T-shirt sale


adam 19355.2 81 5.96 5.23 7376 2030 439 31 361 736 96 113 36 1512.0 86 74 1629 1293 520 71 173
SDH89 18402.6 0.6 5.59 5.17 7102 1878 383 24 334 782 90 170 46 1505.2 47 63 1577 1248 435 68 182
Grandal's Mother 18236.2 143 5.37 5.81 6878 1777 378 31 298 731 85 117 28 1463.1 111 39 1679 1153 399 67 163
CubbyNick42 16358.9 76.4 5.35 4.70 6861 1827 376 33 307 748 80 82 20 1327.2 25 70 1410 1215 475 57 167
Big Gulps 16140.5 44.3 5.25 4.99 6782 1724 364 23 299 752 83 102 31 1335.0 40 63 1502 1101 470 55 182
Boys of Summer 16128.2 73 4.90 5.37 6417 1580 300 18 272 703 111 88 26 1420.0 140 42 1453 1201 435 44 170
Montreal Expos 16098.5 40.5 5.03 5.02 6801 1777 337 35 236 679 120 145 37 1392.2 72 42 1516 1133 432 64 199
Jake Taylor 15691.3 33.4 4.89 4.22 6908 1756 337 23 290 731 79 92 17 1510.2 70 47 1420 1455 515 66 216
Bumping Utley's 15612.1 9 4.77 4.81 6157 1584 295 32 238 716 60 86 28 1500.1 30 47 1636 1337 504 63 189
Boston Stranglers 12223.9 48.4 4.74 4.40 5784 1490 297 24 239 584 115 60 25 972.0 58 7 1066 897 313 50 158
Ottawa Lynx 11517.6 107.8 5.10 4.43 4224 1093 233 17 181 436 63 75 27 1260.0 61 26 1357 1163 450 47 191
Johnny Davis 11305.2 60.6 5.18 4.56 5422 1380 248 24 266 550 71 75 22 811.1 21 30 853 720 255 41 120

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Bumping Utley's 9.0 318.7 2,108.6
Montreal Expos 40.5 527.2 2,348.8
Big Gulps 44.3 361.1 2,266.8
Ottawa Lynx 107.8 393.9 2,162.3
CubbyNick42 76.4 432.5 2,230.7
SDH89 0.6 312.6 2,572.3
Boys of Summer 73.0 431.4 2,334.8
Boston Stranglers 48.4 340.9 1,687.1
adam 81.0 475.7 3,421.1
Grandal's Mother 143.0 600.4 2,698.0
Jake Taylor 33.4 388.1 2,010.2
Johnny Davis 60.6 398.2 1,866.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bumping Utley's 162 144 152 136 140 140 746 141 1500.1
Montreal Expos 160 161 146 142 142 161 757 142 1392.2
Big Gulps 157 135 160 154 148 144 753 156 1335.0
Ottawa Lynx 57 156 98 71 75 134 502 70 1260.0
CubbyNick42 162 153 158 154 159 161 784 160 1327.2
SDH89 162 162 161 159 162 157 782 155 1505.2
Boys of Summer 156 157 142 155 142 156 693 132 1420.0
Boston Stranglers 162 145 144 152 144 132 654 144 972.0
adam 163 160 156 158 158 160 803 162 1512.0
Grandal's Mother 161 149 148 151 140 151 753 161 1463.1
Jake Taylor 162 162 158 157 162 162 780 162 1510.2
Johnny Davis 113 143 136 150 49 133 628 117 811.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bumping Utley's Lineups 163 145 153 137 141 141 751 142 1509.1
Montreal Expos Lineups 161 162 147 143 143 162 762 143 1401.0
Big Gulps Lineups 158 136 161 155 149 145 758 157 1343.0
Ottawa Lynx Lineups 57 157 99 71 75 135 505 70 1267.2
CubbyNick42 Lineups 163 154 159 155 160 162 789 161 1335.2
SDH89 Lineups 163 163 162 160 163 158 787 156 1515.0
Boys of Summer Lineups 157 158 143 156 143 157 697 133 1428.2
Boston Stranglers Lineups 163 146 145 153 145 133 658 145 978.0
adam Lineups 164 161 157 159 159 161 808 163 1521.1
Grandal's Mother Lineups 162 150 149 152 141 152 758 162 1472.1
Jake Taylor Lineups 163 163 159 158 163 163 785 163 1520.0
Johnny Davis Lineups 114 144 137 151 49 134 632 118 816.1

  • Bumping Utley's
  • Montreal Expos
  • Big Gulps
  • Ottawa Lynx
  • CubbyNick42
  • SDH89
  • Boys of Summer
  • Boston Stranglers
  • adam
  • Grandal's Mother
  • Jake Taylor
  • Johnny Davis


  • Bumping Utley's
  • Montreal Expos
  • Big Gulps
  • Ottawa Lynx
  • CubbyNick42
  • SDH89
  • Boys of Summer
  • Boston Stranglers
  • adam
  • Grandal's Mother
  • Jake Taylor
  • Johnny Davis
