T-shirt sale


Otto Four 18270.2 29.4 4.82 5.93 7062 1864 354 36 250 670 80 72 40 1524.2 182 21 1575 1288 486 56 115
50 shades of Verlander 18235.9 11.6 5.17 5.52 7247 1954 429 35 234 731 97 156 68 1504.1 141 41 1471 1340 448 45 136
The Back Fields 18187.0 24.2 5.20 5.28 7371 2046 436 38 224 711 79 90 42 1532.1 48 88 1420 1417 406 64 129
Wandering A's 17816.8 134.5 5.24 5.20 6859 1936 390 27 219 762 102 112 30 1493.0 91 36 1445 1360 378 39 161
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 17288.5 171.9 4.97 5.26 7184 1967 390 35 236 610 70 123 37 1470.2 18 87 1398 1284 447 58 124
Funky Cold Molina 16451.9 85.6 4.51 5.51 6881 1712 353 38 214 677 76 118 39 1471.2 146 24 1419 1334 453 56 117
Honey Nut Ichiros 16236.1 44.6 4.73 5.18 6771 1832 372 44 160 653 41 154 52 1485.0 81 32 1385 1406 408 55 127
The Daring Erstads 16042.7 36.1 4.73 4.79 7053 1900 356 39 195 580 82 202 72 1503.0 39 70 1284 1404 468 63 140
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 15317.7 47.5 4.46 5.50 6652 1722 326 34 227 550 63 71 27 1302.0 44 80 1140 1136 378 35 90
Glue Factory Candidates 15005.8 15 4.49 5.29 6465 1684 345 37 173 569 49 134 39 1362.0 160 22 1236 1264 370 39 140
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 14661.2 78.8 4.25 5.27 6772 1718 331 39 169 592 53 153 54 1322.1 59 75 1169 1204 359 39 116
slevy314 13683.5 36.9 4.10 4.48 5883 1468 299 25 171 561 71 99 31 1503.0 14 61 1271 1491 485 48 144

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
50 shades of Verlander 11.6 632.7 2,933.1
The Daring Erstads 36.1 613.9 2,667.4
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 171.9 524.2 2,555.1
slevy314 36.9 254.4 2,064.4
Wandering A's 134.5 622.8 2,937.6
Glue Factory Candidates 15.0 407.5 1,878.3
Otto Four 29.4 603.2 3,024.5
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 47.5 493.9 1,917.1
Funky Cold Molina 85.6 574.3 3,044.6
Honey Nut Ichiros 44.6 521.0 2,673.7
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 78.8 467.3 2,117.7
The Back Fields 24.2 459.6 2,894.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
50 shades of Verlander 162 157 163 161 162 161 794 160 1504.1
The Daring Erstads 163 158 151 157 161 158 779 144 1503.0
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 159 162 159 163 163 160 802 153 1470.2
slevy314 163 133 115 160 143 134 697 150 1503.0
Wandering A's 162 162 160 160 162 162 786 162 1493.0
Glue Factory Candidates 164 148 148 135 159 127 711 146 1362.0
Otto Four 165 162 159 158 158 162 792 161 1524.2
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 163 159 149 153 156 154 735 162 1302.0
Funky Cold Molina 152 147 160 150 154 160 773 152 1472.2
Honey Nut Ichiros 163 153 149 158 156 145 726 158 1485.0
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 163 152 159 146 135 158 744 155 1322.1
The Back Fields 163 162 163 158 163 160 810 161 1532.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
50 shades of Verlander Lineups 163 158 164 162 163 162 799 161 1513.2
The Daring Erstads Lineups 164 159 152 158 162 159 784 145 1512.1
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit Lineups 160 163 160 164 164 161 807 154 1479.2
slevy314 Lineups 164 134 116 161 144 135 701 151 1512.1
Wandering A's Lineups 163 163 161 161 163 163 791 163 1502.0
Glue Factory Candidates Lineups 165 149 149 136 160 128 715 147 1370.1
Otto Four Lineups 166 163 160 159 159 163 797 162 1534.0
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) Lineups 164 160 150 154 157 155 740 163 1310.0
Funky Cold Molina Lineups 153 148 161 151 155 161 778 153 1481.2
Honey Nut Ichiros Lineups 164 154 150 159 157 146 731 159 1494.0
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 164 153 160 147 136 159 749 156 1330.1
The Back Fields Lineups 164 163 164 159 164 161 815 162 1541.2

  • 50 shades of Verlander
  • The Daring Erstads
  • Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit
  • slevy314
  • Wandering A's
  • Glue Factory Candidates
  • Otto Four
  • nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!)
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • The Back Fields


  • 50 shades of Verlander
  • The Daring Erstads
  • Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit
  • slevy314
  • Wandering A's
  • Glue Factory Candidates
  • Otto Four
  • nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!)
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • The Back Fields
