T-shirt sale


WAR Horse 🏆 19314.1 124.1 5.56 5.63 7314 2002 410 29 298 794 90 108 35 1509.1 88 61 1723 1145 482 82 173
SABRmagician✨ 19121.7 50.2 5.78 5.17 7431 1970 374 28 388 780 103 87 24 1525.0 65 76 1533 1271 483 68 174
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 18177.1 43.2 5.32 5.40 7213 1903 380 23 326 760 81 61 24 1455.2 80 74 1640 1248 420 55 180
Bairley sOber 🍸 17540.3 -15.4 5.25 4.89 7146 1750 350 20 355 880 101 109 24 1500.0 73 76 1590 1305 507 71 202
TopCatz🎩 17297.8 60.1 5.73 4.90 6612 1794 373 35 303 672 124 135 38 1469.0 114 30 1552 1306 488 62 197
PTBNL🐊 17293.4 141.4 5.02 5.18 6820 1728 345 27 298 775 82 86 23 1507.2 95 54 1721 1317 499 53 195
Hyde Park Haberdashers 16066.9 107.5 5.28 4.22 6848 1745 364 34 302 806 87 78 24 1490.0 32 35 1455 1302 499 48 237
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 16027.7 49.2 4.85 4.69 6932 1784 325 27 267 708 85 109 51 1476.1 35 43 1555 1315 459 81 197
The Musial Suspects 15995.6 40.3 4.91 4.90 6259 1620 353 21 242 698 80 117 26 1486.0 47 91 1548 1315 511 61 185
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 15629.4 52.5 5.02 4.47 7211 1847 373 37 259 663 104 203 37 1385.0 50 76 1421 1262 503 57 203
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 15136.0 37.7 4.58 4.69 6893 1675 359 27 266 720 102 69 30 1374.0 107 43 1361 1276 504 58 175
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 14494.6 88 4.73 5.25 5909 1514 287 27 277 572 83 60 22 1202.2 20 76 1404 987 432 74 139

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 88.0 455.7 2,202.8
The Musial Suspects 40.3 386.8 2,488.8
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 52.5 509.7 2,508.6
WAR Horse 🏆 124.1 543.9 3,200.5
PTBNL🐊 141.4 762.1 3,151.7
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 37.7 525.2 2,330.2
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 43.2 572.5 2,719.8
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 49.2 676.0 2,981.7
Bairley sOber 🍸 15.4 288.1 2,404.6
SABRmagician✨ 50.2 537.3 2,868.5
TopCatz🎩 60.1 474.0 2,406.2
Hyde Park Haberdashers 107.5 656.6 3,003.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ 149 152 147 147 133 146 722 133 1202.2
The Musial Suspects 162 142 144 153 148 143 750 133 1486.0
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ 142 156 162 160 160 157 788 155 1385.0
WAR Horse 🏆 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 163 1509.1
PTBNL🐊 162 152 161 159 153 158 796 149 1507.2
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 162 159 158 159 158 159 784 158 1374.0
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 162 161 162 162 162 159 808 161 1455.2
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 149 154 157 161 153 161 783 158 1476.1
Bairley sOber 🍸 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1500.0
SABRmagician✨ 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1525.0
TopCatz🎩 162 145 149 154 150 150 708 145 1469.0
Hyde Park Haberdashers 119 162 145 162 162 138 802 162 1490.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Raleigh Capitals 🏛️ Lineups 150 153 148 148 134 147 726 134 1210.0
The Musial Suspects Lineups 163 143 145 154 149 144 755 134 1495.0
Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️ Lineups 143 157 163 161 161 158 793 156 1393.1
WAR Horse 🏆 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 164 1518.2
PTBNL🐊 Lineups 163 153 162 160 154 159 801 150 1517.0
Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫 Lineups 163 160 159 160 159 160 789 159 1382.1
Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲 Lineups 163 162 163 163 163 160 813 162 1464.2
Like a Robles Stone 🗿 Lineups 150 155 158 162 154 162 788 159 1485.1
Bairley sOber 🍸 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1509.0
SABRmagician✨ Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1534.1
TopCatz🎩 Lineups 163 146 150 155 151 151 712 146 1478.0
Hyde Park Haberdashers Lineups 120 163 146 163 163 139 807 163 1499.0

  • Raleigh Capitals 🏛️
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️
  • WAR Horse 🏆
  • PTBNL🐊
  • Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫
  • Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲
  • Like a Robles Stone 🗿
  • Bairley sOber 🍸
  • SABRmagician✨
  • TopCatz🎩
  • Hyde Park Haberdashers


  • Raleigh Capitals 🏛️
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Ripkens Overpay Damage 🤦‍♂️
  • WAR Horse 🏆
  • PTBNL🐊
  • Plenipotentiary to the Stars 💫
  • Golden Harbor Dragons 🐲
  • Like a Robles Stone 🗿
  • Bairley sOber 🍸
  • SABRmagician✨
  • TopCatz🎩
  • Hyde Park Haberdashers
