T-shirt sale


Otto Four 19119.8 247.9 5.60 5.54 7250 1869 387 34 347 842 98 136 38 1506.2 136 45 1640 1217 491 61 172
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 18229.7 0 5.51 5.01 7247 1865 369 29 320 965 68 121 25 1502.1 110 43 1507 1324 509 67 175
Honey Nut Ichiros 17990.3 28.9 5.35 5.29 7110 1852 382 17 295 812 85 138 30 1489.1 96 38 1612 1295 436 64 173
Wandering A's 17760.5 0 5.58 4.68 7549 2015 402 41 324 654 109 287 61 1476.2 73 67 1461 1395 473 69 188
The Back Fields 17228.2 91.6 5.54 4.84 7043 1885 392 39 314 695 80 151 32 1421.1 36 54 1586 1277 427 68 195
The Daring Erstads 16910.5 122.9 5.24 4.81 7060 1792 376 23 288 768 125 146 39 1487.1 102 51 1576 1366 537 67 191
slevy314 16215.9 13.9 4.93 5.20 6718 1719 344 33 284 679 79 118 25 1351.2 100 54 1450 1113 488 69 165
Glue Factory Candidates 16093.3 29.8 4.82 4.59 7332 1942 395 31 214 625 83 197 52 1495.1 18 88 1537 1391 483 60 201
Funky Cold Molina 14880.9 26.6 5.49 4.12 6631 1725 320 34 301 768 90 138 36 1252.1 18 92 1162 1231 449 49 178
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 14551.6 42.5 4.57 4.94 6172 1536 302 26 222 573 92 146 33 1383.1 30 22 1478 1193 418 55 169
50 shades of Verlander 13646.2 32.2 4.52 4.89 6421 1653 310 26 222 567 75 112 32 1149.2 80 75 1208 1045 425 49 151
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 13465.7 49.1 4.76 4.80 6167 1587 330 33 214 538 74 213 44 1139.1 44 73 1187 1050 382 58 146

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
50 shades of Verlander 32.2 226.4 1,832.5
The Daring Erstads 122.9 657.0 2,658.8
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 42.5 460.1 1,742.1
slevy314 13.9 367.4 2,208.8
Wandering A's 0.0 359.6 2,313.0
Glue Factory Candidates 29.8 516.6 2,712.8
Otto Four 247.9 1,134.7 3,715.7
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 0.0 511.0 2,958.3
Funky Cold Molina 26.6 394.3 2,052.2
Honey Nut Ichiros 28.9 562.7 3,066.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 49.1 411.1 2,046.4
The Back Fields 91.6 333.0 2,567.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
50 shades of Verlander 160 148 141 144 158 138 733 152 1149.2
The Daring Erstads 162 162 129 160 149 162 779 158 1487.1
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 127 138 150 146 135 148 702 143 1383.1
slevy314 162 145 155 161 157 158 773 153 1351.2
Wandering A's 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1476.2
Glue Factory Candidates 148 157 161 161 160 160 807 161 1495.1
Otto Four 162 163 153 158 151 162 810 162 1506.2
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 162 161 162 162 162 162 810 162 1502.1
Funky Cold Molina 134 162 144 150 150 147 734 150 1252.1
Honey Nut Ichiros 162 158 162 162 162 162 760 161 1489.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 142 140 134 159 157 125 682 142 1139.1
The Back Fields 162 154 160 162 152 147 782 148 1421.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
50 shades of Verlander Lineups 161 149 142 145 159 139 738 153 1156.2
The Daring Erstads Lineups 163 163 130 161 150 163 784 159 1496.1
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit Lineups 128 139 151 147 136 149 706 144 1391.2
slevy314 Lineups 163 146 156 162 158 159 778 154 1360.0
Wandering A's Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1485.2
Glue Factory Candidates Lineups 149 158 162 162 161 161 812 162 1504.1
Otto Four Lineups 163 164 154 159 152 163 815 163 1516.0
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) Lineups 163 162 163 163 163 163 815 163 1511.1
Funky Cold Molina Lineups 135 163 145 151 151 148 739 151 1260.0
Honey Nut Ichiros Lineups 163 159 163 163 163 163 765 162 1498.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 143 141 135 160 158 126 686 143 1146.1
The Back Fields Lineups 163 155 161 163 153 148 787 149 1430.0

  • 50 shades of Verlander
  • The Daring Erstads
  • Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit
  • slevy314
  • Wandering A's
  • Glue Factory Candidates
  • Otto Four
  • nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!)
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • The Back Fields


  • 50 shades of Verlander
  • The Daring Erstads
  • Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit
  • slevy314
  • Wandering A's
  • Glue Factory Candidates
  • Otto Four
  • nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!)
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • The Back Fields
