T-shirt sale


Hyde Park Haberdashers 20526.1 139.2 6.47 5.49 7169 2015 423 39 400 867 72 115 39 1507.2 97 67 1757 1301 450 63 181
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 18951.1 26.1 5.61 5.46 7357 1999 401 46 313 698 95 153 47 1503.1 48 103 1783 1232 507 49 184
Bairley sOber 🍸 18908.6 51.8 6.11 4.69 7283 1952 403 33 426 808 115 92 34 1502.2 130 27 1725 1361 488 46 255
SABRmagician✨ 18827.8 0.6 6.01 4.91 7287 1967 378 39 388 805 88 96 40 1503.2 88 68 1555 1343 456 57 206
PTBNL🐊 18121.7 24.1 5.42 5.05 7157 1866 386 31 345 793 74 75 31 1511.0 68 58 1769 1254 512 56 219
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 17500.7 18.8 5.70 4.57 7143 1933 389 37 350 657 90 76 25 1503.1 86 48 1413 1435 440 46 204
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 17429.4 41.8 6.07 4.31 7267 1985 402 52 386 769 101 103 39 1344.1 43 82 1472 1255 468 65 226
TopCatz🎩 17165.4 66.7 5.84 4.73 6641 1798 405 27 368 698 69 87 33 1390.2 67 65 1517 1310 451 58 196
WAR Horse 🏆 16209.7 144.7 5.15 4.73 7129 1820 330 32 309 768 81 108 36 1364.2 64 61 1427 1243 409 57 198
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 15652.7 10.2 5.15 4.92 6643 1729 372 26 308 670 60 63 26 1272.1 89 63 1403 1138 393 59 191
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 13673.5 35.4 4.80 4.08 6421 1623 346 24 266 636 94 119 43 1241.0 24 45 1209 1178 439 63 184
The Musial Suspects 13016.9 32.9 5.13 3.42 6485 1666 336 42 281 679 80 121 30 1140.0 12 69 1120 1176 432 44 214

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 10.2 493.0 2,048.9
The Musial Suspects 32.9 230.0 1,572.8
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 26.1 520.0 2,987.5
WAR Horse 🏆 144.7 577.6 2,907.7
PTBNL🐊 24.1 659.4 3,030.7
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 18.8 204.7 2,006.3
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 41.8 303.4 2,529.8
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 35.4 368.1 1,839.0
Bairley sOber 🍸 51.8 308.9 2,768.4
SABRmagician✨ 0.6 442.9 2,914.0
TopCatz🎩 66.7 514.9 2,070.4
Hyde Park Haberdashers 139.2 603.4 2,722.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 162 158 151 152 156 149 746 152 1272.1
The Musial Suspects 162 143 156 151 147 136 734 149 1140.0
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 162 162 162 160 162 162 795 151 1503.1
WAR Horse 🏆 162 162 146 150 156 162 795 162 1364.2
PTBNL🐊 154 162 162 162 162 161 810 161 1511.0
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 116 162 162 162 162 162 777 162 1503.1
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 157 162 159 160 153 161 810 155 1344.1
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 151 148 140 157 154 154 741 148 1241.0
Bairley sOber 🍸 162 162 159 162 162 162 810 162 1502.2
SABRmagician✨ 145 162 161 157 160 161 796 162 1503.2
TopCatz🎩 158 141 148 162 154 162 733 155 1390.2
Hyde Park Haberdashers 121 161 154 162 162 162 810 161 1507.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ Lineups 163 159 152 153 157 150 751 153 1280.2
The Musial Suspects Lineups 163 144 157 152 148 137 739 150 1147.1
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ Lineups 163 163 163 161 163 163 800 152 1513.0
WAR Horse 🏆 Lineups 163 163 147 151 157 163 800 163 1373.2
PTBNL🐊 Lineups 155 163 163 163 163 162 815 162 1521.0
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 Lineups 117 163 163 163 163 163 782 163 1513.0
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 Lineups 158 163 160 161 154 162 815 156 1353.0
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 Lineups 152 149 141 158 155 155 746 149 1249.0
Bairley sOber 🍸 Lineups 163 163 160 163 163 163 815 163 1512.1
SABRmagician✨ Lineups 146 163 162 158 161 162 801 163 1513.1
TopCatz🎩 Lineups 159 142 149 163 155 163 738 156 1399.2
Hyde Park Haberdashers Lineups 122 162 155 163 163 163 815 162 1517.1

  • Raleigh Capitals 🏛️
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️
  • WAR Horse 🏆
  • PTBNL🐊
  • Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫
  • Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲
  • Like a Robles Stone 🗿
  • Bairley sOber 🍸
  • SABRmagician✨
  • TopCatz🎩
  • Hyde Park Haberdashers


  • Raleigh Capitals 🏛️
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️
  • WAR Horse 🏆
  • PTBNL🐊
  • Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫
  • Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲
  • Like a Robles Stone 🗿
  • Bairley sOber 🍸
  • SABRmagician✨
  • TopCatz🎩
  • Hyde Park Haberdashers
