T-shirt sale


Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 18202.6 0.2 5.11 5.66 7178 1808 345 32 333 742 84 68 36 1490.2 140 62 1722 473 48 142
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 17084.7 129.5 5.05 5.10 7055 1829 425 33 256 690 98 151 32 1472.0 78 43 1523 447 82 144
Cape Cod All Stars 16815.1 31.3 4.81 5.07 7161 1792 346 27 254 805 102 58 24 1504.0 55 94 1566 416 58 173
Lords of Lumber 16645.8 -4.4 4.98 4.70 7258 1941 397 27 259 607 86 129 38 1506.1 74 45 1449 474 73 174
Bees Gone 16091.0 128.6 5.17 5.03 6490 1673 358 23 260 657 114 130 43 1422.2 54 67 1424 416 69 145
Joe Jackson Revival 15357.3 40.8 4.21 4.93 6996 1651 337 23 229 682 80 112 31 1508.1 44 72 1456 390 75 164
The Bookie Metts 14943.6 56.3 4.76 5.08 6702 1673 337 23 262 670 69 107 30 1254.2 31 106 1312 354 49 146
The Bazzana Bananas 14550.2 18.3 4.76 5.08 6704 1734 359 28 228 617 79 137 38 1173.0 121 33 1166 397 49 126
Phantom IL Zone 14171.4 65.2 4.21 4.78 6397 1568 316 18 229 623 66 50 25 1364.0 36 56 1385 421 64 155
McCarthyism 12366.6 21.2 5.18 4.91 5363 1338 282 17 243 569 97 84 15 1002.2 15 71 1074 280 40 126
Nefarious Disengagement 12348.6 18.3 4.63 4.39 5953 1495 306 29 197 552 93 129 50 1136.0 41 43 1177 396 70 156
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 10630.0 34.4 4.19 4.93 4909 1183 259 18 157 494 52 31 14 1000.0 26 30 1018 261 40 112

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Bazzana Bananas 18.3 365.0 1,990.2
McCarthyism 21.2 400.4 1,677.3
Lords of Lumber 4.4 508.9 2,543.5
The Bookie Metts 56.3 534.0 2,308.2
Phantom IL Zone 65.2 452.2 2,087.8
Nefarious Disengagement 18.3 231.2 1,657.3
Bees Gone 128.6 511.5 2,021.5
Joe Jackson Revival 40.8 227.0 1,476.2
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 34.4 318.7 1,265.5
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 129.5 719.1 2,979.8
Cape Cod All Stars 31.3 330.0 2,211.9
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 0.2 403.9 3,014.5

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Bazzana Bananas 162 152 158 143 138 157 743 151 1173.0
McCarthyism 148 69 144 66 150 152 569 140 1002.2
Lords of Lumber 160 159 162 162 162 151 810 154 1506.1
The Bookie Metts 162 124 142 159 127 162 791 134 1254.2
Phantom IL Zone 159 162 123 156 146 151 759 160 1364.0
Nefarious Disengagement 113 161 143 161 146 109 655 103 1136.0
Bees Gone 162 129 128 151 138 162 722 135 1422.2
Joe Jackson Revival 143 162 156 161 146 158 809 147 1508.1
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 162 138 129 147 119 508 157 1000.0
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 152 162 157 162 158 158 789 159 1472.0
Cape Cod All Stars 151 156 162 159 162 162 798 161 1504.0
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 162 162 162 162 162 161 785 157 1490.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Bazzana Bananas Lineups 163 153 159 144 139 158 748 152 1180.2
McCarthyism Lineups 149 69 145 66 151 153 573 141 1009.0
Lords of Lumber Lineups 161 160 163 163 163 152 815 155 1516.0
The Bookie Metts Lineups 163 125 143 160 128 163 796 135 1262.2
Phantom IL Zone Lineups 160 163 124 157 147 152 764 161 1373.0
Nefarious Disengagement Lineups 114 162 144 162 147 110 659 104 1143.1
Bees Gone Lineups 163 130 129 152 139 163 727 136 1432.0
Joe Jackson Revival Lineups 144 163 157 162 147 159 814 148 1518.0
Ingrid Deserves Redemption Lineups 163 139 130 148 0 120 511 158 1006.1
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 Lineups 153 163 158 163 159 159 794 160 1481.2
Cape Cod All Stars Lineups 152 157 163 160 163 163 803 162 1513.2
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 162 790 158 1500.1

  • The Bazzana Bananas
  • McCarthyism
  • Lords of Lumber
  • The Bookie Metts
  • Phantom IL Zone
  • Nefarious Disengagement
  • Bees Gone
  • Joe Jackson Revival
  • Ingrid Deserves Redemption
  • Brandon Pfaadt - $13
  • Cape Cod All Stars
  • Give ‘em the heater, Ricky.


  • The Bazzana Bananas
  • McCarthyism
  • Lords of Lumber
  • The Bookie Metts
  • Phantom IL Zone
  • Nefarious Disengagement
  • Bees Gone
  • Joe Jackson Revival
  • Ingrid Deserves Redemption
  • Brandon Pfaadt - $13
  • Cape Cod All Stars
  • Give ‘em the heater, Ricky.
