T-shirt sale


Hyde Park Haberdashers 18399.7 -0.4 4.93 5.84 7447 1845 435 27 299 709 70 94 36 1520.2 111 42 1694 1136 450 81 158
SABRmagician✨ 17995.9 33.4 5.31 5.08 7444 1936 382 31 318 714 97 143 33 1519.1 117 51 1444 1377 394 69 182
PTBNL🐊 17374.9 83.5 4.89 5.36 7093 1770 386 22 285 751 103 74 22 1490.0 41 91 1538 1280 436 54 153
TopCatz🎩 17127.2 80.7 5.30 4.92 6765 1760 362 28 305 713 103 135 50 1502.2 42 78 1559 1380 443 86 178
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 17121.0 16.7 4.80 5.32 7028 1795 374 25 249 717 78 106 29 1509.2 69 55 1580 1224 517 57 160
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 16865.3 85.7 4.53 5.69 7141 1772 345 20 251 695 59 74 32 1458.0 89 62 1563 1209 413 61 142
The Musial Suspects 16793.5 33.8 4.84 5.11 6796 1777 355 39 243 632 116 135 40 1510.2 24 86 1520 1259 493 46 169
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 16174.4 13.1 4.96 4.40 7214 1910 410 22 245 680 96 107 30 1507.0 68 66 1473 1417 508 82 213
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 15860.2 40.6 4.41 5.27 6778 1692 307 29 200 617 102 137 35 1501.0 26 85 1486 1267 422 50 157
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 15670.6 103.6 4.79 4.98 6926 1735 345 27 272 707 87 80 32 1351.1 29 73 1356 1173 462 60 147
Bairley sOber 🍸 15468.9 126.1 4.44 4.73 7065 1715 380 19 212 802 95 88 27 1466.2 74 58 1467 1344 497 86 179
WAR Horse 🏆 13781.1 41.6 4.54 5.17 6400 1599 330 28 238 562 69 115 42 1138.0 55 48 1214 1005 372 61 124

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 103.6 524.5 2,829.5
The Musial Suspects 33.8 317.9 1,919.6
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 40.6 626.6 3,168.3
WAR Horse 🏆 41.6 543.5 2,300.3
PTBNL🐊 83.5 682.6 2,619.7
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 13.1 285.7 1,803.6
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 85.7 858.3 2,988.5
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 16.7 278.7 2,212.8
Bairley sOber 🍸 126.1 618.2 2,462.3
SABRmagician✨ 33.4 486.7 2,733.6
TopCatz🎩 80.7 679.1 2,721.0
Hyde Park Haberdashers 0.4 208.4 2,327.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 162 156 157 158 157 160 765 153 1351.1
The Musial Suspects 162 162 162 148 162 143 775 162 1510.2
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 143 139 144 161 151 148 779 139 1501.0
WAR Horse 🏆 152 155 155 106 135 150 729 159 1138.0
PTBNL🐊 162 161 160 160 158 155 802 162 1490.0
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 162 162 163 162 162 156 794 162 1507.0
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 138 158 159 161 162 159 794 162 1458.0
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 162 162 147 155 148 159 801 162 1509.2
Bairley sOber 🍸 161 163 163 145 162 162 803 159 1466.2
SABRmagician✨ 160 163 158 162 161 162 810 162 1519.1
TopCatz🎩 162 161 142 162 153 160 742 155 1502.2
Hyde Park Haberdashers 156 162 159 161 162 162 810 162 1520.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ Lineups 163 157 158 159 158 161 770 154 1360.0
The Musial Suspects Lineups 163 163 163 149 163 144 780 163 1520.2
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ Lineups 144 140 145 162 152 149 784 140 1510.2
WAR Horse 🏆 Lineups 153 156 156 107 136 151 734 160 1145.1
PTBNL🐊 Lineups 163 162 161 161 159 156 807 163 1499.2
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 Lineups 163 163 164 163 163 157 799 163 1516.2
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 Lineups 139 159 160 162 163 160 799 163 1467.1
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 Lineups 163 163 148 156 149 160 806 163 1519.2
Bairley sOber 🍸 Lineups 162 164 164 146 163 163 808 160 1476.1
SABRmagician✨ Lineups 161 164 159 163 162 163 815 163 1529.1
TopCatz🎩 Lineups 163 162 143 163 154 161 747 156 1512.1
Hyde Park Haberdashers Lineups 157 163 160 162 163 163 815 163 1530.2

  • Raleigh Capitals 🏛️
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️
  • WAR Horse 🏆
  • PTBNL🐊
  • Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫
  • Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲
  • Like a Robles Stone 🗿
  • Bairley sOber 🍸
  • SABRmagician✨
  • TopCatz🎩
  • Hyde Park Haberdashers


  • Raleigh Capitals 🏛️
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️
  • WAR Horse 🏆
  • PTBNL🐊
  • Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫
  • Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲
  • Like a Robles Stone 🗿
  • Bairley sOber 🍸
  • SABRmagician✨
  • TopCatz🎩
  • Hyde Park Haberdashers
