T-shirt sale


McCarthyism 17206.6 50.9 5.09 5.41 7112 1941 379 32 231 619 72 173 57 1432.0 109 47 1631 415 60 152
Lords of Lumber 17149.2 4.2 5.40 4.41 7211 1943 407 34 328 672 80 80 29 1516.2 103 8 1450 487 61 207
Phantom IL Zone 17011.4 54.5 5.20 4.61 7137 1903 393 39 268 784 69 82 33 1515.0 69 57 1517 507 59 192
The Bazzana Bananas 16537.9 44.4 5.17 4.73 6755 1760 368 25 309 610 103 99 39 1503.1 115 22 1516 487 50 192
Nefarious Disengagement 16372.5 73.5 5.83 5.02 6356 1756 388 26 297 799 68 91 34 1226.0 104 58 1337 403 56 156
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 16310.6 84.7 5.07 4.60 6951 1828 369 41 273 665 59 127 51 1497.2 41 97 1500 501 53 195
Joe Jackson Revival 14805.5 19.6 5.33 4.40 6418 1663 374 33 294 743 77 120 52 1212.0 46 55 1235 424 51 171
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 13964.6 42.5 5.52 4.41 6018 1606 311 37 256 744 59 176 47 1101.0 59 55 1138 398 33 165
Cape Cod All Stars 13470.0 32.9 5.44 4.58 5743 1580 304 29 260 696 50 68 31 1003.1 48 66 1046 368 36 139
The Bookie Metts 12918.5 143.8 5.51 4.51 5710 1624 296 22 223 549 61 138 31 987.1 26 6 899 345 35 100
Bees Gone 10346.8 30 5.37 4.12 5321 1448 299 16 252 553 42 66 26 580.2 3 24 580 220 18 82
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 - - - - - - - - - 0.0 - - - - - -

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Bazzana Bananas 44.4 331.0 1,901.0
McCarthyism 50.9 459.2 2,422.9
Lords of Lumber 4.2 197.1 1,269.8
The Bookie Metts 143.8 418.6 2,127.4
Phantom IL Zone 54.5 406.2 2,648.7
Nefarious Disengagement 73.5 647.7 2,830.3
Bees Gone 30.0 273.3 1,191.5
Joe Jackson Revival 19.6 535.2 2,500.3
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 42.5 416.9 2,181.6
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 84.7 528.9 2,450.3
Cape Cod All Stars 32.9 345.8 1,779.4
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 0.0 0.0 0.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Bazzana Bananas 152 161 142 154 157 151 763 143 1503.1
McCarthyism 162 143 152 149 162 162 773 153 1432.0
Lords of Lumber 162 162 154 162 161 162 810 162 1516.2
The Bookie Metts 122 162 153 66 150 94 635 155 987.1
Phantom IL Zone 162 162 156 161 162 160 801 162 1515.0
Nefarious Disengagement 135 108 145 147 138 148 774 158 1226.0
Bees Gone 67 130 145 110 79 155 637 157 580.2
Joe Jackson Revival 162 146 138 161 148 161 714 149 1212.0
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 162 155 110 123 133 148 669 151 1101.0
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 162 155 162 156 144 149 778 152 1497.2
Cape Cod All Stars 101 159 135 144 139 135 658 162 1003.1
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 0.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Bazzana Bananas Lineups 153 162 143 155 158 152 768 144 1512.2
McCarthyism Lineups 163 144 153 150 163 163 778 154 1440.2
Lords of Lumber Lineups 163 163 155 163 162 163 815 163 1526.0
The Bookie Metts Lineups 123 163 154 66 151 95 639 156 993.1
Phantom IL Zone Lineups 163 163 157 162 163 161 806 163 1524.1
Nefarious Disengagement Lineups 136 109 146 148 139 149 779 159 1233.1
Bees Gone Lineups 67 131 146 111 79 156 641 158 584.0
Joe Jackson Revival Lineups 163 147 139 162 149 162 718 150 1219.1
Ingrid Deserves Redemption Lineups 163 156 111 124 134 149 673 152 1107.2
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 Lineups 163 156 163 157 145 150 783 153 1506.2
Cape Cod All Stars Lineups 102 160 136 145 140 136 662 163 1009.1
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

  • The Bazzana Bananas
  • McCarthyism
  • Lords of Lumber
  • The Bookie Metts
  • Phantom IL Zone
  • Nefarious Disengagement
  • Bees Gone
  • Joe Jackson Revival
  • Ingrid Deserves Redemption
  • Brandon Pfaadt - $13
  • Cape Cod All Stars
  • Give ‘em the heater, Ricky.


  • The Bazzana Bananas
  • McCarthyism
  • Lords of Lumber
  • The Bookie Metts
  • Phantom IL Zone
  • Nefarious Disengagement
  • Bees Gone
  • Joe Jackson Revival
  • Ingrid Deserves Redemption
  • Brandon Pfaadt - $13
  • Cape Cod All Stars
  • Give ‘em the heater, Ricky.
