T-shirt sale


Montreal Expos 18410.2 70.1 5.29 5.59 7260 1972 391 51 241 744 92 145 50 1484.0 73 67 1507 1248 454 39 131
CubbyNick42 17457.2 136.3 5.30 5.60 6658 1795 349 27 313 646 68 58 28 1389.1 121 46 1389 1179 400 47 135
Boston Stranglers 17040.4 54.9 5.12 5.02 7015 1959 386 42 210 629 69 129 42 1501.0 69 58 1358 1365 450 46 149
Johnny Davis 16700.4 21.8 4.69 5.15 7188 1836 348 36 260 617 97 118 58 1502.2 32 89 1564 1392 423 42 163
Jake Taylor 16299.1 54.5 5.02 4.60 7266 1937 410 38 243 716 61 130 52 1434.2 31 97 1298 1326 412 71 184
adam 16162.5 117.4 5.25 4.89 6692 1861 352 48 230 630 60 155 69 1392.1 86 26 1181 1330 373 44 137
Grandal's Mother 15826.1 97.4 4.76 5.75 6579 1733 375 28 224 624 50 109 46 1259.2 97 9 1419 1069 321 47 126
Ottawa Lynx 15747.0 24.3 4.69 4.92 6857 1845 354 37 213 539 108 106 44 1424.0 144 30 1203 1319 377 52 167
Big Gulps 15390.0 41.1 4.77 5.21 6440 1691 330 42 235 584 58 119 34 1323.0 102 48 1197 1259 415 43 109
Bumping Utley's 14423.0 32.6 4.25 4.77 6350 1662 298 31 178 545 54 105 35 1437.0 86 52 1251 1396 426 56 150
Boys of Summer 14279.2 76.1 4.53 4.54 6330 1657 320 29 198 571 44 81 41 1430.2 63 60 1172 1443 346 42 169
SDH89 14044.3 22.5 4.83 5.19 5805 1501 270 20 210 656 47 182 50 1205.0 159 8 1079 1123 327 44 131

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Bumping Utley's 32.6 399.0 1,909.3
Montreal Expos 70.1 666.5 2,795.2
Big Gulps 41.1 294.1 1,894.5
Ottawa Lynx 24.3 399.5 2,262.2
CubbyNick42 136.3 699.1 3,248.8
SDH89 22.5 404.3 2,060.4
Boys of Summer 76.1 343.5 2,014.0
Boston Stranglers 54.9 313.2 2,345.7
adam 117.4 608.9 2,610.8
Grandal's Mother 97.4 740.4 2,355.6
Jake Taylor 54.5 618.4 2,584.4
Johnny Davis 21.8 285.4 2,532.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bumping Utley's 163 154 152 143 151 156 707 156 1437.0
Montreal Expos 163 162 161 153 158 159 798 160 1484.0
Big Gulps 163 159 161 156 149 163 710 119 1323.0
Ottawa Lynx 147 162 158 161 154 160 759 161 1424.0
CubbyNick42 163 159 150 146 148 161 743 154 1389.1
SDH89 163 146 86 140 150 131 644 151 1205.0
Boys of Summer 158 149 147 154 133 161 670 149 1430.2
Boston Stranglers 159 153 159 143 152 162 770 158 1501.0
adam 163 158 150 152 156 157 712 134 1392.1
Grandal's Mother 163 157 150 154 146 157 728 147 1259.2
Jake Taylor 162 163 162 158 160 155 811 162 1434.2
Johnny Davis 162 162 163 160 163 151 792 157 1502.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bumping Utley's Lineups 164 155 153 144 152 157 712 157 1447.0
Montreal Expos Lineups 164 163 162 154 159 160 804 161 1494.1
Big Gulps Lineups 164 160 162 157 150 164 715 120 1332.0
Ottawa Lynx Lineups 148 163 159 162 155 161 764 162 1434.0
CubbyNick42 Lineups 164 160 151 147 149 162 748 155 1399.0
SDH89 Lineups 164 147 87 141 151 132 649 152 1213.1
Boys of Summer Lineups 159 150 148 155 134 162 675 150 1440.2
Boston Stranglers Lineups 160 154 160 144 153 163 775 159 1511.1
adam Lineups 164 159 151 153 157 158 717 135 1402.0
Grandal's Mother Lineups 164 158 151 155 147 158 733 148 1268.1
Jake Taylor Lineups 163 164 163 159 161 156 817 163 1444.2
Johnny Davis Lineups 163 163 164 161 164 152 798 158 1513.0

  • Bumping Utley's
  • Montreal Expos
  • Big Gulps
  • Ottawa Lynx
  • CubbyNick42
  • SDH89
  • Boys of Summer
  • Boston Stranglers
  • adam
  • Grandal's Mother
  • Jake Taylor
  • Johnny Davis


  • Bumping Utley's
  • Montreal Expos
  • Big Gulps
  • Ottawa Lynx
  • CubbyNick42
  • SDH89
  • Boys of Summer
  • Boston Stranglers
  • adam
  • Grandal's Mother
  • Jake Taylor
  • Johnny Davis
