347 45 148
Tecumseh Cubs 11767.5 4.4 5.04 4.98 5547 1448 283 16 235 528 70 78 25 846.1 54 58 743 798 268 38 85

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Sonoma County Crushers 🍇 206.6 651.7 3,357.1
Votto's OBP 🍁 26.6 483.9 2,613.3
Sideburns by Brady Anderson 38.7 511.6 2,619.3
Tecumseh Cubs 4.4 332.1 1,306.1
Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets 67.7 488.3 2,750.4
Posthype sweepers 51.7 495.0 2,454.0
Cat's Meow 17.8 504.3 2,517.1
Bulls on Paredes 35.5 468.8 1,910.5
Big Papi memories 139.2 689.3 3,027.9
Brooklyn Bridegrooms 36.4 289.1 2,147.2
GMI Bulldogs 34.8 476.7 2,799.3
Tatooine Banthas 47.0 574.0 2,428.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Sonoma County Crushers 🍇 160 161 156 157 159 161 804 162 1524.0
Votto's OBP 🍁 162 162 161 159 159 158 810 160 1511.2
Sideburns by Brady Anderson 162 159 162 162 161 162 810 162 1513.1
Tecumseh Cubs 84 139 160 141 127 156 600 91 846.1
Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets 158 160 151 154 147 160 808 155 1476.1
Posthype sweepers 140 148 126 146 148 144 740 160 1168.1
Cat's Meow 143 158 149 160 153 162 799 161 1331.2
Bulls on Paredes 162 147 151 156 156 142 761 124 1220.2
Big Papi memories 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1506.2
Brooklyn Bridegrooms 162 129 150 126 142 135 634 123 1112.1
GMI Bulldogs 162 162 160 162 162 162 810 160 1520.1
Tatooine Banthas 143 162 153 158 134 162 810 161 1394.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Sonoma County Crushers 🍇 Lineups 161 162 157 158 160 162 809 163 1533.1
Votto's OBP 🍁 Lineups 163 163 162 160 160 159 815 161 1521.0
Sideburns by Brady Anderson Lineups 163 160 163 163 162 163 815 163 1522.2
Tecumseh Cubs Lineups 85 140 161 142 128 157 604 92 851.1
Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets Lineups 159 161 152 155 148 161 813 156 1485.1
Posthype sweepers Lineups 141 149 127 147 149 145 745 161 1175.1
Cat's Meow Lineups 144 159 150 161 154 163 804 162 1339.2
Bulls on Paredes Lineups 163 148 152 157 157 143 766 125 1228.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1516.0
Brooklyn Bridegrooms Lineups 163 130 151 127 143 136 638 124 1119.0
GMI Bulldogs Lineups 163 163 161 163 163 163 815 161 1529.2
Tatooine Banthas Lineups 144 163 154 159 135 163 815 162 1403.0

  • Sonoma County Crushers 🍇
  • Votto's OBP 🍁
  • Sideburns by Brady Anderson
  • Tecumseh Cubs
  • Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets
  • Posthype sweepers
  • Cat's Meow
  • Bulls on Paredes
  • Big Papi memories
  • Brooklyn Bridegrooms
  • GMI Bulldogs
  • Tatooine Banthas


  • Sonoma County Crushers 🍇
  • Votto's OBP 🍁
  • Sideburns by Brady Anderson
  • Tecumseh Cubs
  • Newbridge Ice Cream Helmets
  • Posthype sweepers
  • Cat's Meow
  • Bulls on Paredes
  • Big Papi memories
  • Brooklyn Bridegrooms
  • GMI Bulldogs
  • Tatooine Banthas
