T-shirt sale


Grandal's Mother 17944.2 39.3 4.80 6.13 6924 1830 365 35 184 701 63 163 65 1503.1 151 35 1582 1279 402 37 108
adam 17547.0 19.9 5.33 5.09 7092 2000 418 51 228 624 56 152 50 1494.2 51 80 1366 1417 386 50 144
Johnny Davis 16981.2 22.3 4.90 5.06 7151 1930 395 36 202 660 87 207 57 1501.2 67 90 1288 1416 414 50 139
Boston Stranglers 16839.6 95.6 4.81 5.45 6767 1837 362 23 213 551 65 81 27 1505.1 67 35 1433 1318 409 51 119
Montreal Expos 16696.2 28.5 4.73 5.16 7142 1841 356 42 223 687 77 140 52 1502.0 91 61 1474 1381 481 45 150
Jake Taylor 16287.9 143.4 4.93 5.53 6659 1802 342 37 199 645 68 155 38 1347.0 68 59 1203 1155 386 55 95
Bumping Utley's 15767.7 95.6 4.77 5.41 6492 1657 345 30 226 709 60 56 25 1356.2 68 58 1378 1191 461 44 115
Big Gulps 15645.4 37.9 4.40 5.02 6515 1653 331 31 220 628 64 88 41 1509.1 50 56 1366 1426 398 48 143
CubbyNick42 15540.2 85.2 4.71 5.11 6080 1603 322 30 223 574 64 85 32 1458.0 86 51 1260 1364 353 49 141
Boys of Summer 14788.5 -1.7 4.55 4.52 6672 1732 356 27 227 548 63 73 46 1459.0 35 37 1152 1434 445 42 133
SDH89 13712.1 33 4.66 5.09 6330 1645 346 34 200 625 81 115 38 1086.0 126 43 1077 1011 451 45 110
Ottawa Lynx 13388.0 145.6 4.04 5.02 6210 1565 276 40 142 573 75 112 46 1281.2 55 67 1130 1210 387 41 115

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Bumping Utley's 95.6 493.2 2,248.5
Montreal Expos 28.5 411.7 2,284.3
Big Gulps 37.9 227.0 2,434.6
Ottawa Lynx 145.6 500.6 2,017.4
CubbyNick42 85.2 418.4 2,331.0
SDH89 33.0 541.0 2,009.7
Boys of Summer 1.7 274.4 2,141.0
Boston Stranglers 95.6 579.1 2,551.6
adam 19.9 613.6 2,561.5
Grandal's Mother 39.3 433.9 2,548.3
Jake Taylor 143.4 506.1 2,434.4
Johnny Davis 22.3 257.4 2,214.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bumping Utley's 163 160 159 126 132 155 728 143 1356.2
Montreal Expos 159 160 161 160 160 162 770 159 1502.0
Big Gulps 163 151 153 154 155 152 754 153 1509.1
Ottawa Lynx 156 142 135 149 130 127 742 140 1283.2
CubbyNick42 144 150 142 129 134 126 736 155 1458.0
SDH89 140 163 154 158 106 162 731 143 1086.0
Boys of Summer 159 154 145 158 158 157 707 162 1459.0
Boston Stranglers 160 160 156 149 162 153 720 135 1505.1
adam 163 155 154 156 157 144 774 163 1494.2
Grandal's Mother 154 150 155 148 153 162 743 155 1503.1
Jake Taylor 163 157 158 140 149 121 767 137 1347.0
Johnny Davis 163 162 162 153 162 164 785 162 1501.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bumping Utley's Lineups 164 161 160 127 133 156 733 144 1365.0
Montreal Expos Lineups 160 161 162 161 161 163 775 160 1511.0
Big Gulps Lineups 164 152 154 155 156 153 759 154 1518.2
Ottawa Lynx Lineups 157 143 136 150 131 128 747 141 1291.1
CubbyNick42 Lineups 145 151 143 130 135 127 741 156 1467.0
SDH89 Lineups 141 164 155 159 107 163 736 144 1092.2
Boys of Summer Lineups 160 155 146 159 159 158 711 163 1468.0
Boston Stranglers Lineups 161 161 157 150 163 154 724 136 1514.2
adam Lineups 164 156 155 157 158 145 779 164 1503.2
Grandal's Mother Lineups 155 151 156 149 154 163 748 156 1512.2
Jake Taylor Lineups 164 158 159 141 150 122 772 138 1355.1
Johnny Davis Lineups 164 163 163 154 163 165 790 163 1510.2

  • Bumping Utley's
  • Montreal Expos
  • Big Gulps
  • Ottawa Lynx
  • CubbyNick42
  • SDH89
  • Boys of Summer
  • Boston Stranglers
  • adam
  • Grandal's Mother
  • Jake Taylor
  • Johnny Davis


  • Bumping Utley's
  • Montreal Expos
  • Big Gulps
  • Ottawa Lynx
  • CubbyNick42
  • SDH89
  • Boys of Summer
  • Boston Stranglers
  • adam
  • Grandal's Mother
  • Jake Taylor
  • Johnny Davis
