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Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 18396.9 39.8 5.56 5.08 7409 1924 412 27 327 824 103 165 41 1501.2 114 59 1649 503 62 176
The Bazzana Bananas 18328.6 56.8 5.67 5.00 7352 1978 395 43 316 748 92 225 58 1490.1 145 35 1623 508 63 184
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 17693.1 25 5.41 4.81 7300 1912 373 44 307 739 112 205 42 1506.1 83 68 1514 515 70 173
Joe Jackson Revival 17393.8 102.9 5.32 5.01 7098 1840 353 24 312 740 87 130 26 1484.2 106 47 1416 441 61 156
Lords of Lumber 17339.2 85.4 4.93 5.14 7073 1870 359 30 270 654 73 136 42 1529.2 58 72 1706 477 56 167
Phantom IL Zone 16051.5 41.4 4.96 4.84 7072 1815 353 41 284 671 101 220 49 1330.1 31 75 1408 421 61 157
Bees Gone 15167.7 10.4 5.43 4.52 6365 1660 358 22 285 693 61 107 24 1327.0 33 82 1288 487 60 159
McCarthyism 14377.2 73.7 5.40 4.39 6106 1564 333 31 271 662 89 109 28 1288.2 42 52 1380 443 65 188
The Bookie Metts 14316.2 21.1 4.84 4.49 6907 1747 391 28 265 561 88 160 39 1228.1 32 134 1251 440 51 181
Cape Cod All Stars 14213.9 50.7 5.29 4.80 6263 1648 344 25 242 702 79 109 24 1114.2 56 80 1206 363 48 154
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 11132.2 49.8 4.96 4.70 4984 1238 263 16 211 525 60 100 19 948.2 61 8 954 260 30 128
Nefarious Disengagement 10772.6 43.1 4.24 4.26 4977 1220 240 17 160 557 74 134 32 1071.1 35 3 1156 354 59 158

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Bazzana Bananas 56.8 504.8 2,521.9
McCarthyism 73.7 356.5 1,675.4
Lords of Lumber 85.4 529.9 2,750.8
The Bookie Metts 21.1 140.4 1,567.1
Phantom IL Zone 41.4 306.7 2,197.7
Nefarious Disengagement 43.1 410.4 1,366.0
Bees Gone 10.4 479.9 2,775.6
Joe Jackson Revival 102.9 466.4 2,433.0
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 49.8 446.5 1,696.3
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 25.0 373.0 2,720.7
Cape Cod All Stars 50.7 445.6 2,094.5
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 39.8 475.8 2,881.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Bazzana Bananas 162 161 160 159 157 160 797 161 1490.1
McCarthyism 162 161 142 148 110 139 619 134 1288.2
Lords of Lumber 162 158 161 159 157 162 802 159 1529.2
The Bookie Metts 162 158 135 148 122 157 785 151 1228.1
Phantom IL Zone 162 162 161 162 162 162 804 162 1330.1
Nefarious Disengagement 125 115 120 121 135 151 575 121 1071.1
Bees Gone 162 129 120 156 137 161 702 123 1327.0
Joe Jackson Revival 162 153 155 157 156 157 782 150 1484.2
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 134 141 153 158 68 139 471 81 948.2
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 162 150 161 162 162 162 810 162 1506.1
Cape Cod All Stars 162 144 99 148 125 154 687 158 1114.2
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 162 162 160 162 157 162 810 162 1501.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Bazzana Bananas Lineups 163 162 161 160 158 161 802 162 1499.1
McCarthyism Lineups 163 162 143 149 111 140 623 135 1296.2
Lords of Lumber Lineups 163 159 162 160 158 163 807 160 1539.0
The Bookie Metts Lineups 163 159 136 149 123 158 790 152 1235.2
Phantom IL Zone Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 163 809 163 1338.1
Nefarious Disengagement Lineups 126 116 121 122 136 152 579 122 1077.2
Bees Gone Lineups 163 130 121 157 138 162 706 124 1335.0
Joe Jackson Revival Lineups 163 154 156 158 157 158 787 151 1493.2
Ingrid Deserves Redemption Lineups 135 142 154 159 68 140 474 82 954.1
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 Lineups 163 151 162 163 163 163 815 163 1515.2
Cape Cod All Stars Lineups 163 145 100 149 126 155 691 159 1121.1
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. Lineups 163 163 161 163 158 163 815 163 1510.2

  • The Bazzana Bananas
  • McCarthyism
  • Lords of Lumber
  • The Bookie Metts
  • Phantom IL Zone
  • Nefarious Disengagement
  • Bees Gone
  • Joe Jackson Revival
  • Ingrid Deserves Redemption
  • Brandon Pfaadt - $13
  • Cape Cod All Stars
  • Give ‘em the heater, Ricky.


  • The Bazzana Bananas
  • McCarthyism
  • Lords of Lumber
  • The Bookie Metts
  • Phantom IL Zone
  • Nefarious Disengagement
  • Bees Gone
  • Joe Jackson Revival
  • Ingrid Deserves Redemption
  • Brandon Pfaadt - $13
  • Cape Cod All Stars
  • Give ‘em the heater, Ricky.
