T-shirt sale


Grandal's Mother 18333.2 94.9 5.42 5.47 6791 1831 405 29 295 745 75 122 38 1493.1 139 26 1609 1322 382 45 177
Montreal Expos 18082.1 51.6 5.50 5.09 7089 1934 398 39 281 771 63 181 58 1500.1 86 59 1684 1312 516 67 190
Boston Stranglers 17382.2 91.4 5.95 4.21 6866 1913 369 36 328 867 95 114 51 1478.0 59 68 1423 1499 537 59 199
Johnny Davis 17205.6 92.3 5.60 4.46 7048 1961 401 35 306 680 105 121 40 1469.2 84 47 1399 1454 488 63 186
Jake Taylor 17161.8 27.6 5.40 4.76 6864 1851 383 37 298 723 82 100 36 1478.2 96 50 1480 1404 457 43 195
Boys of Summer 16867.4 42.2 5.62 4.87 6804 1834 372 37 304 802 77 118 46 1338.2 51 45 1427 1200 424 39 176
adam 16565.7 12.1 4.98 5.01 6812 1825 334 41 239 583 75 202 59 1501.0 65 45 1559 1316 538 62 162
SDH89 16514.4 73.6 5.56 4.38 6903 1841 394 26 309 766 62 117 32 1436.2 29 93 1275 1343 445 55 196
CubbyNick42 15885.4 11.9 5.69 4.93 6124 1665 320 20 324 670 72 70 26 1281.1 123 52 1357 1159 442 39 183
Big Gulps 14344.5 25.8 4.97 4.26 6312 1633 318 28 287 556 62 98 44 1365.2 57 74 1329 1337 507 57 192
Ottawa Lynx 14121.9 51.6 4.96 4.58 6377 1611 333 19 292 689 73 60 22 1162.0 36 75 1105 1099 401 58 141
Bumping Utley's 13278.1 69.5 4.60 4.12 6592 1691 349 25 229 641 55 71 37 1206.2 38 68 1196 1162 446 50 187

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Bumping Utley's 69.5 500.5 2,223.6
Montreal Expos 51.6 620.6 3,245.0
Big Gulps 25.8 322.3 1,865.2
Ottawa Lynx 51.6 440.7 1,941.8
CubbyNick42 11.9 374.6 2,112.6
SDH89 73.6 435.4 2,430.5
Boys of Summer 42.2 709.8 3,146.3
Boston Stranglers 91.4 753.4 2,781.9
adam 12.1 165.1 2,088.2
Grandal's Mother 94.9 815.0 3,398.5
Jake Taylor 27.6 517.5 2,933.4
Johnny Davis 92.3 548.3 2,688.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bumping Utley's 147 149 152 147 158 148 746 158 1206.2
Montreal Expos 162 159 153 156 160 152 796 162 1500.1
Big Gulps 162 102 162 152 151 120 710 157 1365.2
Ottawa Lynx 154 158 162 158 129 145 715 154 1162.0
CubbyNick42 162 132 101 144 113 154 750 127 1281.1
SDH89 162 159 150 148 142 156 763 159 1436.2
Boys of Summer 154 161 146 148 154 154 764 159 1338.2
Boston Stranglers 162 162 160 151 152 151 780 160 1478.0
adam 154 155 151 159 154 149 741 155 1501.0
Grandal's Mother 158 150 145 162 152 155 794 159 1493.1
Jake Taylor 162 162 146 151 148 156 797 152 1478.2
Johnny Davis 162 162 153 152 154 162 796 161 1469.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bumping Utley's Lineups 148 150 153 148 159 149 751 159 1214.0
Montreal Expos Lineups 163 160 154 157 161 153 801 163 1509.1
Big Gulps Lineups 163 103 163 153 152 121 714 158 1374.0
Ottawa Lynx Lineups 155 159 163 159 130 146 719 155 1169.0
CubbyNick42 Lineups 163 133 102 145 114 155 755 128 1289.0
SDH89 Lineups 163 160 151 149 143 157 768 160 1445.1
Boys of Summer Lineups 155 162 147 149 155 155 769 160 1346.2
Boston Stranglers Lineups 163 163 161 152 153 152 785 161 1487.0
adam Lineups 155 156 152 160 155 150 746 156 1510.0
Grandal's Mother Lineups 159 151 146 163 153 156 799 160 1502.1
Jake Taylor Lineups 163 163 147 152 149 157 802 153 1487.2
Johnny Davis Lineups 163 163 154 153 155 163 801 162 1478.2

  • Bumping Utley's
  • Montreal Expos
  • Big Gulps
  • Ottawa Lynx
  • CubbyNick42
  • SDH89
  • Boys of Summer
  • Boston Stranglers
  • adam
  • Grandal's Mother
  • Jake Taylor
  • Johnny Davis


  • Bumping Utley's
  • Montreal Expos
  • Big Gulps
  • Ottawa Lynx
  • CubbyNick42
  • SDH89
  • Boys of Summer
  • Boston Stranglers
  • adam
  • Grandal's Mother
  • Jake Taylor
  • Johnny Davis
