T-shirt sale


Cape Cod All Stars 17979.5 0 5.51 4.90 7129 1875 408 43 287 927 80 111 36 1500.2 73 110 1490 451 64 184
The Bazzana Bananas 17472.4 12.7 5.43 4.97 6871 1804 373 19 322 718 92 124 38 1502.0 81 50 1547 472 74 162
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 17179.8 0 5.10 4.93 6941 1859 359 31 302 646 77 81 38 1508.2 108 53 1548 487 64 177
Nefarious Disengagement 16300.4 -13.8 5.26 5.23 6518 1733 371 25 289 675 68 90 38 1316.0 83 62 1451 450 56 134
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 16268.0 10.2 4.78 4.88 6759 1713 345 38 258 740 62 62 29 1505.2 78 85 1516 524 66 167
Joe Jackson Revival 15993.9 1 4.90 4.58 6846 1769 339 34 261 691 87 117 48 1501.2 31 87 1432 522 64 172
McCarthyism 15762.7 7 4.80 4.98 6655 1741 342 44 231 623 83 118 43 1412.2 97 37 1588 429 71 180
Bees Gone 15021.8 20.1 5.38 4.52 6724 1771 379 32 290 733 73 114 37 1171.1 61 52 1128 420 55 147
Lords of Lumber 14795.1 16.6 4.33 4.42 6396 1577 329 28 245 683 66 81 35 1503.2 74 54 1438 472 56 212
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 14029.6 33.2 5.20 5.08 6398 1669 326 38 241 755 66 159 47 988.2 78 55 1115 329 33 129
Phantom IL Zone 13384.1 3 4.72 4.66 5976 1549 353 20 215 621 89 56 33 1155.0 65 50 1123 370 43 148
The Bookie Metts 12578.3 11 5.14 4.82 5520 1497 346 26 211 566 47 128 36 953.1 63 49 947 313 42 116

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Bazzana Bananas 12.7 379.6 2,354.8
McCarthyism 7.0 495.5 2,246.7
Lords of Lumber 16.6 243.3 1,226.5
The Bookie Metts 11.0 405.6 1,847.7
Phantom IL Zone 3.0 357.7 1,683.7
Nefarious Disengagement 13.8 548.4 2,317.7
Bees Gone 20.1 469.2 2,509.0
Joe Jackson Revival 1.0 201.5 1,790.8
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 33.2 428.3 1,830.3
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 10.2 231.4 1,105.0
Cape Cod All Stars 0.0 324.6 2,020.7
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 0.0 430.7 2,612.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Bazzana Bananas 158 157 155 160 146 156 761 150 1502.0
McCarthyism 153 151 151 148 145 162 755 152 1412.2
Lords of Lumber 162 147 161 161 160 162 768 162 1503.2
The Bookie Metts 162 157 137 157 151 119 632 38 953.1
Phantom IL Zone 123 162 148 146 145 162 686 122 1155.0
Nefarious Disengagement 162 158 148 155 148 135 744 141 1316.0
Bees Gone 162 123 140 158 141 141 789 154 1171.1
Joe Jackson Revival 162 154 162 162 159 157 743 162 1501.2
Ingrid Deserves Redemption 135 160 148 161 156 151 710 110 988.2
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 162 156 159 156 146 154 775 159 1505.2
Cape Cod All Stars 162 160 161 162 158 158 810 159 1500.2
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. 162 162 159 162 151 154 800 162 1508.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Bazzana Bananas Lineups 158 157 155 160 146 156 761 150 1502.1
McCarthyism Lineups 153 151 151 148 145 162 755 152 1413.0
Lords of Lumber Lineups 162 147 161 161 160 162 768 162 1504.0
The Bookie Metts Lineups 162 157 137 157 151 119 632 38 953.2
Phantom IL Zone Lineups 123 162 148 146 145 162 686 122 1155.1
Nefarious Disengagement Lineups 162 158 148 155 148 135 744 141 1316.1
Bees Gone Lineups 162 123 140 158 141 141 789 154 1171.2
Joe Jackson Revival Lineups 162 154 162 162 159 157 743 162 1502.0
Ingrid Deserves Redemption Lineups 135 160 148 161 156 151 710 110 989.0
Brandon Pfaadt - $13 Lineups 162 156 159 156 146 154 775 159 1506.0
Cape Cod All Stars Lineups 162 160 161 162 158 158 810 159 1501.0
Give ‘em the heater, Ricky. Lineups 162 162 159 162 151 154 800 162 1509.0

  • The Bazzana Bananas
  • McCarthyism
  • Lords of Lumber
  • The Bookie Metts
  • Phantom IL Zone
  • Nefarious Disengagement
  • Bees Gone
  • Joe Jackson Revival
  • Ingrid Deserves Redemption
  • Brandon Pfaadt - $13
  • Cape Cod All Stars
  • Give ‘em the heater, Ricky.


  • The Bazzana Bananas
  • McCarthyism
  • Lords of Lumber
  • The Bookie Metts
  • Phantom IL Zone
  • Nefarious Disengagement
  • Bees Gone
  • Joe Jackson Revival
  • Ingrid Deserves Redemption
  • Brandon Pfaadt - $13
  • Cape Cod All Stars
  • Give ‘em the heater, Ricky.
