T-shirt sale


The Back Fields 19536.0 31.5 5.52 5.88 7212 1971 399 51 271 822 73 117 39 1516.0 59 101 1570 1255 374 48 131
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 18041.6 102.3 5.57 5.16 7241 1992 399 44 316 672 101 109 55 1430.2 86 68 1379 1302 468 57 139
50 shades of Verlander 17944.1 73.4 4.97 5.87 7073 1826 384 33 304 550 81 129 56 1473.2 124 43 1571 1220 330 44 154
Otto Four 17858.6 201.7 4.93 5.55 7104 1918 381 46 246 622 48 86 35 1525.1 164 17 1655 1406 455 51 150
Wandering A's 16879.9 55.1 4.83 5.29 6582 1734 356 29 244 673 85 74 38 1502.2 100 60 1369 1385 399 46 139
slevy314 16516.3 82.2 4.96 4.98 6959 1894 355 42 186 690 87 135 38 1481.1 92 80 1313 1324 445 43 170
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 15837.5 63.3 4.69 4.83 6535 1660 335 24 270 672 61 55 42 1500.1 67 65 1402 1396 458 46 172
Funky Cold Molina 15520.9 31.8 5.08 5.48 6517 1762 358 35 213 660 72 150 61 1207.1 122 21 1187 1026 336 48 127
Honey Nut Ichiros 15216.1 62.2 4.59 4.84 6695 1770 325 34 225 595 64 126 53 1381.1 57 46 1191 1382 376 53 123
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 14975.3 49.9 4.95 4.14 6802 1834 379 29 234 576 82 113 38 1439.0 27 41 1232 1399 509 57 172
The Daring Erstads 14607.7 108.5 4.39 5.34 6542 1748 281 47 165 518 59 203 56 1268.0 71 79 1135 1172 318 43 116
Glue Factory Candidates 12905.8 102.5 5.08 4.90 5588 1530 296 25 202 485 47 89 42 1097.1 82 23 957 1001 331 41 117

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
50 shades of Verlander 73.4 515.4 2,459.7
The Daring Erstads 108.5 578.8 2,214.3
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 102.3 569.6 2,675.6
slevy314 82.2 626.7 2,599.8
Wandering A's 55.1 289.4 2,519.6
Glue Factory Candidates 102.5 365.8 1,573.5
Otto Four 201.7 849.0 3,298.1
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 63.3 326.4 2,205.2
Funky Cold Molina 31.8 521.4 2,610.6
Honey Nut Ichiros 62.2 473.2 2,371.2
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 49.9 557.3 2,577.2
The Back Fields 31.5 698.9 3,002.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
50 shades of Verlander 153 157 162 161 160 162 754 160 1473.2
The Daring Erstads 139 159 155 150 138 163 750 134 1268.0
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 163 161 162 158 154 162 799 155 1430.2
slevy314 153 162 115 149 151 161 801 152 1481.1
Wandering A's 163 157 153 158 160 163 746 148 1502.2
Glue Factory Candidates 163 98 151 156 155 163 485 111 1097.1
Otto Four 163 162 159 159 157 158 786 162 1525.1
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 163 148 150 146 158 161 744 163 1500.1
Funky Cold Molina 112 159 153 153 140 155 724 157 1207.1
Honey Nut Ichiros 161 157 154 158 156 154 766 154 1381.1
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 73 162 159 162 162 163 777 162 1439.0
The Back Fields 162 158 159 161 160 161 800 163 1516.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
50 shades of Verlander Lineups 154 158 163 162 161 163 759 161 1484.0
The Daring Erstads Lineups 140 160 156 151 139 164 755 135 1276.2
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit Lineups 164 162 163 159 155 163 805 156 1440.2
slevy314 Lineups 154 163 116 150 152 162 807 153 1491.2
Wandering A's Lineups 164 158 154 159 161 164 751 149 1513.0
Glue Factory Candidates Lineups 164 99 152 157 156 164 488 112 1105.0
Otto Four Lineups 164 163 160 160 158 159 792 163 1536.0
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) Lineups 164 149 151 147 159 162 749 164 1510.2
Funky Cold Molina Lineups 113 160 154 154 141 156 729 158 1215.2
Honey Nut Ichiros Lineups 162 158 155 159 157 155 771 155 1391.0
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 74 163 160 163 163 164 782 163 1449.0
The Back Fields Lineups 163 159 160 162 161 162 806 164 1526.2

  • 50 shades of Verlander
  • The Daring Erstads
  • Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit
  • slevy314
  • Wandering A's
  • Glue Factory Candidates
  • Otto Four
  • nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!)
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • The Back Fields


  • 50 shades of Verlander
  • The Daring Erstads
  • Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit
  • slevy314
  • Wandering A's
  • Glue Factory Candidates
  • Otto Four
  • nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!)
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • The Back Fields
